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This is not WWIII!!! Please Stop!!!

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posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 01:52 AM
I agree with GradyPhilpott, to early to call what it is. Just think for a sec..... Even if nuclear weapons where involved, say between Israel and whom ever, this could be over with before you could say, what happened? Nukes and such can make wars very quick.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 02:16 AM
It may not be WWIII yet but this conflict could very easily become WWIII if the right countries get involved the U.S. troops are sitting right smack dab in the middle of the future site of armageddon, according to the bible the region of the tigres and the euphrates river is close to the place of the biblical armageddon so why could this whole war not turn into the global third world war???

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
It may not be WWIII yet but this conflict could very easily become WWIII if the right countries get involved the U.S. troops are sitting right smack dab in the middle of the future site of armageddon, according to the bible the region of the tigres and the euphrates river is close to the place of the biblical armageddon so why could this whole war not turn into the global third world war???

Those are basically my own thoughts on the issue.

Iran has stated that if Israel attacks Syria (thought to be aiding Hezbollah), then Israel will suffer "unimaginable damage" as a consequence. Hypothetically, if Iran were to begin attempting to trample Israel I highly suspect that the United States would be among the first to become involved in aiding Israel against it's enemies.

What bothers me most is China and Russia, those two aren't exactly best friends with the USA.

As for WW3 though, if/when Russia/China and the USA find themselves on opposing sides of an active/hostile exchange of military action, I think we can all assume that we're in the midst of WW3.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 07:17 AM
LOC - I too don't necessarily believe this is WWIII. YET! See it would take many more countries to get involved at that level to be declared a world war. Right now at best it's a middle east conflict. It always have been for many years, the difference is is that Israel is firing back and not relenting.
My concern is this: The US has been itching for a fight with Iran. Iran has already threatened Israel if they attack Syria but they cannot reach Israel from where they are so perhaps Syria would attack themselves. The US too is also having challenges with Syria. Bush's attention was drawn away to the situation with NK but I believe this is situation with Iran is just on the back burner temporarily.

Russia is a big influence over Iran so perhaps they would talk them down.
I find it all rather convienient that Israel is only now attacking because of 2 kidnapped soldiers.

The US will back Israel regardless, the bible lays this conflict out quite nicely. We have all been waiting for something like this even those that do not believe what the Bible says knows about the purported Armeggedon and that it will start in the middle east and Israel will have the front row.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 08:22 AM
Apparently Newt Gingrich thinks that this is going to start WWIII:

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is using bold language to describe the recent escalation of violence in the Middle East, calling it the beginning of the Third World War."This is World War III," the Georgia Republican told the Seattle Times.

"We're in the early stages of what I would describe as the Third World War and, frankly, our bureaucracy's not responding fast enough and we don't have the right attitude. And this is the 58th year of the war to destroy Israel and, frankly, the Israelis have every right to insist that every single missile leave south Lebanon, and the United States ought to be helping the Lebanese government have the strength to eliminate Hezbollah as a military force – not as a political force in the parliament – but as a military force in south Lebanon."

this is a scary statement from the Former Speaker of the House

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

In the current war, there have been attacks on the US, Iraq, Afghanistan, Britain, Spain, Russia, Israel, Lebanon, Tanzania, Kenya, and Indonesia and that's an incomplete list, I'm sure. All these attacks have one thing in common. They all involve radical Islamist terrorism or the perception thereof. It seems like a world at war to me.

[edit on 2006/7/16 by GradyPhilpott]

This is exactly right. I think the hang-up that causes the most problems in defining this is figuring out who the enemy is. To Islamic fundamentalists, the enemy is everyone who isn't. And until more "moderate" Muslims try to create a way to modernize their religion and deal with the trouble makers in their own house, I will not say that they aren't part of the problem as well. But for those of you who disagree with this assesment, just bear with me for a moment, and pretend that I'm right.

The only continent not affected by the extremism is covered with ice and has a few international scientists camping out there. As it turned out, Wahhabism didn't catch on there, because scientists have too much faith in rational thought. But I digress.

