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ABC News investigation concludes Oswald acted alone

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posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 12:34 AM

ABC News has conducted an exhaustive investigation of the Kennedy assassination, complete with a computer-generated reconstruction, which irrefutably confirms that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, the network said Monday.

not like this will actually clear up anything, because I doubt the questions surrounding the Kennedy assassination will every be answered, but it's interesting to see how the current craze for forensic science can be put to investigating historical events.

[Edited on 10/28/2003 by MorningtonCrescent]

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 12:43 AM
So they're saying a CGI simulation of the bullet will prove conclusively that Oswald acted alone? Sorry, but thats not exactly evidence. More or less digital conjecture.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 12:44 AM
interesting i got to see this. from what ive seen there had to be two shooters but i wonder how this disproves it.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 12:45 AM
it could be accurate heelstone. we will have to wait and see. and what i said bout 2 shooters i meant at least 2 shooters if not more.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 01:01 AM
Disinformation Inc is at it again.

So this time, the ABC decides what conclusion it will come to, and determines what evidence it will use to support it to "prove conclusively" what happened... dismissing the magic bullet, the grassy knoll, the known CIA involvement, and all else in its path.

Not only that, but the ABC elects to put words in the mouth of dead man talking Jack Ruby, attributing all his motives to him.

If anyone watches this revisionist TV doco and believes that it proves what it sets out to prove conclusively, I suggest handing in your ATS Badge to engage in lighthearted banter elsewhere. Just my opinion.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 01:04 AM
thats why i am so interested to see it. there is so much evidence pointing that there were multiple gunmen how coudl they possibly prove beyond a reasonably doubt that there wasnt?

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 01:17 AM
First take in for account that when JFK was shot his head went back then to the left.... if he was show by Oswald alone his head wouldn't have done this.... if he was show by the man behind the grassy knoll this would have made much more sense.

Second take for account the magic bullet.... with computers now a days you can prove anything... you could prove that a pig can fly if you adjust the settings properly and input the correct data...

Third if Oswald acted alone he would have shot the 3 bullets in like 3.2 seconds then sprinted down flights of stairs in 30 seconds buy a coke... then sit down and start his lunch.... he would be out of breath of course but no the witness saw him just calmly eating his lunch and drinking his coke.

The CIA has even admited being involved in the assasination. The body was even tampered with. The doctors performing the autopsy were TOLD what to do.

JFK assasination
JFK assasination moreinfo
canfield docs

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 02:32 AM
Not too mention, he would have shot those rounds from three different directions within that time frame, makeing him faster than light! Yeah, the lone gunman theory really makes sence, almost like the the twin towers being brought down by planes....

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 02:40 AM
what bout this. correct me if i'm wrong but isnt the exit wound from a gun larger than the entrance wound? so when the back of his head flew off onto the back of the car. if i'mnot mistaken wasnt oswald shooting from behind him? so the exit wound should of blown chunks forward instead of backward.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 02:45 AM
Right, the skull "chunk" or "chunks" actually blew out from the front right side, or thats how I saw it on the film. Makeing that the exit, in all actuality the multiple rounds impacting have never been detailed, evidence was supressed in my opinion. He is dead, thats all there is to it now.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 02:49 AM
The only thing we'll probably ever know for certain is that the official explanation was not what happened and that CIA involvement is highly likely. I doubt the documents being held until 2029 will hold any special significance.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 02:52 AM
There are no "documents", for 2029. Trust me if there ever was, they would have been destroyed. If that information was meant to be out, it would have been by now. Coverups run deeper than blood, and often thicker...

[Edited on 28-10-2003 by ADVISOR]

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 02:54 AM
You're most likely right on that ADVISOR.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 03:25 AM
probably right on that. their banking on the fact that in 2029 we wont even remember that they are releasing the documents and if we do remember they will just say some crap like they got lost or something. that will just add to the already obvious cover up.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 08:52 AM
AARGH. I hate the media. Conclusive? More like Conjecture. A computer can model reality to a high degree if you have all the facts. If you punch in the known facts it will come to a known conclusion. Idiocy in the press is only exceeded by idiocy in the public.

We will never know the full truth. They made it clear in the article that they did this to restore faith in the government.

The telling sentence?

Still, much of Americans' cynicism about their government can be traced to Nov. 22, 1963, making further investigation important even 40 years later, he said.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 11:11 AM
Wow. Conspiracy theorists must really be a threat to THEM if they still try to convince the masses that Kennedy was assassinated by some insane bloke, acting alone, with no evil forces playing in the background or no political reason for all of this. Wow.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 07:49 PM
I thought the theory was that he was shot from someone in the manhole? That 's why his head goes up and back to the left?

On a side note, my one year anniversary comes up on Tuesday. Do I get a present or something?

[Edited on 10-28-2003 by DClark]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 04:24 PM
If Osvald was acting alone, how come they twarted an assassination attempt on jfk in Chicago, just 3 weeks before the jfk assassination? Coincident?

Former agent says Kennedy assassination thwarted weeks before president's death

November 21, 2007

Although police were preparing to line the motorcade route, Secret Service officials in Chicago were deeply troubled about the visit because of two secret threats.

Right-wing radical and Kennedy denouncer Thomas Vallee, had arranged to be off work for JFK's visit, Vallee, an expert marksman, was arrested with an M1 rifle, a handgun and 3,000 rounds of ammo. But then there was the phone call to federal agents from a motel manager concerning what was she saw in a room rented by two Cuban nationals.

"Had seen lying on the bed several automatic rifles with telescopic sights, with an outline of the route that President Kennedy was supposed to take in Chicago that would bring him past that building," said former Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by MaskedAvatar

How is corroborating the original story revisionist? Isn't revisionism by definition, a later view?

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 05:01 PM
As some of you know I work as a professional 3d artist /digital sculptor and teach others in the industry how to do various things. Ever since I started in the field I wanted to do a definitive 3d recreation of the JFK assassination. But I never started it (even though I'd still love to) for a few reasons I feel are pertinent to this thread so I'll outline them.

1 - The biggest reason of all of them was it would require too much conjecture as there simly isn't enough detailed data of the sizes, shapes, weights of everything in the plaza that day. There are too many unknown variables that I would have had to take a 'best guess at'. If I'd done that it would have immediately made any reconstruction invalid.

2 - Witness statement it unreliable so using anything but real data would have been pointless again if I was trying to make this a definitive reconstruction.

3- It was getting to be a pain early on finding even simple details like the weight, height etc of the main parties concerned let alone the more vital stuff..maybe ABC have better data to work from..I don't know.

4 - Lastly anothre consideration was the time it would take for a person working alone and unpaid to do this and render it all out...although to be frank time and money were a minimal consideration to me as its something I love as well as something I do for work.

As no one had any set squares or protractors on LHO when he allegedly fired the gun we cannot be sure of the angles. All we have as reliable facts (and some people would even argue with that) we have are the Zapruder footage. Now it’s being kind to say that although a amazing visual record of a pivotal moment in history, it’s not exactly good enough data to work from for a great many reasons. Some such as the poor quality of the footage are not things that can be helped.

So the moment anyone guesses a fact like an angle or size or weight of a party involved it immediately invalidates the whole reconstruction. So I'd have to say from my own personal standpoint (which may or may not be wrong I admit that fact) it’s never going to be able to produce a 100% reliable reconstruction of the events that day. So to me from my standpoint I’d have to say it’s a ‘smoke and mirrors’ way of trying to marginalise the whole JFK conspiracy field.


[edit on 22/11/2007 by the secret web]

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