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Media blackout on Israel protests

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posted on Jul, 22 2006 @ 08:56 AM
Im suprised that the media is not showing any coverage of the anti-Israel protest in the UK
BBC news 24, had a small piece on it, they were live throughout one of the protest, but they were careful when they interviewed protesters.

Its interesting to note, that when a reporter or a guest on the news channels, states something which is against Israel, they are very quick to cover up that they are being anti-israel. On Skynews, a minister of the British Foreign Office, live on air, said that Israel should not launch a ground invasion and should not be attacking civilian areas. He described Israel as "trying to destory Lebanon". He refused to answer a reporter who shouted "is that a criticism of Israel?". He nearly went as far as saying Israel was commiting war crimes...

Skynews, then got a one on one with him, where he defend Israel and basically brushed off what he said

posted on Jul, 22 2006 @ 09:52 AM
the media blackout everything that really matters. They supress the Java Tsunami, the ongoing violence in Sudan, the Somali situation etc etc. No mention of the investigation into the mumbai bombings. Its not an pro-israel conspiricy. They won't give any coverage to pro-israelis demonstrations.

the example with the british minister is no different to any other interview with a politician. Everyone has their own personal opinion, however they have to be seen to toe the party line. Collective and Ministerial responsibility is something you should research. And the party whips

I thought Skynews were in on the big conspiricy, seeing as Murdoch owns them, so why would they ask probing questions like the 'is that a criticism of israel'

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 11:18 AM
There must be a blackout on the Anti-Hezbollah demonstations too. I didn't know that extremist islamic militants could surpress the media.


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