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On the news...US must intervene with Isreal, according to Arabs

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posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 11:15 PM
A quote from CNN's website states:

CNN) -- Diplomatic efforts to resolve the Middle East crisis are unlikely to prove successful until Israel feels it has crippled Hezbollah or President George W. Bush pressures Israel to halt the offensive, Arab diplomats said Monday.


But what interests do the U.S. have to NOT make sure Hezbollah is crippled? It's an either/or proposition? If so, why would GWB step in at all and stop it?

It seems fairly clear what the position of the U.S. "might" be in this case.

Just sayin'.

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[edit on 19/7/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 11:24 PM
I find the Arab response fascinating. It seems they are criticizing Hezbollah more than Israel, which is a totally new development IMHO and perhaps the only good sign so far in this conflict.

As far as U.S. intervention, maybe Israel would listen if we demanded them to stop, but who's going to the same to Hezbollah? We can't tell Israel to sit there while Hezbollah takes pot shots at their cities and do nothing.

[edit on 7/17/2006 by djohnsto77]

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 11:26 PM
Of special note from the G8 summit was the rhetoric coming from all major players. Annan and Blair are consistently saying that Israel is attacking Hezbollah, not Lebanon. All calls for peace begin with a request for Hezbollah to stop, Lebanon to grow a pair, and then Israel to stop. It takes a collossal freaking moron to think that Israel is somehow in the wrong by taking measures to defend its sovereign borders. I would say “pro-active measures”, but this crap has gone on long enough that in reality this is just self-defense on a drawn-out scale.

With that said, my problem with Israel is their apparent logic here: If your daughter is shacked up with a bank robber, the smart thing for the police to do is to come over to your house and kill your wife and son. That’ll be sure to convert you into a highly cooperative citizen, right?

When are people going to figure out that killing innocents because terrorists live among them… just creates more terrorists? How long has Israel been pursuing this brilliant strategy? When is it going to start working, do you suppose? It sure as hell is backfiring on us in Iraq - just like it did in Vietnam.

The only practical way for them to deal with terrorism is to treat it as a criminal matter. No one ever wins by taking a military approach to a terrorism issue. Israel has one of the finest militaries in the world, and they aren’t going to solve the problem by throwing their military might around. They’ve been trying for 50 years, and guess what? Terrorists are still blowing up innocent Israelis. You’d think someone would have noticed.

Israel can take all the measures that they want to treat the terrorists as criminals. Hell, they can go and use the Mossad on the leaders, simply making the bad guys go away. Why must they insist on doing this?

It’s so ironic that all this violence is between two groups separated by religion, when their respective religions have a common root. I haven’t really heard a solid reason for why one should take an antagonistic stance toward what Israel is doing, either, beyond some wishy-washy #e about historical owernship and such. Palestinians are Arabs, not Palestinians. The “sea people” that lived on the land before Israel couldn’t hold it in the face of the initial Israeli invasion - are we giving them some sort of reparations package over 2,000 years later? No!

As a final note, as I'm digressing, isn’t it interesting how Israeli and Arab (and US) TV news show different sides of war?

[edit on 17/7/06 by Bripe Klmun]

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 11:51 PM
I love it. One day we are the Evil Empire or the Great Satan and the next they want us to intervene on their behalf.

One incentive could be if the respective governments of the Arab States helped us round up a few of the terrorist leaders they are pretending they have no knowledge of. It might go a long way with the West if they helped clean up their own back yard.

I'd say the real answer is it's up to Israel. They were attacked by an enemy that knew full well what would happen. They tried to incite a war and got their wish. They may have thought that the world would immediately turn on the Jews. It’s easy to see how they might believe that. They see the western press taking the terrorists side daily in the news and may not realize it’s just political posturing and does not reflect the average person’s true feelings. I think the good people of the Middle East have had enough of these crazies and might now be willing to turn a blind eye while Israel wipes these psychos off the map. It’s Israel’s call as they were the ones attacked.

The Arab League -- plus, in separate statements, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia -- put the onus on Hezbollah for igniting the violence.

A month ago I would have never expected to see this.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 01:04 AM
The US is already up to it's neck in Iraq and Afganistan.They are slowly pulling back their responsibilities in the latter and expecting other nations,like mine(Canada) to take the brunt of their mess.
Should the States intervene and when it becomes an untenable situation and unwinable conflict the world has forgotten about, Another coalition of the willing will be pressed to step forward,NO THANKS!
Afganistan I agree with, though I think we in Canada have only seen the beginning of the torrent of body bags to come home.
Let Isreali deal with it's own problems, they have a very capable military force(hopefully a capable government).
It is not time for any other nation to get involved,YET.