This violence has touched every continent, and every major nation. China - the extremists in its western provinces and (on the flip side) the Islamic countries that it helps to arm. Russia - one word... Chechnya, and the Islamic countries it helps to amr. France - the riots, burning cars, gangs carving epithets on Jewish women on subways, and... the Islamic countries it helps to arm. Spain - train bombing. Germany - well the rise of the neo-nazis have helped keep things in check there, somewhat. Go Germany
. Oh, and the Islamic nations Germany has helped to arm. Then there are the film makers getting their throats cut in the Netherlands. Did I mention the train bombings in London? And Abu Sayyaf in Indonesia and the Philippines, cutting of heads of missionaries and bombing hotels. North Korea trading weapons technology with Iran, who in turn supports Hezzbulah, plus causes some international strife of its own. There is Somalia and Sudan. No shortage of Muslims vs. anyone else there. Mass rape, murder, and human trafficing aplenty. Wasn't Libya working on WMD's? Actually, most of Africa is embroiled in this theoligical turmoil. There were bombs in Argentina in 1992 and 1994. In Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina there are elements of Iran's Army of God and Hezzbulah. They are raising money through the drug trade, and there are suspected ties with FARC. In Canada there are members of extremist groups moving in and out, plus the recent bomb plot that was uncovered. All of this, and I was able to completely leave out any thing that has involved attacks on US soil or citizens. Interesting.

If this isn't a world war, and if radical Islam isn't a threat, someone please set me straight.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by l0rds0fcha0s
So could we please stop with the "this is world war III" That is conspiracy, and belongs on ATS not PTS. PTS is more fact based. By saying this is WWIII, That is speculation and opinion only so I'd keep it on ATS. Thanks

I beg to differ. As the conflict continues, you can see the "world" lining up and begin to get a view of allies for both sides. If you do not think this can escalate into a World War, you are either naive or sadly mistaken.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 09:48 AM

I beg to differ. As the conflict continues, you can see the "world" lining up and begin to get a view of allies for both sides. If you do not think this can escalate into a World War, you are either naive or sadly mistaken.

I said it could, but I layed out to you what will need to happen.

And the bible also say the antichrist will sit on the throne of david and declare that he is Jesus Christ, and there will be world peace, then after that the real jesus will return, then there will be the war of armegeddon, so no this isn't the start of armegeddon, too many things still would need to happen for it to be armegeddon.

And I do agree with one thing. If Iran were to bomb Israel then I think we would have no choice but to get involved, but I don't see it escalating to that.

We have too many soldiers in other conflicts. It would be possible we would pull our troops out of Iraq and afghanastan. Then you would literally get to see what the US and UK are about. GO GEORGE AND TONY!

[edit on 17-7-2006 by l0rds0fcha0s]

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 09:53 AM
it isn't yet a traditional or convential 'world war', in which many believed one would involve several major superpowers operating against the interests of each other, or even a nulcear amargeddon that was once predicted. However:

North Korea testing nuclear missiles that can reach alaska. And totally rejecting all diplomatic processes. (And the culture of nationalism and cencorship there is quiet shocking)

China is emerging as a millitary and economic superpower and has been seen to be allied with the enemies of the 'west'

Russia. Well the threat apparently died down. They are in no fit state to offer a millitary superpower threat to anyone, but still posses hundreds of nukes. And are now clamping down on democracy, and even attempting to offer aid to the West's Allies, and of course they're new attempts to dominate the control of energy, for use as a bargaining chip and a way back into a powerful international position.

Iran. Middle East nation, a very large country, that has seriously increased its millitary spending, and as we know, is well on its way to nuclear weapons. Its supreme leaders are religios fanatics that make no attempt to hide their hatred towards the Anglo-American alliance and Israel. They are backing terrorists groups such as Hezbollah, and this isn't even done in a covert atmposphere.

Israel. Pawn of US/UK? Who knows, maybe the other way round, there are several theories. But what we can see it no desire for peace in either side of the conflict. Things escalating there as I speak. Would love to take out Iran's nukes, or even sort out its direct neighbours that have been bullying/bullied each other for years.

Lots of biblical and religious signifcance to the importance of the area.

Syria. See Iran

US and UK. Still keen on maintaining their financial and cultural empire. The PetroEuro is a huge threat to the economies of the two nations. More than happy to flex their millitary muscle in the middle east.

on a less serious note, but perhaps important to some

Everyones favourite for the antichrist has flown over to the holy land, to broker peace. The soon to be head of the new roman union, creator of the 7year deal with a mid term 'review', the price of gold was 'set' as $666 on his birthday, and he came into the limelight soon after 6/6/06 to broker an 'incentive' package to Iran. Be afraid.

A true world war may not break out tomorrow, but we are building up to it, at a faster pace than every before.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 09:58 AM

Everyones favourite for the antichrist has flown over to the holy land, to broker peace. The soon to be head of the new roman union, creator of the 7year deal with a mid term 'review', the price of gold was 'set' as $666 on his birthday, and he came into the limelight soon after 6/6/06 to broker an 'incentive' package to Iran. Be afraid.

Who is this you speak of?

