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New series that may appeal to people here.

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posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 03:14 PM
Not sure where to put this, so i'll take my chances here if thats ok?

Just seen a trailer for a new series coming up on the Sci Fi channel, it's called "Eureka". Looking at the ingredients of the programme, i thought it might be of interest light viewing for a ATS members here.

On Tuesday, July 18, the new TV series “Eureka” will debut on the SciFi Channel.

This series explores the idea that a top-secret community in the Pacific Northwest is home to government scientific experts and strange anomalies in the physics of the town.

The premise of the story is that during the research and development of the atomic bomb during World War II, a highly classified scientific community was created.

The town of Eureka was developed as a center for leading minds of the time to conduct secret studies of various kinds.

Over the years, unusual anomalies in the environment around Eureka become apparent. Normal laws of physics are changed. Reality is altered. Or, is it that a different reality is discovered?

The series promises to be a learning experience for the general public about topics in the field of physics, as well as an entertaining interpretation of covert government projects.

Source: Eureka

Looks quite good, what do you think? I wonder how well researched the series is, and how many people here will be picking it to bits every week!


posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 03:17 PM
July 18th? Damn I missed it!

It does appear to have potential from the commercials. Anyone see it?


posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Jonna
July 18th? Damn I missed it!

Lol i've been so up in the air with stuff here lately i was'nt even aware of the date!

Well i've just seen the trailer again here in the uK and it definately says "New series starting next Tuesday on the Sci Fi channel on Sky.


posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 03:29 PM
Eureka is excellent !! the 2hr premier was awesome !! I can't wait for next weeks episode !!

Its a very very kick-ass series !!

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 03:29 PM
just another "example" of how the government is releasing more information to us, so that when " it all breaks lose" we won't be so shocked.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 03:40 PM
I just checked SciFi's schedule and it appears to be on again tomorrow the 21st at 7pm EST. FYI

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 03:51 PM
They showed it twice Tuesday night but spaced it apart with another show that lasted a hour between the rerun. It was a great show and looks to be a great series for Sci-Fi Channel.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 03:55 PM
I liked it. A lot of the characters were very well done, and the storyline seems to be quite interesting.

Also pretty cool special effects for a TV show.

Fascinating concept overall and I think they did a great job putting it on screen.

posted on Jul, 22 2006 @ 02:47 AM
I just thought I would let everyone know that you can watch the whole first 2 hour pilot episode of Eureka on for free ad anytime you want

[edit on 22-7-2006 by warpboost]

posted on Jul, 22 2006 @ 04:58 AM
Just watched the pilot (thanks for the link), and I don't find it quite as beguiling as some people here. Some nice characterisations, but kind of a thin plot. The "science element" at the moment is lamer than the average Star Trek episode, frankly. Oooo, a tachyon accelerator... and guess what, it has concentric rings spinning around, just like the machine from Contact, and the ship drive from Event Horizon, and I daresay many more similar McGuffins from other films and series I've never seen.

The political aspects of the plot are just not tied together in any meaningful way. The town's going to be closed down, then it isn't and everything is all right for no apparent reason. Shoddy.

And the first hook, of the marshal and his daughter seeing themselves driving out of town at night, is never explained. I'm all for intriguing loose ends, but that's just a rather crappy one imo. There was one plot twist involving the psychotherapist that I didn't see coming (although in retrospect it was telegraphed by her sexual voracity, which bespeaks a rather prudish morality on the part of the writers) but I shan't give it away here.

And Matt Frewer's accent? British, South African, Australian... his character has clearly been around and can't quite decide where he actually comes from. I like MF ever since he was Max Headroom and then played the con-artist in TNG... but he needs help if he's going to be convincing in Eureka. A lot of help.

There's the possibility of something intriguing happening in this series and these things usually take a season to hit their stride, so I'm reserving judgement, but I was definitely not blown away... mildly amused, yes. And it was nice seeing some familiar faces from Ally McBeal, Six Feet Under, and Terminator 2: but unless things get better it won't be enough to keep me watching.


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