posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 05:03 PM
that you can't 'focus' and hear a real 'Conspiracy Master' as he takes apart the 'cob-webs' of the real 'controllers' of the
by Burginthorn
It goes for an hour, but I only got through 26 minutes if it before I could stand no more.
You really need to listen to about 20 hours n more of Alan Watt for the info that will put the story together on what the real NWO is about...
If your looking for a 'quick fix', turn your TV on and they will give you the 'junk' ... that the 'mind-controled' programs, that have been
downloaded into you run on...
Do you realize that the Khazars from the land of Gog n Magog have taken over Israel ??? Do you realize that 90% of the so-called Jews aren't of the
'bloodlines' from Abraham that they have been led to believe that they are ???
It's fine n dandy to want to know what is really going on but one must study and feed the brain/computer the right info for it to digest n one day
the 'light' will go on and one can sing 'Oh happy Day'... Lolove n luck..... ave maria !