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Does Deviant Behavior Have a Physical Cause?

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posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 12:22 PM
It seems like some people are just wired wrong. And it's spreading. What's going on?

Half the world is going postal. Never mind terrorism. Check out the headlines on child abuse, pedophiles, domestic violence, street violence. It doesn't quit.

Some people insist these things have "always happened" and it's only now coming "out in the open." Other people say our world is too liberal - and that violence and immorality are simply inevitable byproducts. Still others say violence and immorality result from poverty and repression - that people feel powerless and they're striking out blindly, wherever they can.

Everyone has a theory - and every theory presumes behavior is solely the product of personal choice. But what if it's not? What if violence and other deviant behaviors have a physical cause?

What if violence and deviant behavior are symptoms of a major epidemic?

Alzheimer's and dementia now are epidemic - violence and deviant behavior are common symptoms of both these diseases. Both are progressive, but are not recognized or diagnosed until the final stages occur in old age.

Global Bill for Alzheimer's Nears Quarter-Trillion Dollars

The estimated total worldwide cost of caring for people with Alzheimer's disease and dementia now tops $248 billion U.S annually, researchers said Sunday. ...That estimate, based on a worldwide prevalence estimate of nearly 28 million people with Alzheimer's and dementia...

...28 million people with Alzheimer's and dementia - and that's without counting the expected increase in Alzheimer's and dementia cases resulting from diabetes.

Studies Link Diabetes to Risk of Alzheimer’s

Several new studies suggest that diabetes increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, adding to a store of evidence that links the disorders. The studies involve only Type 2 diabetes, the most common type, which is usually related to obesity. ...The connection raises an ominous prospect: that increases in diabetes, a major concern in the United States and worldwide, may worsen the rising toll from Alzheimer’s. The findings also add dementia to the cloud of threats that already hang over people with diabetes...

“Alzheimer’s is going to swamp the health-care system,”
said Dr. John C. Morris, a neurology professor at Washington University in St. Louis, and an advisor to the Alzheimer’s Association. ...In the past decade, several large studies found that, compared to healthy people of the same age and sex, those with Type 2 diabetes were twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s. The reason is not known, but researchers initially suspected that cardiovascular problems caused by diabetes might contribute to dementia by blocking blood flow to the brain or causing strokes.

More recently, though, scientists have begun to think that the diseases are connected in other ways as well. In both, destructive deposits of amyloid, a type of protein, build up: in the brain in Alzheimer’s, in the pancreas in Type 2 diabetes. ...About 20 million people in the United States have Type 2 diabetes. The number has doubled in the past two decades. Another 41 million are “pre-diabetic,” with blood sugar rising toward the diabetic level. Diabetes rates are expected to increase because rates of obesity are rising, and epidemiologists predict that one in three American children born in 2000 will eventually develop Type 2.

Worldwide, diabetes is also on the rise, increasing to 230 million cases from 30 million in the past 20 years.


The number of people around the world suffering from diabetes has skyrocketed in the last two decades, from 30 million to 230 million, claiming millions of lives and severely taxing the ability of health care systems to deal with the epidemic, according to data released Saturday by the International Diabetes Federation.

Obviously there's an infectious component here - no disease spreads from 30 million people to 230 million in 20 years without a lot of help. And "genetics" does not explain away the situation.

Note: infectious does NOT mean contagious - these diseases do NOT spread from person-to-person - we need to look at the food and drug industries to determine routes of infection and transmission vectors. For example:

Antidepressants Can Increase Diabetes Risk: Those already at high risk for type 2 boost chances by taking drugs to fight depression


It could take half a century or more for someone infected with prions - the cause of mad cow-like diseases - to start showing (clinically verifiable) symptoms, say researchers, who drew that conclusion after studying a similar illness among Papua New Guinean people who once feasted on their dead.

Their findings suggest that the number of human cases of variant Creutzfeld-Jacob disease (vCJD) could end up being much larger than originally suspected, say the researchers, whose study is published in Friday's edition of The Lancet.

But leaving aside questions about how diabetes, Alzheimer's and dementia are created and transmitted, let's look at how these diseases progress.


posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 12:23 PM
Most mental effects of both Alzheimer's and dementia result from the cumulative effects of hundreds of undiagnosed strokes that occur over decades, before the disease is "clinically apparent." Obviously, there's a lead-up to the final disease state, and many symptoms occur transiently before the disease is full-blown.

