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Anyone here an alien?

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posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 09:46 AM
well i think that most people on earth have decended from an alien race(s).. most likely from the first race on Earth that helped with creating humans in their likeness... which is why we look the way we do... we are in fact a replica of a different species... so its quite possible that we are ALL aliens... i think that im an alien myself jus from the way that i think and do certain things...

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 10:09 AM
Doesnt posting that your an alien qualify as a ban for a hoax? Mr. Iaiguana is either fishing for points or needs proffesional help. Or both.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 10:19 AM
The precedent is established. As long as the poster has the sincere belief and opinion that any situation exists, there is no hoax or misleading scenario.

For me its like questioning a small child, "Why did you do that?"


"Why because?"

"Just because."

No offense is intended here. Its just my perception of how things work.

[edit on 21-7-2006 by MrPenny]

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Doesnt posting that your an alien qualify as a ban for a hoax? Mr. Iaiguana is either fishing for points or needs proffesional help. Or both.

In the same way as everyone demands proof, wouldn't this work the other way too?

Many will be in agreement that many people posting on here are less than balanced but don't we owe it to everyone to disprove a hoax as much as is demanded on a claimant to prove their claim?

Just thinking aloud.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Prote

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Doesnt posting that your an alien qualify as a ban for a hoax? Mr. Iaiguana is either fishing for points or needs proffesional help. Or both.

In the same way as everyone demands proof, wouldn't this work the other way too?

Many will be in agreement that many people posting on here are less than balanced but don't we owe it to everyone to disprove a hoax as much as is demanded on a claimant to prove their claim?

Just thinking aloud.

i found the bluebird, Prote. i found the bluebird.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 10:48 AM
Why is it people who think they're "alien" or "indigo" seem to have some sort of social issue ?

Normally, they say "I don't fit in" or "people don't understand me"


WELCOME TO BEING A TEENAGER, FULL OF ANGST & FEAR...ahem, as you grow up your perception of things change around you. No longer under the complete protection of your parents, you suddenly realise that things you're told or opinions of "adults" don't ring true - why ? because you develop your opinion under some sort of seemingly rational thought. You begin the journey of trying to define yourself, thinking because you can't quite place yourself in the whole scheme of things, that you must be different, alien or *insert fantasy persona here*.

And as for the adults who think they're "different", yes you are and you should seek professional advice for it.

Sorry if that sound harsh, but that's how I see it.

[edit on 21-7-2006 by timb3r]

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 10:50 AM
this reminds me of Ice Age 2...where the whooly mammath thinks she is a monkey?


are there any support groups for aliens living on the Earth? Perhaps you could start one. I am sure they would have to exist. M Roberts from star people has something going...perhaps you can find sanctuary there?

This is the second topic I have read on ATS that is totally insane and I feel brings the integrity of the site down. This doesnt even amount to an erroneous discussion. Roswell = conspiracy and whatever evidence is produced and discussed. But this thread is nearly as good as a sex story I read on the net that involved alien fantasies...really mind altering reading! lol Oh you havent been anywhere until you have read one of those!!!!

just BS... I thought ATS were tightening the troll net?

obviously not in the alien section?

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 11:03 AM
I would like to explain something to you. For myself when I say alien I don't mean I am a Grey alien sitting here at the computer typing to you, you should know better.

What I am telling you is I am a human being just as you are but I have a soul that is from a Grey that the Elders transferred into this human body at conception and I was sent here to help humans when it was time.

Yes there are people that hoax, god all mighty just read some of the things you write. When you write some of the things you do do you think you are witty, smart and funny, I don't.

The person that wrote you wouldn't know if a alien was talking to you is right you haven't the foggiest idea now do you.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by observe50
Yes there are people that hoax, god all mighty just read some of the things you write. When you write some of the things you do do you think you are witty, smart and funny, I don't.

The person that wrote you wouldn't know if a alien was talking to you is right you haven't the foggiest idea now do you.

na! no idea cos no one has ever told me "if an alien was talking to me I wouldnt have the foggiest"... your telepathic whatever isnt working..perhaps you had better phone home, wait for your finger to glow and get the recepter fixed.

by all means get going with the personal insults..hopefully it will result in locking the thread... cmon bring it on....!

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 11:35 AM
Originally posted by Prote

If I was an alien, this is the LAST place I would come, i'd keep it to myself.

If I was an alien I wouldn't mind being here. I would love to read what all the humans were saying.

I've had this thought that if I was an alien I would show myself in a really public place. Like maybe a game at the Rogers Center in Toronto between the Blue Jays and the Yankees.

I wonder if the government would deny my existence in front of 30,000 people. (Oh, yeah, and the TV audience)

(Hmmm, they're playing this weekend, aren't they?)

