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Anyone here an alien?

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posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 07:01 PM
I reccomend ATS to my friends/family when I see threads like these. And I have a LOT of friends.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 08:00 PM
Yes. I come from a far away starsystem known as Zeta Reticuli. I don't know if anyone of you has ever heard of it?

Seriously though: threads like these should almost be locked (yet I've only read the topic title). This is definitely feeding the trolls.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 08:13 PM
hmmm you know what i have always thought about all these conspiracy and other theories wether they be true or if they were all some how interconnected like a giant web.......for example, our world leaders are creating a NWO for the coming onslaught of the alien hybrids with souls that have been demonized, and that our eyes will be opened to a diffrent plane of existance that we cant comprehend and we will see ghosts, and that the gods of the ancients were actually aliens that were once here and they creates a subhuman race of vampires and wearwolves? do you think i covered a basic story of the web? lol...anyways just a thought...its intresting how so many familys have dark secrets that they take to their family doesnt have to many secrets...though my family is royal(though we are not rich, riches disappear through generations of squandering) a direct descendent of william the concquer(cant spell)..the point of that is...when he sent his nephew William De Tracy (my ancestor) to kill the archbishop...him and his bestfriend killed the bishop....but the other priests were mad and put a curse on my i guess my family "secret" is that we are cursed to have rain and wind in our faces everytime we meet (the family reunions are always great

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 08:41 PM
I bet there's no wind or rain in your faces. Just people.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 08:49 PM
I am having trouble as you know making longer post due to losing my signal so I am going to make a few short posts or you might see more edits.

2013 Let me tell you of my experience about the audio/visual. Short version

My first memory is being in a chair that looks "somewhat" like a Dentist chair. This room looks smallish and all metal it is very dimly lit. I sense that there are two beings behind the chair one on either side. I am moving around giving them a hard time and saying no no please don't hurt me please don't hurt me. I now hear a voice that sounds like the one I go and the one behind me on my right is communicating that I am giving him a hard time the voice says that I am one of the better ones with hearing this voice I calm down. I'm now sitting back and I see something coming down from the ceiling it has a light on the end of it, when it gets down close the one behind me on the right side reaches and pulls it down. He communicates for me not to move because he wants to do this right I want him to do it right to so I stay as still as I can. I remember it felt like a q-tip going in my right ear and I had feared for nothing. After he had finished and this thing removed it went back to the ceiling. Now this brilliant white light shone down toward me, for some reason I lifted my arms to the light and I can remember it made me feel very warm and good inside. When this light went out the one from the left behind me came to the side of the chair I was feeling very hazy he and the other being helped me up. I couldn't see well because I was very hazy but they weren't Grey's I knew that they were brownish and wrinkled. The being that had been to the right behind me took my arm and rotated the right shoulder after he did that he did the same with my left. I was thinking why are they rotating my shoulders when they put something in my ear. Now they turn me and a light comes on and I can see the room was larger then I thought.I can see there are three metal tables and each has three what looks like leather straps. One for the ankle area one for the abdomen area and one for the shoulder area. They are helping me over to the first table and when we get there they turn me. I'm thinking if they have to strap you in whatever they do here has really got to hurt so I start again with moving and saying please don't hurt me. At this time I hear what sounds like the voice of the one I go to and he says no, she doesn't go there. These two beings move back and I remember nothing after that.

It is with this that they at a leter time showed me the symbols for Cancer and Aids and programmed me with the Cures for all known Viruses which I WILL TELL YOU ABOUT LATER.

[edit on 26-7-2006 by observe50]

[edit on 26-7-2006 by observe50]

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 09:36 PM
2013..There are only two things I can recall at the moment about being a Grey the first when I was with the Elders and asked to come here and the other when I was taken back to see my parents.

UnstoppableForce you asked what are Grey's called by each other. In all my times of experiences I have never heard any names. I was not called by name and I never heard him use names.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 09:48 PM
Captain you ask if there will be a day of Contact. As for the different species you know I can't answer for any but the Grey's. I did write that I was told that they would confer to interfere only one time and that is if we were about to destroy Earth if we destroy Earth we will destroy there Laboratory.