Strokes of any intensity can wreak havoc in the brain, causing a variety of symptoms. In fact, stroke symptoms can include violence, anger, psychosis, anxiety, apathy, forgetfulness, and personality change - and depend on the exact part of the brain affected by the stroke. In the early stages of disease, these symptoms tend to come and go.

Unfortunately, most strokes are not "clinically evident" - they are silent and "invisible," and are not diagnosed.

Common behavioral and cognitive sequelae of stroke include depression, psychosis, anxiety, personality change, aphasia, and dysprosody among others...


Frontal lobe injuries, violence, and aggression

Knowledge stored in the human prefrontal cortex may exert control over more primitive behavioral reactions to environmental provocation. Therefore, following frontal lobe lesions, patients are more likely to use physical intimidation or verbal threats in potential or actual confrontational situations. ...ventromedial frontal lobe lesions increase the risk of aggressive and violent behavior.


Self-reported aggressive behavior in patients with stroke.

This study represents a first attempt to identify some of the clinical and pathoanatomical correlates of violent outbursts in patients with cerebrovascular accident. ...proximity of lesion to the frontal pole was one of the factors related to the self-reported irritable/violent behavior. ...the potential for anger and violence in patients with stroke has multiple clinical and neuropathological correlates, including greater cognitive impairment and left anterior hemisphere lesions.


Depression and Stroke Disease

Emotional disturbances following stroke have long been recognised. Whilst important states such as emotional lability and indifference are common and well recognised, they have received much less interest from the research community than anxiety and especially depressive syndromes occurring after stroke.

Depression has strong bidirectional relationships with both coronary artery disease (CAD) and stroke (Thomas et al., 2004). There have been many reports in "pure" depression syndromes, especially in older people, of an increase in subcortical lesions in both the white matter and the basal ganglia (O'Brien et al., 1996).

These lesions manifest as hyperintense lesions on MRI and are strongly associated with vascular risk factors and there is pathological evidence that such lesions are indeed due to cerebral ischaemia and cerebrovascular disease (CVD) (Thomas et al., 2002).


Affective disorders and cerebral vascular disease.

Empirical studies have recently demonstrated that major and minor depressive disorders occur in 30-50% of stroke patients, and last more than one year without treatment... These mood disorders are not strongly associated with severity of impairment, demographic characteristics, social supports or prior personal history, but major depression is often strongly associated with left frontal or left basal ganglia lesions and pre-existing subcortical atrophy. ...Mania is a rare complication of stroke...


Emotionalism is common after stroke... found especially in patients with left frontal and temporal lesions.


Depression and Stroke


Aggressive behavior in patients with stroke

Several factors, such as severity of impairment, other psychopathology, and neurobiologic factors, appear to contribute to irritable and aggressive behavior in stroke patients.


Mood disorders in long-term survivors of stroke: associations with brain lesion location and volume.


Apathy following cerebrovascular lesions.

...apathy is a frequent finding among patients with acute stroke lesions and may coexist with important emotional and cognitive poststroke disturbances.


Generalized anxiety disorder in stroke patients.

This prospective study examined the prevalence and longitudinal course of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) after stroke and its comorbidity with major depression over time. The contributions of lesion characteristics, functional impairment, and psychosocial factors to the development of GAD after stroke were studied. ...GAD after stroke is a common and long-lasting affliction that interferes substantially with social life and functional recovery.


Mood changes after right-hemisphere lesions.


Mood disorders following stroke


White Matter Changes in Depression and Alzheimer's Disease: A Review of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies

This article reviews magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of white matter lesions in depression and Alzheimer's disease. Although conflicting reports exist, many studies show that white matter lesions are more prevalent in both conditions, with depression associated with deep white matter lesions (DWML) and Alzheimer's disease with periventricular lesions (PVL). In normal ageing and depression there is some evidence that such lesions may be associated with neuropsychological dysfunction...


Ischemic basis for deep white matter hyperintensities in major depression: a neuropathological study.

White matter hyperintensities on magnetic resonance imaging are increased in major depression in the deep white matter, especially in frontal areas. ...Deep white matter hyperintensities are more frequently due to cerebral ischemia, and such ischemic lesions are more frequently located at the level of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in depressed subjects. Our findings strongly support the "vascular depression" hypothesis...

NOTE: This book maps the brain, and links lesions in specific parts of the brain to particular "brain dysfunctions and disorders of mood, thought and affect processing, and behavior."