[edit on 21-7-2006 by Thekherham]

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 12:17 PM
Greetings from planet Urethra, or shall I say from planet earth. It has been revealed to me through a chain of strange occurences that have occured throughout my life, that I am indeed, far from being an earthly human.

I am among what is known to as the Nordic race. That is to say I look just like a human being, with only a few unnoticable differences. I stand at a height of 6' 3" according to standard measure and have blonde hair and fair white skin.

While the "Nordic" race is one race of beings, it has spread to inhabit 26 different planets within this galaxy over a period of 15,000 earth years. The exploration and colonization of space by our people was not without its problems. The once mighty government which was formed by our people crumbled and each colony took on its own form of law. Wars broke out in the mid-years of this age. My ancestors on Urethra were invaded by the Fallopians (who inhabited one of the races' 26 colonies) during the early part of earth's 20th century. This war continued until the fallopians attempted a blockade to keep Uretheran refugees from pouring out in the vastness void of space.

My father, however, was a very bright inventor and had access to many Urtheran resources. He was able to transport me here to earth before the blockade had formed. I was set out alone, an infant with no way to care for myself, I was picked up by a high patrol officer and thought to be a rejected child. A was raised in a foster home for most of my early life but then I was adopted by a couple who owned a farm in Missouri. I will not share much about them with you do to privacy reasons.

If any of you want to hear more from about the perineum conquests just ask.

Jules Winnfield (my Uretheran name is Vas Deferens)

It really isn't that hard. I thought I developed quite an interesting story. Did anyone catch the subliminal messages?

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 12:21 PM
Wow, no wonder you sent hate mail to David Icke, his life is devoted to exposing the truth of the Reptilian agenda and you're part of 'the enemy'!

So, have you researched your bloodline, your ancestry? Discussed this with your family? I'd be very surprised if you have. They would probably think you were nuts if you came out with something like that; not only that, it would make them Reptilians by proxy too.

I don't know what to think of this. If you're not prepared to have this solved via genealogy or dna testing, then I would sway more towards the camp of delusions, crazy talk. But moreover, it's something you really should bring out in the open with your family... your mother, your dad, sisters, brothers, Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Mavis, for they will be Reptilians too. If you're serious about what you're saying here (well geez I'd want to know if we were effectively a family of aliens!), then you'll open up at home too. It is quite a big issue after all, don't you think? Surely they have a right to know? Or.... do they already know? (DaH-DUMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Cue timpani drums and dramatic pause!!!)

There is this school of thought (Raelians) that we all descended from aliens anyway and we looked up to them as gods, this is where our concept of 'god' comes from. And with the trouble in the Middle East, the 'message from the designers' book states that the Jews were scattered because they were an advanced race of scienists (the Jews of course typically having priveleged backgrounds) getting help from aliens on earth to build technology to enable them to travel back to the home planet of their origins, and were punished. 'At home', the earth people were regarded as an abhomination and an experiment (much like how we consider our cloning technology here) and therefore had to put a stop to it.

Now that little bedtime story is *probably* 100% bs, but hey nothing here is ever as it seems.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 12:27 PM

YOU were that sexy guy who looks like a
BLUE elephant, playing the piano at Joe’s Bar
IN CINCI. I was that gal sitting at table
#5 with lights in her eye’s (literally). I felt a
disturbance in the Beta Quadrant when I saw
you. YOU know who you are. Call me.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Palasheea
YOU know who you are. Call me.

Dude, that's funny

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 12:36 PM
Well, make the jokes now do you feel better?

If there was one gift I could give you it would be the knowledge of how unique you and the Earth really are. Unfortunately humans are destroying Earth by cutting down the trees (and destroying there own oxygen supply) the water and air and soil are becoming unfit.

Time is running out and I don't care if you believe this but you have approximatedly 40 years left to repair all the damage you have done and believe me 40 years is NOT a long period of time.

It is up to all of you to start changing things for the better. I can sit here and type things but I have to follow the rules for my soul coming here and I am not allowed to make changes myself this is something you have to do. I can only try my best to lead you in the right direction but humans as I have seen are to full of themselves.

I'm not saying this to insult you even though I know you will feel insulted. I know you think aliens are a joke and this is why Earth is in the mess it is in, no one knows who they can believe and who not to believe. Human life isn't easy but it takes just as much time to make things right/good as it does to make things wrong/bad why don't you try doing something right and good.

Let me give you some information and maybe one day you will see it come to light.

The Nasca lines in Peru have been studied for a very long time and they have come up with many good thoughts but in reality the lines have more then the purposes that humans have already ready figured out. It is simply a directional locator for the different species of life here.

