posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:06 PM
Here is a general comment/thought that I have, I think that certain articles that are not directly related to conspiracy theory or fringe stuff need
to be in tinWiki, otherwise, if such articles are ruled out, that means some kind of self inflicted weakness and blind spots will happen in the
My thought comes basically from, which I am thinking of now, that I made an article called Earth; it's just a general article, short little text
about the basic stuff even I know, so to speak. Obviously a general article about Earth doesn't have anything inherently conspiracy theory related in
it (that I can think of immediately right now), but considering that a fair amount of the subject matter of tinWiki has to do with outer space,
planets, aliens, and all this sort of thing, even if basic Earth info could be found in other general non-wiki websites, ruling out having a tinWiki
article to just put down the basics of what our planet is would be an unreasonable, as I see it, undercutting of the, lets say, power and usefulness
of tinWiki. That's just an example of the thing about non-conspiracy articles, though. (For the record, there's been no complaint about the Earth
page, it's just my own thinking around that page as sort of outside tinWiki's subject matter which I am basing this comment on.)
This is just a general comment, like I mentioned. Anyway, my conclusion is that, in my personal opinion, certain supportive articles that may seem
unrelated to conspiracy theories are justified for the sake of the coherence and sensibleness of tinWiki as an encyclopedia. Of course the core topic
of tinWiki is hower what those articles must support, as opposed to being just random and totally non-related articles. For example those Marvel
comics articles from a while back, they were really great articles but I think it's obvious that those particular articles didn't belong...
Anyway, I just wanted to express this thought right now when I read this thread. Of course this is just an opinion, and I know and respect that the
administrators decide.