Behavior and Mood Disorders in Focal Brain Lesions

This is the first clinical reference work to specifically address the relationship of focal brain dysfunction to behavioral and emotional disorders, providing the most comprehensive account available of these manifestations of brain lesions including stroke, trauma, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and even neurosurgery. A worldwide team of neuroscientists and clinicians examines the links between regional brain dysfunction and disorders of mood, thought and affect processing, and behavior.

IMO, we are seeing a stroke epidemic with its attendant symptoms of "emotionalism," "behavioral sequelae," "mood disorders" and "affective disorders" - precursors to the development of Alzheimer's and dementia, which already are acknowledged as epidemic.

But hey. Who cares about the evidence. Let's just blame the victims - and their lifestyle choices. That way, no one has to admit there is an epidemic, the food and drug industries are protected - and profits are preserved.


Although these diseases are incurable and often untreatable, white matter damage is often reversible and the brain can replace damaged neurons with alternate connections.

Alzheimer's deterioration may go unnoticed in some seniors

People can have the brain deterioration that comes with Alzheimer's disease without showing debilitating symptoms, a new study finds. ...Researchers in the U.S. studied the brains of 134 clergy who donated their bodies to science. They were in their 80s on average when they died.

None had clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's before they died, but 37 per cent showed lesions on the brain associated with the disease, a research team reported in Tuesday's issue of the journal Neurology. ..."It means that a large number of people can accumulate all of this disease pathology and still be functioning very well," said study author Dr. David A. Bennett of the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center in Chicago.

...Feldman is convinced the brain is a "use-it-or-lose-it" organ. Seniors with a higher education who stay mentally active and socially connected as they age can have the disease without knowing it, he said.

BUT - most people need to know what they're dealing with - and they need help.


posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 01:18 PM
Sofi I think that society always had been dealing with all these mental problems, social problems and physical problems.

While I understand that is all part of our human nature and human body it wasn’t until the latest boom to the health care industry and pharmaceutical conglomerate that now all the social, mental and physical problems has been separated into groups so treatment for profits can be exploited to the maximum.

See before one social and behavior deviation, like pedophiles, rapist, act of violence where kept quite treated as Family problem not to be told to the rest of the community.

Physical sickness and maladies were tag as natural aging process or just kept also in the back room.

Now everything is in the light we are more aware of what goes on around us, every act of crime is well covered and is a name for every malady or disease and an array of medical treatments to deal with.

Do I make sense?

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 01:36 PM
You make sense marg - I just disagree.

...Please, take a look at the numbers. Ie., an increase in diabetes from 30 million people to 230 million in just 20 years.

And ten years ago the population of Alzheimer's and dementia patients in nursing homes was only about 5% - now, it's 50-60% and still rising. And many of these dementia patients in nursing homes are not elderly. wasn’t until the latest boom to the health care industry and pharmaceutical conglomerate that now all the social, mental and physical problems has been separated into groups so treatment for profits can be exploited to the maximum.

IMO - The evidence shows that "all the social, mental and physical problems" were defined as distinct diseases to hide the fact that they all result from the same disease.

...and then the drug industry boomed by treating the symptoms as "different" diseases - instead of the curing the diseases, or removing the causes and preventing the diseases.

Now, medications just make the original disease create new strains - and new diseases.


posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 01:46 PM
Yes I know that everything seems to be higher in the last 20 years and diet and the environment is to blame.

I agree that everything seems to be in the rise and so also the population has been in the rise that is why so many people are coming down with so many medical problems.

But have you ever wonder if the same medications that are use to treat problems are also making existent ones worst?

You see pharmacies making miracle drugs to ease problems.

But is any of them trying to find cures?

Look at the stem cell research now again in congress and with imminent Vito by the president.

I don't believe no even onces that has to do with religious bureaucrats or groups that are opposing . . . but rather millions or even billions of dollars to be paid to these groups through lobbying to stop what can be a way to find cures to many diseases.

BtW we need a thread on the new stem cell and the Vito and the reals reason or conspiracy behind it.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by soficrow
...Please, take a look at the numbers. Ie., an increase in diabetes from 30 million people to 230 million in just 20 years.

And ten years ago the population of Alzheimer's and dementia patients in nursing homes was only about 5% - now, it's 50-60% and still rising. And many of these dementia patients in nursing homes are not elderly.

