Israel has (on estimate), over 400 nuclear and hydrogen warheads, due to whats been happening recently its possible they might use them against
Lebanon but i'm unsure about it. The fallout depends on the size of the nuke they fire but if they did it Lebanon would retaliate as fast as they
could which, i for one, hope doesn't happen.
Israeli policy is to use nukes only if they have been nuked OR (a big or) if they feel that their existense is threatened even by conventional
(non-nuclear) means.
If we see Israel nuking, then i hate to say it but go grab your loved ones and as much dry food and water as possible and head for the hills.
Also, Israel has over one hundred baseball sized neutron devices that are meant specifically for battelfield use. For the uninformed, the baeball
sized neutron devices when detonated can destroy every person within a half-mile radius while leaving infrastructure unharmed.