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SKS and AK-47 30 round clips

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posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 03:20 AM
Btw at least some Yugo SKS used the 30rnd mag as a factory standard, and some even had AK mag wells, I'm not sure if these are available in civilian markets..

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 11:06 AM
I didnt know that!! I thought all SKS models had the large capacity magazine as a add on or modification. I had never heard that it was factory produced in this manner.

Apparently they are not for sale here in this country. At least...not above the table.
I have little use for a high capacity magazine in the SKS models I own. I already have a couple of rifles in this capacity. Ten rounds is more than enough for my purposes in this rifle.

I have grown to admire the ones I purchased. They appear to be a sound and reliable rifles for the moneys spent fulfilling my first two requirements in a tool like this.


posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 12:37 PM
Any other Pros and Cons about the SKS as a whole?

posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 02:42 PM
1) cheap
2) more accurate than AK
3) cheap ammo readily available
4) Cheap
5) relatively simple and easy to maintain

posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 07:24 PM
AKs most definitly have double stacks, the Romanian WASR-10 (10 round version) is a single stack hence it not able to accept doublestacks, to convert a 10 rnd WASR-10 to 30rnd you need to enlarge the mag well IIRC.

The Chinese SKS comes standard with a 30 rnd mag IIRC, atleast the military Carbine...

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 10:58 AM
Well my SKS is a Norinco, it's well worth $225.00. And I have never once had it slam fire or the firing pin stick and go Full Auto. How do I make sure that does not happen?

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Retseh
Firstly it's a detachable box magazine not a clip. The SKS in its original form takes a clip to load 10 rounds into a fixed magazine.

Secondly, be careful not to run afoul of the law if you have an SKS with a detachable mag. If it's a Yugo 59/66 with the grenade launcher still attached you're in violation of reg. 922(r) and 925(d) - but enough of those stupid BATFE rules.

In answer to your question, it depends on the manufacturer. Different sized followers and different springs can make a big difference in size. For example, South Africa manufactured a flush fitting magazine for the High Power which held 17 rounds as opposed to the originals 13 rounds.

If you are a regular user of the SKS, you really need to get the bolt safety upgrade from Murray's Gunsmithing, for $35 it's a no brainer:

Someone was killed by a runaway SKS recently, that free floating firing pin and Morse Taper will eventually stick, and then say hello to Mr.Slamfire.

I check on getting a bolt safety. I bought my SKS used, it's a Norinco. How could I teel if it already has a bolt safety?

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 01:01 AM
Check if the firing pin in your SKS has the same marks as the bolt, all SKS models don't have interchangable pins and a wrong pin makes the gun dangerous to handle... If you don't know if it's correct go to gunsmith familiar with SKS

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by IspyU
but if use a 10 rd clip you can just use a stripper loader

Yeah, but China did put a 20 round fixed that youcan use striper clips for, although I have never seen a 20 rnd striper clip

and I advise anyone who want a weapon that holds 30 rnds to save your money and get an AK. the sks was not made for those crappy duck ill mags. and they will fail just when you need them most

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 06:19 PM
Yes, the SKS 30 round magazines are double stacked, but I am not sure about the AK, as ive never handled one before.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by Retseh

Originally posted by xmotex
SKS's are prone to slam-fires, IE bang the weapon or drop it and it can go off.

Not quite. A slamfire is a condition where the free floating firing pin in the SKS sticks in the forward position in the bolt. As the bolt closes on a live chambered round the already extended firing pin touches off the primer and the weapon fires,

So you just went to Spray-and-pray no matter what you wanted.

Which looked really cool when Discovery had it happen to a pepperbox they were demonstrating, which is a slightly different phenomenon again.

Dropping a weapon and having it go off is most common with open-bolt designs, such as Sterling SMG, and the military call these "negligent discharges", which is what my wife accuses me of now that we've got two kids...

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 12:37 PM
Are Romanian AK-47s any good? That's all I can get, it would costs $300.00. Please someone let me know the Romanians AK is worth the investment.


posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by IspyU
but if use a 10 rd clip you can just use a stripper loader

Just so things don't get confusing. The clip is used for loading the magazine. The magazine is the spring-operated metal box that is attached to the gun. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've never used a gun that accepted clips. Just belts and magazines.

100 rnd. magazines are a waste of money on most guns. Besides, you'll tear the rifling out of the barrel if you burn too many rounds in a row. (Back to back 100 rnd magazines.) The gas rod on a m-16 will start glowing after you run through 3 30 round magazines on full auto and the gun will get hot enough to start self firing the rounds without you even pulling the trigger. Or the heat makes the firing pin stick.

