posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 11:10 PM
I think some ghosts are more than just replays. My grandmother had stayed at a house where a ghost girl would warn other people not to fall down the
stairs. She herself had fallen down the stairs and died.
So that's them interacting with us and doing something useful. In fact for us ever to evolve a sole or after life you would assume the dead do
something useful to help the living (well that was such a case).
Now regarding time travel say what you like J Ice but in the 1970's they proved all aeroplanes travel into the future. They did this by
putting an atomic clock on one, and leaving another on the ground. They compared the readings and found there really is a fraction of a second
difference (in line with Einsteins theory of relativity which also predicts the existance of past). It may not be possible to phyisically reach this
past with current technology, or even anything which can be built by mankind. But both the past and future phyisically exist at any rate.
If the universe was a film then Cause and Effect would be the material of your position in that film, whilst where you are would be time. Cause and
Effect is very different to time because you cannot travel into a future in Cause and Effect if Cause and Effect has not yet created it. Cause and
Effect is controlled by the laws of phyisics, and therefore determines the speed-rate of time (as we phyisically witness it in daily life that is).