posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 06:07 PM
Can there ever be peace in the Middle East?
For as long as I can remember, the Middle East has been a "powder keg". One country or another, in the Middle East, has, at one time or another,
attacked Israel. In turn, Israel has done it's share of actions that others find disagreeable. Frankly, it's been "tit for tat", like children
arguing for far too long.. Unfortunately, we are not talking about a couple of kids fighting over a soccer ball. In this intance, people's lives
are affected -- people are killed, maimed and a cycle of pain continues.
Through various threads and posts that I have read, here at ATS, I have noticed a variety of opinion on this issue. Some people have called for the
destruction of Israel with the elimination of the Jewish people as a "solution" to this. On the other hand, there have been those who have,
similarly, called for "nuking" Iran or Syria or some other Arab or Muslim nation. Can destroying one side or the other really resolve anything? If
the Arab or Muslim nations destroy Israel, would the problem go away? If anything, it would justify Israel's posture of self-defense. In fact, it
would demonstrate that Israel was, indeed, the moderate influence in the region. On the other hand, in a similar vein, if Israel were to destroy
Syria, Iran, Lebanon -- whatever nation -- would that not only demonize Israel even further?
Surely there must be some sort of middle ground. But what could be done to bring true resolution to this "endless war"? How can the perpetual
"tit for tat" exchange be amicably, justly ended?
Given that Israel "has a right to exist" what would Israel have to do to "make amends", "atone" or, from the other perspective, "justify"
their position bringing closure to this conflict -- and I am not simply referring to the present punitive incursion into Lebanon.
Given that the Palestinians have been "victimized" by Israel and the World Community, what would help resolve the issue of a permanent Palestinian
state? How can this ever be acheived.
Given that Iran has called for the destruction of Israel, what can ever bring about a change to this attitude? What could ever be done to change the
attitudes of other Arab or Muslim nations from similar views to one where Israel can finally be accepted into the region as a full friend and partner
Or are we all destined to witness this eternal drama of hate, violence and pain long into the future finally ending in the destructin of one side or