posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 03:09 AM
The world knows to some small degree that UFOs exist. To come out with all the information would be suicide for any government. They would then have
to be held accountable for keeping this information a secret for so long. Especially given the official explanations made over the years regarding
these incidents. There isn't anybody in the organizations keeping this stuff a secret willing to accept the consequences of lying to the people that
pay their salaries. If anybody thought Watergate, Iran Contra, or the Clinton sex scandal were huge political debacles, they ain't seen nothing yet.
Worldwide economic collapse would probably happen from release of this information as well. You have to realize that as the public in general
doesn't know exactly what the issue is, once we fully understand it, all forms of religion, technology, science, education, and everything else will
have to be acclimated to this new reality. Some jobs will immediately become obsolete, some people will become unemployable, and some people will
have to re-learn absolutely everything they learned throughout their lives regarding their career choices. Religion has the least to fear, IMO, as
all religions have apparently survived the storm of fossil records from destroying them. The economy probably could not handle such a huge shock and
it would probably plunge immediately into nothingness as the reality of government disinfranchisement and all facets of human reaction kicks in. Say
bye-bye to the stock market on that day, thats for sure.
I for one can't even begin to imagine the school books kids would get after this information is revealed to the public. Just think if you were a
kid, you are reading about world history one year, and the next year, you read about how its all been lies for decades (or longer), and that your
government has been lying for a LONG time. What kind of patriotism would that instill into people, especially the younger generations? None, thats
what. Nobody would ever trust their nations again. And then theres the likely infinite amount of alien history, theology, biology, and science you
will have to learn. Good lord. It will all be information overload with everybody mad at the governments they pay taxes to. This is the "you
can't handle the truth" thing the governments are worried about. I for one don't care what happens to this world if we indeed are living a lie
right now. Which it appears to be the case. If all hell is to break loose, then that is what should happen.
I just know the revelation will be an ugly one. Unless we're all mind-controlled to accept it. Who knows? Chemtrails, HAARP, water tainting, it
could all be stuff related to the day of revelation as a means to calm the beast of public outrage and panic. Or perhaps the aliens will do this for
them and mind control us or just kill us all pretty much immediately after the hammer drops on this issue.
[Edited on 1-11-2003 by heelstone]