posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 06:46 PM
Just as latin suppossedly died out so is the desire to dumb down English.
This all has to do with percieved sheeple meanings of words in everyday conversation versus actual meanings in law. We are ruled by English
Anglo-Saxon Common Law buried beneath a layer of Admiralty/Maritime law.
Grammar, punctuation, spelling, & precise phrasing are all extreme components to language when entering the legal world.
The majority of Judges being English, American, Canadian, Spanish, German, Polish, Italian, etc understand legal maxims which are latin, many lawyers,
prosecutors, attorneys, & judges still use them in everyday court proceedings.
The average person has no idea what was just said. This has been done on purpose to prevent average people from obtaining lawful remedy on their
All acts of Parliament, bills of congress, executive oders are written in lawful legaleze which Joe & Mary six pack cannot understand even when it is
in their own native tongue. This is to prevent you from understanding the system and makes it easier to victimize & be preyed upon by the elite.
Grab a Black's law dictionary and skim through various words, you will be shocked at what everyday people use in conversation & slang as an implied
meaning usually enforced by popular culture which is completely opposite in the legal world.
"Traffic" is a good example: it doesn't mean cars on the street it means the trading of commercial goods.
"Includes" doesn't mean all encompassing it means only pertaining to yet we are deliberately taught in public to school to 'include' everyone
which in law would be impossible unless the word was placed in the phrase 'includes but not limited to'.
In law you deal with legal fiction, your First name & Last name are a legal gov't created fiction, your Given name & surname are nouns which although
sound alike and are spelled the same do not equl each other in law.
We are talking major Alice in wonderland stuff here!
Remember the United Nations sets the school curriculm for all countries in the IMF, they do that to purposely dumb everyone down so they can't escape
a voluntray form of economic slavery with a lawful remedy.
You should always spell your name like this:
John-Lee: Smith NOT John, L. Smith as taught in school.
This is how Benjamin Franklin & the majority of american ForeFathers spelt their names. Everything is a scam.