posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 09:04 PM
Most interesting indeed. China must have in its possession, or the ability to retrieve
the technology to recreate terrain virtually; and 2d maps work just fine for warplanners
and such. So, there must be a reason for having it built actually.
Tanks? Nah, better suited to train armored units at full scale, and China has ALOT of
full scale terrain.
Artillery? Nah, same reasoning.
Aircraft? Nah, again same reasoning.
Some kooky influential military type having a stroke of artistic impression? Nah, just because.
There is a large crane there, so that lends us to believe some heavy stuff is gonna be
moved around, only because it doesn't appear that are any other buildings under
construction or repair.
Those trucks look like troop transport vehicles, so I'm inclined to believe those are barracks.
To the south-east appears to be military housing, so it looks like this a somewhat
permanent base. I'm thinking these may the peeps constructing the mini-map not
necessarily gonna have anything to do with it after.
Right in the center of the base to the north of crane appears to be a square dugout
surrounded by sand bags.
Very interesting indeed.