Besides, half your rounds will miss the target.

[edit on 28-7-2006 by dbates]

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Full_Auto77
Are Romanian AK-47s any good? That's all I can get, it would costs $300.00. Please someone let me know the Romanians AK is worth the investment.


WASR's are decent quality. you get what you pay for. They work and won't fall apart but you're not going to get a nice tight tolerance rifle. not that any of the AKs are. The AK platform in general is built for reliability and ease of use, not to be an H & K type precision firearm.

edit: also, EVERYONE, stop calling them "clips". they're called "magazines"

[edit on 28-7-2006 by random hero]

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 01:09 PM
In no particular order.

If a rifle fires when dropped that's an AD or Accidental Discharge, if it fires unexpectedly as a result of you carelessly placing your booger hook on the bang switch, that's an ND or negligent discharge.

You can tell if your SKS bolt has had the upgrade because the firing pin will return to its rearward position under spring tension if you push on the rear of it. Normally it will just slide back and forth under gravity if you tilt it, if it doesn't it is already beginning to stick. Very, very few guns have had the FP upgrade, but it's the best 40ish bucks you'll ever spend on an upgrade.

I too have never seen a factory SKS with a detachable magazine, but that's not to say they don't exist, I'll check though.

You don't need 20 round stripper clips, you just use two 10 rounders.

Romanian WASR AKs are pretty crappy but usually work reasonably well. If you want one, check for front sight and gas tube alignment before buying, a lot of them are visibly off-center. If you don't know what and where the gas tube is, you are not yet ready to buy one. Polish AKs are better, and Arsenal AKs are the best, but they will cost you $800 as opposed to $350 for the WASR.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Retseh

Romanian WASR AKs are pretty crappy but usually work reasonably well. If you want one, check for front sight and gas tube alignment before buying, a lot of them are visibly off-center. If you don't know what and where the gas tube is, you are not yet ready to buy one. Polish AKs are better, and Arsenal AKs are the best, but they will cost you $800 as opposed to $350 for the WASR.

But the Romanian wont fall apart on me or anything like that will it? I heard that they are rather inaccurate, even for an AK. But's that the only bad thing. As long as it dont fall apart, then it's cool.

And where is the gas tube at? What's it do? Yes Im very new to these types of rifles.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 01:20 PM
101 of the AK breach system

Gas tube is above the barrel of an AK, it vents gas from barrel to the piston in the gas cylinder that drives the bolt carrier back against the recoil spring and rotates the bolt open, bolt opens the breach and ejects the spent case and cocks the hammer. Recoil spring then drives the bolt carrier back to front, bolt picks up a new round and inserts it to chamber and locks the breach. Then, depending on the selector switch postion, hammer stays in ready condition or strikes the primer if in full auto mode...

So if gas tube is misaligned it will cause a high probability of jams and it can even reduce accuracy if it causes friction forces to affect the barrel.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Retseh
If a rifle fires when dropped that's an AD or Accidental Discharge, if it fires unexpectedly as a result of you carelessly placing your booger hook on the bang switch, that's an ND or negligent discharge.

I know we're getting into semantics here, but military lawyers (and superior officers) are a bunch of, well, let's just say "slang anatomical terms" and when it comes to Accidental Discharges, their opinion is that nothing is accidental, it was negligence that led to you discharging your weapon ie you were negligent when you dropped it, therefore it was a negligent discharge.

I haven't heard of soldiers actually being charged over an ND, just punished, although I'm sure there would be charges if another soldier was injured, generally in physically exerting ways. One mate said a lot of running was involved.

In the book "Trackers" the author describes having to build a sandbag rampart for the dog kennels at Nui Dat.

One Digger was killed in ETimor when an Austeyr came out of its rack in an APC and went off. From memory that was an AD because procedure had been followed and the gun was therefore supposedly secured.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 03:39 AM
We might as well replace everything that we call accidents negilence then.

I had an accidental discharge before and it was accidental int he sense I did not know my firearm was loaded with a round in the chamber, I attempted to dry-fire it since it did not have a decocker on it.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 03:56 AM
Firing an empty gun is negligent discharge at it's greatest

based on the fact:
You should allways know if there is a round in YOUR gun and if you recieve a gun, first thing you check is it's condition loaded/unloaded, cocked/de-cocked.

Cleaning toilets is pretty common way to quietly handle Accidental/Negligent disharges in FDF or extra guar duty (commonly at 3am) if no one is hurt, same goes for both live and blank rounds.

Only situation that is not the handlers fault is the case of mechanical failure, For example Kvkk-62 LMG has a bad habit of producing unwanted empty belts when striker pin spring brokes...

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