posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:24 AM
its the 27th night of Ramadan. Thats when the first words of Qur'an have been revealed to mohamad over 1400 years ago.
Muslims stay up mostly the whole night, praying or talking with family. There are many tales and legends all over the world about this night.
In my country the tradition says that if you guess the exact time when the revelation happened, recite the first sura of Qur'an, Al-Fatehah, and make
a wish, it will come true.
It is also a night when the angels and the Holy Spirit come down to earth to do God's comand, some say to write down the future of individuals...
hence the Night of Destiny. If you are a true believer you might be able to see these angels. Also the pure heart is able to see the Nur, light of
God, or souls of those who pased away. My grandmother saw it once.. at least she tells us that all the time