I do think with abductee's coming forward this would be proof but as we know with most at least most here it will have to happen to them or they will have to see with there own eyes first.

Yes I do think the military knows and is covering up. Take Kecksburg for one example.

I can understand how people would feel. Most of my experience have been normal but I can say when the audio/visual was put in I felt the fear even though it was unfounded. If you were taken and the took sperm or did other things to you wouldn't you be freightned. I know I would if I didn't know what was going on or being done. As hard as it is to say this what it does come down to is we are to them what animals are to us. Some of us are there pets some are there testing specimens and others are free to roam until.................

[edit on 26-7-2006 by observe50]

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 10:21 PM
Whether you consider this thread to be enlightening, interesting, hilarious or just absurd, I find that curiosity is one of the most valuable assets one can have. It is what has led you to this thread in the first place, is it not? I'm a bit more reserved about sharing any particular details about my experiences or where I'm from or what my blood samples say, etc. A lot of this can be answered simply by the means of technology. My IP address will provide all the information about my location and would not show anything out of the ordinary. To get to the point, much of this criterion is non-sense. My earthly existence isn't the subject at hand. I see a lot of analyses and inquiries taking place. One question that should be examined above all is why you think anyone would want to label themselves as extra-terrestrial in origin? Could it be psychological? A dire need of attention or self-importance? Maybe narcissism? Perhaps some past traumas, or is it simply a case of delusion? And yes, even I could suffer from a severe case of delusion that I am unaware of, despite how sane I consider myself. The mind is capable of so many things. This is the scope where the answers to your questions emerge… to what I have attested… I'm certain in many cases, if not most, this is true.
Now one can say this person is evading the point. The proof is what makes anything worth looking into. Yes? I must agree, especially when something is to be taken seriously. Proof is based on what you can determine directly through your senses. I don't wish to come across as someone claming to be enlightened or of the -new age- or having any supernatural abilities, I am simply focusing on the reactions that I have seen so far. I am actually more pleased with the results than I would have initially expected. Again, I am thankful for all of your contributions, thoughts, and input.

P.S. About 2013, this will be the year that my kin shall return to see what has come of earth, it’s been some time. They want to see how their monkey friends are handling themselves.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 12:20 AM
My brother from another mother is an alien, or so he says. He's shown me pictures of aliens who've come to visit him and he's really serious and knows almost everything about it. This picture of a grey he showed me scared the hell out of me and I can still picture it in my mind. If you guys are interested I might be able to pose some questions to him for you guys.

[edit on 27-7-2006 by CuriousSkeptic]

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 12:53 AM
CuriousSkeptic, could you post said picture? (Although perhaps in new thread)

Thank you.

[edit on 27-7-2006 by ZetaCron]

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 02:36 AM
Hi observe,

Do you remember how old were you when you were grey with the elders...
in the space ship ?

So, they took your soul and incarnate to the human baby ? Right ?


posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
laiguana, roflmao!!

Thanks for the laugh!

btw - Why would aliens speak English??

Everyone knows THAT

Universal translator, of course

And beware Laiguana... I think he is seeking certain species for lunch...

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by observe50
Captain you ask if there will be a day of Contact. As for the different species you know I can't answer for any but the Grey's. I did write that I was told that they would confer to interfere only one time and that is if we were about to destroy Earth if we destroy Earth we will destroy there Laboratory.

I do think with abductee's coming forward this would be proof but as we know with most at least most here it will have to happen to them or they will have to see with there own eyes first.

Yes I do think the military knows and is covering up. Take Kecksburg for one example.

I can understand how people would feel. Most of my experience have been normal but I can say when the audio/visual was put in I felt the fear even though it was unfounded. If you were taken and the took sperm or did other things to you wouldn't you be freightned. I know I would if I didn't know what was going on or being done. As hard as it is to say this what it does come down to is we are to them what animals are to us. Some of us are there pets some are there testing specimens and others are free to roam until.................

