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is the end of the world nigh?

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posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:16 AM
so do you think that when the time comes there may be some sort of intervension by higher powers to prevent any impending disaster or that at least they will show them selves to us?

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:21 AM
Another geocentric topic.

In the scheme of things, the end of the world has been nigh for a couple of million years.

We live on an uninteresting mote of dust in an insignificant pocket of middle-aged stellar activity in a corner of the universe with low real estate values.

And yet we place so much value on it, as if we are in some way some god's special creation.


There are billions of bigger brighter worlds, worth exploring before the #ed up homo sapiens species finishes the job of destroying this one.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:25 AM
you speak of homo-sapiens as if you are not one. anyway who knows? and who will every know? the only way to be sure is to die and see what happens.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:33 AM

We live on an uninteresting mote of dust in an insignificant pocket of middle-aged stellar activity in a corner of the universe with low real estate values.

I know what your saying. The larger the universe has become to us through our modern day knowledge, the more insignificant we seem in whole scheme of things, and the thought that we could be snuffed out just like that especially when we now know how whole galaxies are being destroyed seems more possible all the time. I suppose that we are lucky that our insignificant little planet is here at all.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 07:52 AM
Something is happening, but I doubt it will be the end of us as a race, maybe the beginning of us being cattle to another...

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 08:24 AM
You might as well plan on things going exactly as they are for your lifetime and for the lifetime of your children, your grandchildren, etc, etc.

Yes, (as Silk says) there's a tendency to think that this is the most horrible time ever and it couldn't get any worse. But you're only seeing a tiny slice of time. Imagine you lived back in the Dark Ages...

...when you were a slave, because most people were.
...when knights could rape your children (or run off with them) and nobody could do a thing.
...when your lord could order you shut up in your house and burned to death if you displeased him.
...when you were killed if your religion didn't conform *exactly* to the religion of whomever was in charge.
...when (if you were the rare merchant class or knight or noble) you could be forced to marry someone 4 times your age and there was no divorce and no recourse.
...when you had to have people taste your food because poison was a common method of assassination.
...when peasants were treated so poorly that it was NOT unusual for them to resort to killing and eating humans (yes, in Europe.)
...when unwanted babies were slaughtered after birth... by the hundreds and thousands (simply taken out to the woods and left for the wolves. And with no birth control, there were a lot more unwanted babies...)
...when it was common to see people with big cancerous moles growing on their faces or on their bodies.

...and so on and so forth.

And then there was our wonderful West of the late 1800's, when the homicide rate in small towns (read Mark Twain about living in Silver City) was much higher than the homicide rate in any of our huge modern cities....

Read history. The reality of the times we live in will look MUCH better.

Read up on some history.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 12:15 PM
Geocentric and now species-centric.

What has happened to our habitat (and what used to be the habitat for several million other species) in the past 250 years is UNPARALLELED in history and pre-history.

What we have foolishly called "progress" is far more damaging than any sickening genocide, holocaust or fear of armageddon.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

We live on an uninteresting mote of dust in an insignificant pocket of middle-aged stellar activity in a corner of the universe with low real estate values.

And yet we place so much value on it, as if we are in some way some god's special creation.


There are billions of bigger brighter worlds, worth exploring before the #ed up homo sapiens species finishes the job of destroying this one.

Just because we aren't the only 'race' or existance in the atmosphere of atmospheres..does that make us any less important? Does that make our world less valuable? Perhaps WE are what makes *their* world important and valuable because the majority or perhaps less(who knows) of US spend our time searching for them and discussing them and sighting them(??) Imagine if we weren't here..Who do you think would take these important tasks on then?

Your posts totally gives me the impression you aren't happy in your skin. And there is little I can say to change that I suppose but you really are important and valuable, you just have to recognize!

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 12:49 PM
I'm happy in my skin and my progress on the path of enlightenment and peace.

I'm not happy with the stupidity and ignorance of some of my fellow creatures. Arrogance and placement of ourselves on some pedestal is but one example. Wanton destruction of the environment is another.

Much of it is in the name of the "dollar" and defended by hypocrisy. You can even see it here at ATS, as often as you like.

I give you a 100% watertight guarantee, that in the scheme of things, we are such an unevolved and destructive pest that if we knew differently we would laugh at ourselves for the haughtiness we suffer in ignorance.

And I provide you nothing to back that statement up, because it is totally self-evident, moreso than what people are trying to say when they tell you there is evidence of god's 'footprints' everywhere on this mote of dust.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 01:26 PM
I don't need any proof. I understand why you feel the way you do, but why you present it with a bitter tongue is what I don't understand completely. You were meant for here, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Ignorance is an opinion that holds no water except for the person giving the opinion. What you see as dumb I might see as beauty and or intelligence or *surrendering a moment* of weakness or questioning for the one willing to listen without judgement.

My daughter asks some pretty silly questions sometimes that some might consider ignorant, but not me. Her mind is in need and if I have the time and care enough I share an answer with her.

Happy in your skin people don't have the type of feelings you are saying one thing and giving off another. You think less of the weak and that is your right and not something I personally can change..

You consider this a path of enlightenment..I would say differently, you are in need of enlightenment..not that I'm saying I am the one to provide it or am more enlightened if at all then you..

