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SO..Why nothing heard from Bin Laden..Al Qaeda

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posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 02:23 PM
Right before all of the Middle East mess really heated up, There were multiple tapes from Bin Laden and Al Zawahiri.

Why is it so silent all of the sudden, could they be up to something major now?

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 02:29 PM
He is probably waiting for orders from George Bush.

Wouldnt bloody suprise me put it that way

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 02:34 PM
It just seems strange that we heard from the so many times over a short period just prior to the whole Israel- Hezbollah - Lebanon - Hamas thing. Now total silence. First off, this is a time when they normally would be out pointing out how the great Satan US and Israel are causing all the strife in the middle east and Jihad must be waged.

Total silence does not seem like a good sign from them, does it. They usually have something big that follows a period of silence like this.

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 02:46 PM
Yeah it is strange considering that on the Islamic calender today is the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. You'd think they'd have something to say!!!

I guess it takes a while for the courriers to get the tapes out from the hiding spots. Who knows?

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 08:40 PM
Hey your onto something here,
I didnt even think about it.
Does that mean the propogandas working?

Osama is only an issue any more, when he's on the TV?

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 08:46 PM
Bin laden . . . Who?????

Now is the time for everybody to see and understand what big role Bin laden played in the middle east destabilization.

Yes bin laden . . . I think he is Bush Ranch in Texas going hunting with Cheney

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 12:15 AM
The thread answerts itself: The fact that people are wondering where al queda is in repsone to this merans that they expect al queda to do something which means they wont. They are not predictable.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 12:50 AM
One 'threat' at a time people

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 04:52 AM
Because 'Al-Qaeda' see Shias (Which Hezbollah are) as mortal enemies and 'worse than Jews', because of the Shia branch of Islam not recognising the Sunni choice of the successors to The Prophet Muhammad to lead Muslims.

Nasrallah (Hezbollah's leader) has in the past, described Bin Laden as "despicable".

Let us not forget that Shia Mosques and Shias themselves are being blown up by 'Al-Qaeda' in Iraq.

Hezbollah being attacked by Israel, and perhaps Iran (Shia) being attacked by Israel and/or the US, suits 'Al-Qaeda' well, just as it suited 'Al-Qaeda' for the US to attack who Bin Laden described as a "bad muslim", Saddam Hussein.

It suits the Saudis and 'Al Qaeda' for Iran or Hezbollah to be attacked, both are Shia, which is more or less opposed by the Saudi businessmen who give 'Al-Qaeda' some lolly to play with.

Bogeyman of the Year 2001 and 2002 was awarded to Osama Bin Laden.

Bogeyman of the Year 2003 was awarded to Saddam Hussein.

Bogeyman of the Year 2004 was awarded to Abu Musab Al Zarqawi

Bogeyman of the Year 2005 was awarded to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Bogeyman of the Year 2006 is currently hotly disputed, with a list of candidates proposed by the frothing of the mouth media and NeoCons!


Abu Musab Al Zarqawi (He might not make Awards evening, but he may be found in Langley, Virginia.)

Ayman Al Zawhiri (Deputy to 'where's Osama Bin Hiding')

Kim Jung Il

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

President Assad (Leader Of Syria)

Nasrallah (Leader of Hizbollah, and a late entry)

All are 'Goldsteins' (Read 1984 by Orwell for reference) to the NeoCons.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by thesaint
He is probably waiting for orders from George Bush.

Wouldnt bloody suprise me put it that way
Hee Hee, Last night they were saying the US is full FULL of a worse enemy than Al Qaeda...

AND they continue to cross the borders and continue to ready themselves to do us all in....The borders Bush refuses to do anything about....
I'm not a genious, but what's wrong with this picture???

Frankly, i'm surprised we can still leave our homes..... how long will that last?

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Hee Hee, Last night they were saying the US is full FULL of a worse enemy than Al Qaeda...

AND they continue to cross the borders and continue to ready themselves to do us all in....The borders Bush refuses to do anything about....
I'm not a genious, but what's wrong with this picture???

Frankly, i'm surprised we can still leave our homes..... how long will that last?

At present then, the US is under siege and threat on it's soil from:

Al Qaeda


Iranian Revolutionary Guards

North Korean Special Forces

Syrian Agents

Chinese-Americans and Chinese immigrants being China's Third Column in the US.


Mexicans with their families of double figures coming over the border



Christian Cults

And Immigrants with contagious diseases.

According to the right wing media anyway!


Blimey, worse than The Alamo!

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 07:01 AM

And lets not forget all the ones who are not happy with this government.

THAT is quite a crowd.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe

And lets not forget all the ones who are not happy with this government.

THAT is quite a crowd.

Call in the Minutemen!

I forgot to list the Cuban third column in Florida!

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 10:00 AM
Osama Bin Profitable

The Trillion Dollar Man

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