But in that 20 years, childhood obesity has skyrocketed and the ammount of processed foods and all the sugar introduced into the daily diet is just huge. That seems a more likely source of diabetes to me.

As for Alzheimers and dementia, has the overall population in the nursing home risen %50-60? I'm thinking that there are two factors to this rise and both involve medical care. 1) People are living longer, which means more people not dying younger and therefore suffering from more symptoms of progressing age, and 2) anasthesia. More and more older people that have surgury to stay alive are having negative cognitive effects as the results of anesthesia. I started noticing this amongst family members in the late 1980's and have been following the trend among other people who's family members have undergone surgery at an advanced age.

[edit on 18-7-2006 by hogtie]

[edit on 18-7-2006 by hogtie]

[edit on 18-7-2006 by hogtie]

[edit on 18-7-2006 by hogtie]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 02:32 PM
I think that our brain chemistry and wiring has definately changed over course of time. We are absorbing chemical and enviornmental pollutants triple the amount we did even as little as 50 yrs ago.
Alzheimer's is becoming linked to aluminum and other metal build up in the brain.
Autism in vaccines with are metal (mercury) based.
These of course just a very few. We are empowered through technology but a computer gives off raditation in very small doses as I can only imagine what cell phone towes, ELF towers etc...are doing to our brain's neurons.

I think that we are being altered and that some people are reacting to these disturbances in behavioural ways. How can we be exposed to so much and not be affected by any of it?

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 03:35 PM
Here's an interesting article I found relative criminal activity and organic brain syndrome that might be of interest to some:

Compared to early offenders without organic brain syndrome, early starters with organic brain syndrome may be at particular risk for antisocial behavior and recidivism. In addition, organic brain syndrome patients with no criminal history may rapidly become at risk for offending because of their brain disorder. These findings underlie the importance of investigating the association of brain structure and activity in the development of offending and violent behavior.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 03:51 PM
There's a big flaw in the study... They used only Danish subjects, and we all know how loosey-goosey those Danes are with their morals.
Kidding! I kid because I love.

There are two statistics I would like to see alongside that study. The percentage of OBS criminals compared to non OBS criminals, and percentage of OBS criminals to OBS non-offenders. I'll look into that tomorrow. If anyone else has any numbers, I'd like to see what you have. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 07:45 PM
Thanks for the link and comments Grady.

However, I am NOT talking primarily about "organic brain syndrome," defined as follows according to the article you link: brain syndrome is a persistent impairment of comprehension caused by dementia, delirium, infection, injury, or substance-induced psychosis. Previous studies of organic brain syndrome and crime or aggression have either used hospital records to determine the psychiatric diagnoses of criminal offenders or used criminal records to determine the offense history of mentally ill individuals.

...I am saying that deviant behaviors reflect the early stages of Alzheimer's, dementia and other prion-related diseases - that these behaviors are unacknowledged symptoms of physical disease.

I am talking about actual damage to the brain's white matter which is visible on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ie., physical and verifiable. The evidence cited above refers to white matter damage verified by MRI - which is how specific behaviors and disorders can be related to particular areas of the brain.

...IMO - "organic brain syndrome" represents advanced disease, not the earlier stages. Most likely, criminals presenting with "organic brain syndrome" at an early age had the disease transmitted congenitally (familial transmission)- while other cases are probably acquired or sporadic.

posted by DDay

I think that we are being altered and that some people are reacting to these disturbances in behavioural ways. How can we be exposed to so much and not be affected by any of it?

You are right - research shows the alterations occur at the protein level - and override DNA expression in cell and tissue-building, at least. Also, these protein alterations short circuit RNA expression (called RNA interference).

The reason diseases are linked to heavy metal and chemical exposures is because these (and other) things cause proteins to misfold - and result in the subsequent alteration of cells and tissues. A totally physical effect.


posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 07:52 PM
Your definition of OBS is correct and I did not mean to blur the issue. I meant only to include OBS in a constellation of physical causes for deviant behavior.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by hogtie

As for Alzheimers and dementia, has the overall population in the nursing home risen %50-60?

Erm. That's irrelevant. Ie., If disease penetration is at 5%, then you would have 5 cases per hundred people; if the population rose to 500, you would have 25 cases: still 5%.

But we're seeing the incidence rate rise - which is VERY significant, and NOT at all related to the population growth.