In closeing I would like to say that I may disagree with GWB and his ilk but not with the US as a whole.I love you you guys man!
And it's ZED not ZEE

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 02:30 AM
like this:

The Arab world’s division: Iran loses support

Mid-stream Muslims are finally indignant enough to tell the extremist in their midst to go fight their own wars. It is suggested that this reaction is due not only to how terrorists would kill those with an education or the minorities (like Egypt’s Christians) that they live peaceably with, but because they are afraid that Iran is finally deciding to take over all the Arab world through Israel. Joining together in a war against Israel would jeopardize the individuality of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and other nations. The only ELEPHANT in this picture is the American presence already in the Middle East. Everyone shies away from the thought that American troops may come in at any time to help its long time allies, Israel. Considering President Bush’s private conversation that was heard by millions, America intends to keep to the background. Most Arab countries, apparently, will follow suit.

Any angle this is looked upon from, Iran is going to have to battle Israel on its own. The new question is: how many days will this war be?


The outburst has been long coming, building up ever since the 1979 Iranian Islamic revolution, which poured political militancy into the red-hot religious rivalries between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. Iran championed the oppressed Shiites as well as repressed revolutionaries in the Arab world. ...

What frightens the Arabs is that Iran has an impressive network already in place to do its deeds. Even before the United States conveniently dispensed with Iraq — which was the major bulwark against Persians — Iran had planted seeds throughout the region. Hezbollah was formed in the 1980s as Iran's private militia in Lebanon. Shiites loyal to Iran were dispensed to Iraq. And assorted jihadists spread to Jordan, Egypt and Tunisia.
At first, the Iranian motive was self-defense of its young revolution, but by the 1990s its ambitions graduated to regional hegemony. The election last year of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president signaled Phase 2 of the Iranian march, further alarming normally placid Arab majorities who appear to be silent no more.

[edit on 19-7-2006 by jlc163]

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[edit on 19/7/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 09:22 PM
this is better than reality tv...

israel shld understand that they will never see the kidnapped soldiers alive again.
israel shld continue its military attacks until the current lebanese govt falls to pro hezbollah fanatics.

then they shld have palestine and lebanon to worry abt for the next 50 years.

during that time the dynamic duo shld develop and launch longer range missiles so that they can hit any city in israel.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 12:13 AM
I wish someone in the administration would tell the Arabs: yeah we'll curb Israel when Saudi Arabia stops funding terrorists and when Iran and Syria stop training them etc....until then, reap what you sow.

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[edit on 20/7/2006 by Mirthful Me]

[edit on 20-7-2006 by princeofpeace]

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Bripe Klmun
With that said, my problem with Israel is their apparent logic here: If your daughter is shacked up with a bank robber, the smart thing for the police to do is to come over to your house and kill your wife and son. That’ll be sure to convert you into a highly cooperative citizen, right?

Hardly. THey are attacking what they beleive to be hezbollah strongholds. They stated that they beleive that have reduced the hezbollah infrastructure by 50% or some such. They aren't indiscriminantly bombing all of lebanon. THey seem to be working from a list, while also taking up targets of 'oppurtunity'.

The isreali logic is, if some gang of thugs is shooting at us, shoot back'.

When are people going to figure out that killing innocents because terrorists live among them… just creates more terrorists?

When will people learn that allowing terrorists to live amoung you makes you collateral damage?

How long has Israel been pursuing this brilliant strategy? When is it going to start working, do you suppose?
Seems to be working right now. When isreal is on the offensive, the arabs want a cease fire, when its not, they plot against them. The israelis seem to have decided, as evidenced by their withdrawl from gaza, that there is nothing for them in outright occupation, and nothign for them in outright 'peace', the occupation and negotiations aren't worth the hassel, and the 'peace' is nothing more than a phase in which their enemies consolidate their positions.

The only practical way for them to deal with terrorism is to treat it as a criminal matter.

And how is that supposed to work? They will arrest the people suspected of attacking them???

They’ve been trying for 50 years, and guess what? Terrorists are still blowing up innocent Israelis.

Better that than an arab army invading israel.

Hell, they can go and use the Mossad on the leaders, simply making the bad guys go away. Why must they insist on doing this?

What exactly do you suggest they do??? What is the mossad going to do? Sneak into lebanon and assasinate everyone in Hezbollah? How? When the news reports say '5 civilians were killed in the last round of israeli shells', are you actually thinking that they are talking about actual civilians? They are talking about Hezbollah militiamen, not civilians that aren't engaged in open warfare. Some definitly are civilians, but its not as if hezbollah wears uniforms.

spanish fly
then they shld have palestine and lebanon to worry abt for the next 50 years.

Whats to worry about? Every time there are these futile and weak attackes, the yehudis will bomb the enemy positions from the sky. As the palestinian rocket's increase in range, the israelis will just move that fence another coupla hundred feet into the west bank, or build on on the lebanese border and pound them with artillery fire whenever their enemy sets up positions there. The israelis have realized that they don't need to have settlements and military bases in occupation of those territories.


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