The Grey implants I am samiliar with:

In the movie taken at the end it is said that the little metal ball that fell out of the nose was the tracking device this is incorrect. This is actually the breathing apparatus implanted into the Signoid Sinus so when you are taken you can breath the air there.

The audio/visual implant is put in through the right ear they can show and tell you and also program you with this device.

The tracking device is smaller then anything any human could ever imagine you would have to use your most sophificated equipment just to locate it and you still wouldn't be sure, but it can be located. It is located in the back of the head in the middle of the lower left lobe.

Also always remember these words: ALL DISEASES CAN BE CURED FROM THE "ROOTS" OF PLANTS.

Please excuse any typo errors I don't have time to preview I'm losing my computer signal

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by timb3r
Why is it people who think they're "alien" or "indigo" seem to have some sort of social issue ?

Normally, they say "I don't fit in" or "people don't understand me"


WELCOME TO BEING A TEENAGER, FULL OF ANGST & FEAR...ahem, as you grow up your perception of things change around you. No longer under the complete protection of your parents, you suddenly realise that things you're told or opinions of "adults" don't ring true - why ? because you develop your opinion under some sort of seemingly rational thought. You begin the journey of trying to define yourself, thinking because you can't quite place yourself in the whole scheme of things, that you must be different, alien or *insert fantasy persona here*.

And as for the adults who think they're "different", yes you are and you should seek professional advice for it.

Sorry if that sound harsh, but that's how I see it.

[edit on 21-7-2006 by timb3r]

I see your point... except.. when I was a teen, and everyother teen I knew, none of us thought we were lizards from mars. I still advise proffesional help, maybe some medication, maybe stay off the internet and stop spreading your insane stories. This kind of stuff, along with the "Ihave magical powers!" threads really do ruin the integrity of the site. People who come here to have real discussions about a consperiacy see this crap and decide not to join in. He hasnt posted since either, and judging from his other threads, such as Satan is the Truth!
I think he is simply getting points here for what ever reason. Or seeking attention, whch people like him get to much of here.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 12:52 PM
If you are so serious about us fixing all of the worlds problems in 40 years why are you spending your time talking to us in a conspiracy theorist website while instead you should be talking publicly and writing books.

If you were an environmentalist who was taking action and trying to get others to take action to fix this planet, I would salute you. I think we all now know the realities of what we are doing to this planet. But to claim to be an extraterrestrial telling us what to do on an internet forum... well there is a lot I could say and none would be supportive.

Outside of this here forum I have only seen a few places where people of have claimed to be extraterrestrials or associates or spirits of extraterrestrials. Those places happen to be in cults.

"Here drink this arsenic. It is the only way to the mothership after all."

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 01:02 PM
Sadly, I would have to agree with Observe. Look at it as a true outsider (one that comes from another place). While most of humanity thinks that they are extremely advanced, I don't think that we are. Yeah, we have decent technology, but look at what we are doing to ourselves. I can't help but look at it in a disconnected way. It is all so...childish, for the lack of a better term. We cut down our own oxygen supply to build pointless fast food restaurants, malls, etc. We are depleting the O-zone layer. We will either parish by means of intense UV rays, lack of oxygen (this would take a while), or blowing ourselves up with nukes... Sadly, this is what it is coming to if we don't do something.

Anyway, back to subject. While I do not believe that I am extra-terrestrial, I do share the same kind of views. I look upon the human race in a disconnected way. I am, for the most part, ashamed of being called a human. While we have the capability of being compassionate and caring, it seems that is cancelled out by our drive for superiority. Also, you people who come here to ridicule, don't you have something better to do? I mean, this is a good example of what I was saying. Have the decency to be an adult. Instead of posting ridicule and insults, why don't you read the post, use your intellectual thought, and post something beneficial. Instead, you post pointless things that really don't need to be said at all. I will lay it out in childish terms for you....If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

[edit on 21-7-2006 by Dark Abyss]

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 01:11 PM

Is it true that this type of blood in a human is related to being an alien?

I have done alot of research on this and it seems to be true and if you are who you say you are then you should know quite a bit about this.

Please tell us all that you know about this blood type.
Thank you.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 01:18 PM
Through science and technology we will meet the aliens, and they will be us.

Our wish, our salvation, and our only hope is to end the historical crisis by becoming the alien, by ending alienation, by recognizing the alien as the Self, in fact - recognizing the alien as an Overmind that holds all the physical laws of the planet intact in the same way that one holds an idea intact in one's thoughts. The givens that are thought to be writ in adamantine are actually merely the moods of the Goddess, whose reflection we happen to be. The whole meaning of human history lies in recovering this piece of lost information so that man may be dirigible.:. . .:.this peculiar reality is not necessarily a term of contempt, as if the world were merely an illusion to be dismissed.:...:.

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