posted on Nov, 27 2002 @ 04:59 PM
UP, you said the no man lay with a man like he does with a women. That from bible, humans, not ten commandments, god. Humans writting a book should
have as much power as it does today, none. The ten commandments were written by god, and they have power. Acoording to the bible one can't even go
to the bathroom without sinning.
Also, to marry someone didn't and still doesn't require the church. And handfastining(Witch/Druid wedding) is where you get tie the knot.
Anyways, just because the church stole weddings from the witches and druids before they killed them doesn't mean they own them. Hell, they stole
Yule(Christmas) Sowhien(Halloween) and Ostara(Easter) from the witches and druids, doesn't mean the days those are celebrated belong to the church
and can't be used by anyone else. There would be a few billion people missing three days a year.
Yes, the church controls many marriges in England, United States, and other countries where before people voiced their opinion and fought for their
rights they had to follow the church or were burnt at the stake. But people decided not to be the sheep the bible orders you to be and thought for
themselves. And guess what? You say lupe fights for gay marriges to much and imply he is gay, well then. You fight against it so much, why not
start a mob and burn a few houses of known gays then shoot anyone who flees from the fire? I know extreme version of what you did, but the same thing
in the end. Maybe people like lupe believe that a person is an individual who has the right to do what they want and shouldn't be controlled by
creations of certain men. The church/whatever other religons have, like the bible/Koran/Tora/whatever, was made by man. And nowadays some decide
that they want to be free and think and do what they want. As long as no one else is hurt.
And to the subject, why not? Go to a court house/Las Vegas, pay a few bucks, get married. Of course, if it a open marrige(aka more then family knows
that two gays/lesbians are getting married), you'd get people like NC there trying to burn the court house down saying the people are abominations.
Nothing is an abomination, for god loves all, and wouldn't let it happen if it was so bad, now would she?(Or he, or nothing, whatever) But to the
church, it's are version right, you wrong, die. Why? They weren't the first, they weren't the last, why they right? Because more people believe
it? Because going right by # of followers, whatever China follows has most followers, not the church. Heck, you christians can't even agree with
yourselves. As Lincoln once said, "A house divided can't stand", something close to that. In this case, a church. Heck, already have people
leaving you, so why would what the church says control what the government does? They are suppose to be different, and the right to marry is a legal
concern, not religous.