posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 10:19 PM
We all know the story of the Larry Silverstein "Confession" about the collapse of WTC Building 7 - and the fact that it didn't seem to help much
in the long run. People either took it at face value or found ample reason in its strangeness to discard it as meaningless. A new report at runs a key part of the audio through the strainer of reverse speech, and guess what? Someone else was present that day and actually saw
what happened. Not only that, but the wording leaves no doubt at all that the building was deleiberately blown.
The report is
The Great 9-11 Hoax and will seem pretty ho-hum until you find your way down to the audio
clip. Then it's a whole different ball game. Wow. One simple sentence does the job.
The deal is that Welch is now looking for a previously unkown witness, a person named Whitney, who would necessarily be an associate of Silverstein in
some way. Whitney could be a first name or a last name. Might be a Silverstein Properties employee, but also might be a Port Authority person or
even someone from the Mayor's office, depending on how far you want to take it.
Although it seems an impossible task, Whitney did not live in a vacuum during 2001 and there may be quite a few people who can make a good guess at
who Whitney must be, remembering him or her being in the picture somewhere around Silverstein on 9-11.
Of course, if YOU know Whitney then after you brag about it here, please submit to the report's website so it can be posted there also. In the
meantime, this would be a good place to suggest ways for finding this mystery witness. Ideas anyone?