Where is she??? It's too quiet. I almost suspect that she is in a cave somewhere, in her prim and proper school uniform, cackling evilly and plotting
a fiendish little scheme to put all the other parties in their place!
Okay, I may be exaggerating to the point of lunacy, but still I am troubled. Right now, it is 5.44 a.m and I can't sleep. I can't even say why I
can't sleep, because if I tell you, you won't sleep, and then if you tell everybody else, they won't sleep. I've just been thinking of random
things, and this image of a young Conservative girl in a spiffing school uniform came into my head. I'm not sure if anybody will remember her, so I
will post an image.
Anyone remember her? I do. I don't remember exactly
why I remember her, but I think I felt intense revulsion when I saw her on the news almost
2 years ago. Why? I'm not too sure. Perhaps it was the wearing of a school uniform, when she clearly wasn't at school that annoyed me, or maybe it
was the merit badge that was on her uniform, or perhaps because she pulled off a "William Hague"? No offense to Hague, but we don't need another
one. We're still stuck on how to get rid of the first one!
Or maybe it's because it's still the same old ideology sprouted over and over again. Lassiez-faire, immigration, Brussels, screwing the poor etc.
Not sure if she said that last bit, but you get my drift.
Conservative Future is said to have the largest political gathering in youth today with 15,000 members. Okay, so it isn't as big as I first feared,
but still, BE AFRAID! The old youth division of the Tories were called the Young Conservatives. They got disbanded for being
too right-wing.
Now how the hell can you be too right-wing for even the Tories? By making pleas for the legalislation of incest and dropping the nucleur bomb on the
Soviets. Now that is really right-wing!
Anyways, I think it would be for the common good, if Jessica Lever was not put into power. And to stop her, all you need to do is vote. That's what I
would do.