The word of Granny or the word of somebody else on the internet who I have also never met?
I guess I have to go with Granny since you speak so highly of her and her apparent inability to keep any secret.
My wife went through Denver Airport once too and never saw any of the stuff the internet claims to be there. Another rumor debunked at the word of
someone you never met on the internet.
What if I told you I knew someone who went there and saw 2 military police guarding the entrance to another section inside the Vault? I trust this man
and he has no belief whatsoever in any conspiracy theories and is a true-blue Mormon.
In another vein... did you know that the LDS Church members believe that there are 3 immortal Nephites still walking the Earth, granted by Christ the
power to see the end of the world? There are some truly unbelievable tales that stem from this religion and that faith in said religion dictate that
you also believe these things.
I am Mormon, but on very shaky ground with what they want me to believe.
I was married in the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City and although I wouldn't dream of breaking the secrecy they swear you to about what goes on in
there... I will say it is very open to interpretation and very, very odd.
So if Grandma says there is nothing suspicious up in the Vault and you are vouching for her... I guess I have to accept that as fact. I'm sure Granny
had complete autonomy during her visit and roamed freely whever she saw fit.
Man, there are areas in Temple Square in SLC that they don't let anyone in. Could you ask Granny to check it out and report back?
Sorry Dragondude, but I am just trying to make a point. And that point is... I think your Grandma has been replaced by a shape-shifting Reptoid during
her visit to the Vault and is obviously filling you with disinformation to hide the obvious conspiracy between the LDS Church, the New World Order and
the Greys to catalog the entire human race and subject them their freaky experiments!
Nah, I'm just here to throw out some threads and have a fun discussion about the possibilities that may exist in the world.
Tell Granny I said Hi.
The Toweled Avenger
Geneologically Catalogued