I'm thinking that there are two factors to this rise and both involve medical care. 1) People are living longer, which means more people not dying younger and therefore suffering from more symptoms of progressing age,

Smoke and mirrors. One of the biggest crises facing every nation today is the fact that young people now suffer "age related" diseases and are becoming disabled decades before their parents did. If you want to Google the subject be sure to include the term "economy."

[edit on 18-7-2006 by soficrow]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Your definition of OBS is correct and I did not mean to blur the issue. I meant only to include OBS in a constellation of physical causes for deviant behavior.

Really good substantiation. Thanks.

Needed to clarify my points too though - sorry if I was brusque. ...Must be an age related curmudgeonly disorder.

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 07:52 AM
You're right about the statistics. Don't know what I was thinking.

But your dismissal of eating and exercise habits of youth to account for increased health problems doesn't make sense to me. Everyone is eating more junk food. Feeding a family at a fast food chain is cheaper than buying fresh produce. I'll go so far as to attribute some blame on chemicals in the food, but to say all this is smoke and mirrors?

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 09:46 AM
Soficrow, as always, good thread. About 5 or 6 years ago, there was an excellent Bill Moyers documentary on PBS called "Trade Secrets". It talked about the chemical inldustry/companies such as Dow and Dupont and that they knew their products contained toxins as far back as the 50's. After 50 years of toxics in the environment and in our bodies, the effects have become horrendous. It posed the question, is autism (and other diseases such as Alzheimer's) caused by toxins in the environment/food chain etc.?
I think this has something to do with it. I also think some of the increased craziness/aggressiveness in the world is from too many people on the planet. Add that together with poor eating habits, no exercise, especially in young people and you have a doctor's nightmare. And then of course, there is the question, is the govt poisoning our food and environment deliberately due to overpopulation policies?

Great info, Soficrow, thanks for taking the time to research all of this and post links. It will take me awhile to read through all of the info

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 12:48 PM
Thanks forestlady - I need to find that Bill Moyer's special. "Trade Secrets," huh?

I became interested in this topic when I was finally diagnosed - after decades of suffering - with an incurable and often untreatable disease called fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD). As a result of the FMD, several of my organs are damaged and deteriorating; I have had a hemorrhagic stroke in my brain stem; and continue to have recurring mini-strokes (transient ischemic attacks or TIA's) that affect different parts of my brain. Stroke effects I commonly deal with include varying degrees of aphasia, ophthalmoplegic and retinal migraines, and dysosmia.

I am very lucky: a) I am diagnosed; b) I have not experienced a fully disabling stroke; and c) so far, my stroke deficits are transient and manageable, especially because I know what I am dealing with.

But - because of my research into this disease and the "stroke phenomenon," I recognize that many "crimes" clearly result from neurological deficits - typically caused by stroke.

Strokes are common - Stroke is the third leading cause of death and the most common cause of disability in most developed countries. More telling, stroke and the things that cause stroke tend NOT to be diagnosed until they are life-threatening - so mini-strokes tend to go unrecognized - and the epidemic symptoms are not acknowledged officially.

Italy's Cochrane Neurological Network provides an excellent overview of common neurological deficits resulting from stroke and toxin exposures, and their inheritable congenital effects.

Strokes - and the related neurological deficits - can be caused by many things, including: now-common infectious diseases; exposure to toxins like heavy metals and toxic oil, both of which are common contaminants in our world; and by drugs, including over-the-counter and prescription medications.

In my case, the FMD started when I had an allergic reaction to penicillin at the age of five; the disease accelerated when I went on birth control pills in my late teens and was given ergot for the resultant migraines, and then, despite my allergy, was given penicillin again for mis-diagnosed 'chronic bronchitis' (in my case, a typical 'allergic' reaction that occurs when the FMD affects the lungs). However, I was not diagnosed until 1990, when all my organs started shutting down and I nearly died.

So my diagnosis was delayed 35 years, despite the fact that penicillin allergy was fully documented as a cause of FMD by the mid-1950's; ergot was thoroughly researched and shown to cause FMD in the 1960's and 70's; birth control pills, toxic oils, heavy metals and more, all have been documented as triggers and causes through the 1980's to the present. Moreover, by the 1980's, Prusiner's and T. N. James' work at least, showed that diseases created by allergic reactions and other exposures can be passed on congenitally and alter genetic information.

I know I am not alone. In general, the causes, diseases and symptoms are ignored until the effects are life-threatening. And for every person lucky enough to be diagnosed, how many are left undiagnosed, untreated, and unacknowledged? In my estimation, it's millions, pushing billions, as the "diseases of civilization" spread to other continents.