Somewhere along your path you lost perspective..something or someone or even yourself did that to you and what's done is done..but things CAN be undone and put back where they were meant to go. I'm not psychoanylizing you MA, these are simply my opnions and choice of words. Think I dislike you, think I don' it for what it's worth and gather what you need and leave the rest *as a friend once said to me* but somewhere in there.those words is someone who does care more so then not..

Just because we aren't alien doesn't mean we are ignorant..we are alien to some.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:11 PM
Dany and MA you both have said significant things.

But consider that it is only the soul that matters in the end.

Where is your soul going to end up?

That is the real question.

Will you join the lizards or repel their influence?

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by magestica
Somewhere along your path you lost perspective..something or someone or even yourself did that to you and what's done is done..but things CAN be undone and put back where they were meant to go.

No, I gained it, some time ago.

At a stupid business level, it is called "taking a ride up in the helicopter".

At a more significant level, it is perceiving the interconnectedness that exists amongst all things, and the value of all things.

To put homo sapiens in its current social form up as something that is significant and long-lasting is to be self-important with a good dose of tunnel vision and a small measure of ignorance to boot.

Cockroaches and viruses will outlast homo sapiens. Such is nature.

But, if homo sapiens can put more into discovering undiscovered knowledge for the importance of the knowledge itself (and not for the lowly dollar) then it might have a chance to redeem itself and even survive the end of this speck of dust.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by THENEO
Dany and MA you both have said significant things.

But consider that it is only the soul that matters in the end.

Where is your soul going to end up?

That is the real question.

Will you join the lizards or repel their influence?

Seeing as I think the soul is a physical part of the body then the idiots who allow themselves to be abducted in the "rapture" will be stuck with the aliens.
I'll fight.
It's MY damn planet.

Edit: By the way, I don't think it's lizards.

[Edited on 29-10-2003 by �any]

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:34 PM
I do understand where you are coming from and can only imagine what it is that you know that I don't and what you've seen and I haven't..but you see, they differ greatly for obvious reasons. Yes I believe there are aliens, yes they are most likely *higher* then us on a grand scale, yes they will most likely take over the planet and are probably doing so at this very moment in under the guises of men or atleast working it..

Yes, I believe homo sapians have made their bed and will eventually rest in it for an eternity..I'm not going to explain what I believe as you've been here long enough to know how I see life and how I believe in ignorant things that get me through time here. That IS what keeps me going and gives me hope. You have none and I'm sorry that I can't give you some of mine because I'm willingly taking your hopelessness without the capacity to give in return.

What matters to you is different then what matters to me and that is where my ignorance lies in your eyes I suppose. But I'm not blind. I see and remain aware of all the doom and gloom, I just deal with it differently then you and that is because perhaps my life and those I love ARE valuable to me..

*If you love someone take away their hell and tie them to your heaven*

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by magestica
That IS what keeps me going and gives me hope. You have none and I'm sorry that I can't give you some of mine because I'm willingly taking your hopelessness without the capacity to give in return.

I see and remain aware of all the doom and gloom, I just deal with it differently then you

1. Where did I ever say I don't have hope? I am blessed with more things to provide hope than most people, and I value them. That doesn't stop me taking a real perspective on the problems generated uniquely by humankind on this planet. In fact I am more hopeful about the future, and evolution, than anyone I could nominate on this board. Most people are fixated on the here and now and the daily grind, some on how wonderful they are, some on their specific interests which are no doubt important to them.

2. I am hedonistic and enjoy providing pleasure for others. I share nothing about my business life and only a little about my lifestyle with a few people here. Again, having a focus on simple pleasures doesn't stop me having a perspective on the future.

3. I have never posted in doom and gloom. In fact, you will observe at least 20 times when dragonrider or some other person has an outburst of paranoia and assembling of their unique jigsaw puzzle, that I state some valid assumptions and facts as to WHY there will not be a massive terrorist attack in the US tomorrow or next week. I am rooted sufficiently in reality to be able to discern true potentials from scaremongering.

The end of the world is nigh, because the earth will die one day, and the sun is well into its middle age.

My hope is that our species does not accelerate its own planet's destruction.

Take a look outside yourself and the love of those nearest and dearest to you, step away from family values for a minute, and examine the state of the planet. It doesn't take all that much effort. It takes much more to do something about it.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:23 PM
I never stated YOU post in doom and gloom MA. I stated I am aware of the end being nigh per say which I certainly consider "doom and gloom" but just try not to let the inevitable eat away at my soul. I was talking about me not you. I still think you present your words in a hopeless fashion and that could just be the way I'm reading them, and because I don't know what makes you feel the way you do. Unerstanding and reading between the lines is up to the one *reading* or listening and they don't choose to NOT understand it chooses to make it so.

I don't think you are a man without values and family love and love of self etc..BUT if you recall your words in the first post that prompted my attention it surely states that..Does it not???

I'm choosing to walk away from this debate or whatever but that does not mean I'm the loser..I just am having too much trouble conveying things right now and even perhaps understanding.


[Edited on 10/29/03 by magestica]

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 06:10 AM

All right. I concede.

While the sun is shining for the next few million years, it is the light and not the darkness that guides, and it may be that the light is not darkness visible at all.

Light and breezy does it
Light and breezy
Light and breezy
Light and breezy
Does it every time.
(tip of hat to Hugh Cornwell).

Enjoy that sunrise.

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