posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 07:31 AM
Originally posted by ivzm
the last few images appear to be on contrails...but they dont expand or disapate, what kind of timeframe was there between the first such photo and
the last?
Actually they do in fact dissipate somewhat. I took several of the similar ones and layered them, using 50% transparency. I was trying to determine if
it was the same exact image in all of the photographs. It did not appear to be a copy and paste job, there were similarities, as well as differences.
When layered to give them the same exact size and orientated the exact same way, when put one on top ef the other, the differences are more apparent.
Also I noticed that the larger the frame number, the shorter the contrail, even though the difference was very slight.
I am convinced it is an actual falling object of some kind, and not a hoax, anyway.
I'm just wondering if "space junk" falling through our atmosphere would produce such a contrail. I'm no rocket scientist (pun not intended), so I
can't be sure. But that is the most likely cause, barring a jet of some sort coming in for a very bad landing.
Any reports of aircraft going down in your area, CYRAX??
If all else fails, blame it on the e.b.e.'s. lol
[edit on 7/18/2006 by Mechanic 32]