More on stroke symptoms:

Stroke can affect people in different ways. It depends on the type of stroke, the area of the brain affected and the extent of the brain injury. Brain injury from a stroke can affect the senses, motor activity, speech and the ability to understand speech. It can also affect behavioral and thought patterns, memory and emotions. Paralysis or weakness on one side of the body is common.

Most of these problems can improve over time. In some patients they will go away completely.

How can a stroke affect emotions? Some areas of the brain produce emotions, just as other parts produce movement or allow us to see, hear, smell or taste. If these areas are injured by a stroke, a survivor may cry easily or have sudden mood swings, often for no apparent reason. This is called emotional lability. Laughing uncontrollably also may occur but isn't as common as crying. Depression is common as stroke survivors recover and as they come to terms with any impairment that doesn't fully go away.

How can a stroke affect perception? A stroke can also affect seeing, touching, moving and thinking...

Stroke Effects

Also see: Stroke is the third leading cause of death and the most common cause of disability in most developed countries.


posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 01:48 PM
What a fabulous thread. I want to post in but feel I need to sit down and read through the whole thing and try to understand what has been written before I arrived over the weekend. Let me explain.

I'm 73 and have outlived every member of my family. It might be that I'm the only one who does not drink to excess. If the alcohol didn't get them the driving and setting themselves on fire did. I moved to a place called Sun City where people go when they need to be with others their own age. I am surrounded with men and women who cannot get through the day without a series of tantrums and they drive others crazy with their madness.

They are all raised on television which means one has to say things twice or even 3 times before getting their attention and when you get it they often don't understand the statement or question. I've met their kids and grandkids and they are clueless to the world around them.

I moved here just 4 years ago because I love the desert heat but after meeting my neighbors the first question I asked my new doctor was did this brain damage come as a result of the low humidity and he laughed and said he could not explain it.

But as far as everyone else is concerned. Could it be that we seniors are living longer and we are not eating home grown food? Are we over processing our selves into hurting our brains. I won't kid you, my memory is failing and I can remember things in the 30s but can't find the damn book I finished on Friday that I promised to review for another site.

It is the second book by this author I have read and the first one is waiting for the second one on the shelf and I feel like a fool. I almost hope I can get stupid too so I can feel at home here because I doubt I have the energy to move again. If I didn't have the internet I know I would go ape-# mad.

I have an intense interest in politics and really want to discuss this with seniors but they have no interest or opinions on what is being done to them. They have never been interested and I haven't the patience to take them through the Constitution and start all over. I can only hope they do not vote.

How about this place, is there theme here on freedom, independent thought, choices, you know, stuff like that?

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 05:51 PM
Sandy Price

You are about my father's age and he also enjoy a full healthy and incredibly active life after surviving prostate cancer.

Now one thing that he has done all his life is to eat lots of fish about 3 to four times a week and always get it fresh.

I agree that people seems to have very busy lives in this days and many Americans have to go through the day with an array of anti depressants just to feel happy.

And they has been prescribing them to the very young.

My daughter is only 22 and her two roommates of the same age are on anti depressant medication since high school.

I guess no wonder we have an increase of Autism in this country babies are been born already wired.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 09:03 PM
Dear SofiCrow
I promise I will read every word carefully, when I dare.
I just have to make a simple reply.

Is my deficiency anything but innocent?
I just wonder after scrolling over your printings. I have a B12 deficiency that will turn me into an Alzheimer patient in a matter of months if I don't get my shots. I had been suffering from this for years before it was detected as not a plain psychological disorder. It almost killed me.

Is this not just a random onslaught to my body, that's okay, I've learned that an infection can cause this disorder, but is it "intentional"?

I am
dependant of this "drug" or I'll be a veggie, I am sorry I am emotional, but is this intentional, from some "source"?, or did I get it all wrong?
My doctor now is great, she does tons of research on the subject, and comforts me that I CAN regain the lost brain cells.
Oh, I had sympthoms when I was 35!!!

[edit on 17-8-2006 by WalkInSilence]

[edit on 17-8-2006 by WalkInSilence]

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 09:17 PM

This is something that you really need to discuss with your physician and not on an internet bulletin board. If you are unsatisfied with your physician's response, then you should seek a second opinion from another physician, perhaps one specializing in your condition. It would be appropriate for you to share the information you find here with your physician, but as to seeking medical advice on ATS, I highly recommend against it.

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