[edit on 26-7-2006 by observe50]

So they intend to keep us as test subjects, not offering any help to solve earth's problems before they get too bad? Not offering any technological expertise or help? Just planning to intervene if their property is about to destroy itself. Sounds like a malevolent and power-hungry race of beings, unlike the heart-felt friends you seem to describe on the surface.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 04:59 PM
2013 I don't know how old I was and I don't know how my soul got in this body.

Zorgon The Grey's can communicate in any language.

Captain There not power hungry .... if they wanted to take over the Earth not only they but any of the other species could have done so when ever they wanted. What good is the land to them if they can't survive on it. Also don't you think if everything was reversed that we would do the same thing.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 05:09 PM
Observe50 I am curious what greys think of reptilians? Or have they had much contact recently?

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 06:16 PM

Can you give us the most detailed description of any alien that was/is in contact with you? Physical anatomy, clothes, the way they move and walk, facial expression.

What about those spaceships? Sizes, shapes, general appearance?

How they bring you to their ships?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 06:43 PM
Again I may have to make a couple post the signal is doing its thing.

laiguana The Grey's really don't express there feelings like with facial expressions for example. When I am having an experience it is something I sense and it is the human I am that feels the emotion.

JackHill Physical anatomy is as follows and I would like to say what you see on shows is just about right on.

Large egg shaped head
Large oval black eyes
two holes for the nose
two holes for the ears
small slit for the mouth
frail bodies
long arms that go below the knees
four long fingers
I have seen them natural no genatials
I have seen them wearing a robe
greyish/white almost translucent
no hair
never saw them walk they always seemed to be just above the flooring and I guess the best word is they glide

Going to post this so I don't lose it next post coming

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 07:09 PM
ships I have been on...... a gathering ship as it is known one they use to collect specimens plant and human The color of this one was dark greenish/grey. This ship was circular and the rooms were on the inside with a walkway that went around the rooms. Sections were closed off.

I have been on ships like when I was coming up from beneath the water when I was told there location but I really can't tell you about that I just remember looking up out through the window area.

The Pod I liked the pod. It is egg shaped only several feet across. It is made of a shiny black glass type looking material. Imagine this:
Take an egg and turn it on its side in the middle from one end to the other is where it opens and the entire top part goes up. This is a one seater and when inside you back goes up about 45 degrees. You really can't see in but when inside you can see out. Like tinted glass some people have on there car windows, hmmmmmmmmmmm makes you wonder.

I been in very very large ships underwater the smaller ships go up inside into a ship docking area nothing special really.
The Ships inside look like they are molden in one piece, when inside everything seems to be rounded. In one of these ships I saw different species but it seemed normal to me. The one that stands out in my mind was a female lizard that was in beautiful colors purple, pink, yellows, greens she was a beautiful specimen.

I don't remember any fancy SHAPED ships that you see on TV. Round, oval/egg.

I've gone in the Pod or out of body others ways I am just there I don't know how I got there.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 09:31 PM

Captain There not power hungry .... if they wanted to take over the Earth not only they but any of the other species could have done so when ever they wanted. What good is the land to them if they can't survive on it. Also don't you think if everything was reversed that we would do the same thing.

So instead of capturing our planet outright they prefer to take unwilling victims and perform degrading procedures on them only to send them back paranoid and scared for life. And the only reason they would ever help this disrupted planet is if we are about to destroy ourselves thereby "disrupting" their experimental process.

They take no initiative to help this violent planet. They take know steps to integrate us as equals into the galactic community. They give us no technology which might solve world problems and keep millions of plants, animals, and people from dying. They hide in the shadows and would only help if there interests were being disrupted. Doesn't sound friendly and benevolent to me.

Also you never answered my previous questions about abductions:

Why is it some report bad abduction experiences? People being held against there will and forced to undergo painful, scary, and humiliating medical experiments. And why do others, like yourself, report happier experiences, spiritually moving experiences with benevolent creatures. You seem to kick back and relex with the ET's while others experiences have scarred them for life and left them paranoid and scared. They seem contradictory.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 10:03 PM
Kirk, I see where you're coming from. I don't know what to believe. It is my belief that no set of beings is going to be exactly the same. Just as there are good people, and bad people, there are good aliens, and bad aliens. This is my belief.

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