posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 01:25 AM
Originally posted by Vitchilo
I did not say extermine jews, i said dismantled Israël. All the jews return home as their own holy book is saying. That's all. If they can't even
follow their own holy book and claim they do, WTF?
Also, like anywhere in the world, a few owns everyone else. Zionists leaders manipulate jews as Nazi leaders manipulated german people to do and
believe what they want, that Israël is the true way of Talmud. And that is incorrect.
You do not understand Israel. Israel is the most misunderstood nation on earth, they are not based on JEWS. They where founded by Jews as a
homeland, but as a generation went by it is more then a religous capital, it is their HOME!!!!!!! WHY can you people not see this?? It is their
nation, their state, their country, their lively hood where their parents and grandparents and their children live. You are ISRAELI then a Jew! It
is nationalism that drives the Jews to defend the mother land, to say 3rd generation Jews to "Go home" back to Europe is like telling me to go back
to Ireland because 4 generations ago my ancestors came over to America.
Rediculous, forget the fact that Israel is Jewish and think that they are a multi cultured people of diferent religions, would you think the same of
them? No, it is because they are "Jewish" in a "Muslim" world that you wish the Muslims could wipe them out. Israel will never leave, there is
nothing you can do to get rid of it, no one has the power to do it, not even a single nation in Europe, only America and it's support can alter
Israel which we will never do.