posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 10:48 AM
I suppose one of my biggest questions is, when a person has shown certain exceptional abilities like thought reading, remote viewing, telekinesis, or
whatever else, what is their place in this form of society? I ask this because when I was younger, about seven or so, I realized I was able to see
things before they happened, both in my dreams and from sensing it. As a result of this, most of my peers thought I was full of #, and told their
parents and the school got involved with it, so I repressed it. Several years later, it kind of resurfaced again in my dreams, and after I began
meditating it, I began to feel it more than I did before. Right now I'm kind of at the point where if I quiet my mind, I can sense another person's
intentions toward me, even complete strangers, and I've also been sensing situations, usually a few minutes before they happen. I really want to try
to harness this "gift", pursue it and see how far I can develop it, but not at the cost of being ostracized by my peers or family because I'm
"different". Can anyone offer some advice as to what I should do?
[Edited on 28-10-2003 by kaoszero]