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by l0rds0fcha0s
And the bible also say the antichrist will sit on the throne of david and declare that he is Jesus Christ, and there will be world peace, then after that the real jesus will return, then there will be the war of armegeddon, so no this isn't the start of armegeddon, too many things still would need to happen for it to be armegeddon.
[edit on 17-7-2006 by l0rds0fcha0s]

I wasn't there when the bible was written, so I have no idea what that has to do with what is happening in the middle east????

Iran is chomping at the bit to get in the fray. Too much rhetoric from the Prez of Iran(who has short man disease) for this to end quietly. George has rightfully insulted Syria, this is all playing out like going all in with really bad hole cards.

I don't consider the nuclear option as part of this conflict, but I do see strategic air strikes and a severe beat down for all those who want to continue to kick the good 'ol boy(USA).

As a side note, while we are pummeling the lovely real estate from the air, they will gaining wealth through the rocketing oil market!

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 12:46 PM
WW III if it happens will not be a big war ... Technology has changed ... Just look at the first war and how it was faught then look at the second war and how it was fault. Can you really IMAGINE a WW3 ?? If you think you can your an IDIOT ... cause noone .. absolutely noone knows what arsenal everyone holds. Just like WW II ... before the war ... who knew about an A-Bomb /??? Who thought they woudl ever be used .. Who even knew the affects of the Bombs that were dropped on people .. and to their sons and daughter generations to come ..............

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon... cause noone .. absolutely noone knows what arsenal everyone holds.

So are you saying that all of our tax dollars spent on intelligence by the CIA and other secret organizations was wasted? Are you saying that spy satellites don't work.

DB, you are right in one respect though; Chemical and Biological weapons are extremely hard to track. When these weapons are used in the current run up to WWIII, with countless thousands killed in some of the most unlikely places, the war lovers will have reason to pause. Actually be forced to pause and survey the carnage.

Nukes are actually a small part of the equation. However, soon they will be used in the ME.

It's a brave new world; welcome to the monkey house! God help Us!!!

[edit on 17-7-2006 by whaaa]

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 01:16 PM
Perhaps this is splitting hairs but there isn't anything in the Bible (or elsewhere) that equates Armegedon with WWIII. For all we know Armegedon could end up being WWVI at some very distant point in the future. That said, the current situation is bad enough Armegedon or not.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 01:37 PM
Hmm, different countries from different COntinents need to be involved to be a World War?

USA is on NA
England is on Europe
Middle East is what, Asia or Europe, or both?

That's 3 different Continents, do you need 4 to make a World War? I doubt Egypt will get involved, so no Africa involved.

Anyways, Go Israel, turn the Middle East into a Parking Lot for all I care, they have been attacked by Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Saudi Arbia, and Iraq in the past and present.

I know I know "Those were terrorists, sponsored by the countries, with control of the countries, but it wasn't those countries because they weren't wearing uniforms!"
OBL was a terrorist, with no uniform, but we still invaded Afganistan after he attacked.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Johnny Ohm
Hmm, different countries from different COntinents need to be involved to be a World War?

USA is on NA
England is on Europe
Middle East is what, Asia or Europe, or both?

That's 3 different Continents, do you need 4 to make a World War? I doubt Egypt will get involved, so no Africa involved.

Um no, but it might help if they were all in the same battle lmao. some of the things I read. $ separate wars, don't make a world war. these are separate!.

here i will post the names of the current wars.

The Great Battle of Iraq - lol I know you love that one.

The Typical Middle East Shuffle - It's sweeping the nations. LOL

The English - Euro war of the 21st century.

Ahh you gotta love the things people say.
4 separat wars make a world war lol

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 11:37 PM
4 seperate wars in the same place with the same goal? Fighting terrorism is it not? Al Q, Hezbollah, Hamas, all under attack from several different nations spanning several nations.

The Middle East Shuffle? I like the Sand Box Bop better.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 12:20 AM
I have said this before, many on ATS/BTS/PTS are crisis junkies. How can this possibly be a world war? Even if America and the other allies get involved? Russia and China are going to fight against NATO? That would not only be stupid, but that would be dumb too. It would be stupid to the second degree. They are not going to fight against NATO anytime soon. Nor will the US give orders for the over 100 thousand troops deployed around Iran to go and attack them.

If anything, they will devastate the countries of Syria and Iran with air strikes. I think Israel's air strikes will look like a play ground if America and UK started bombing them. If anything, Israel is giving Bush a reason to air strike Iran, which is the focal point for his war on terror. This is not a world war, and I don't believe it will become a world war. I think Iran would set off all their missiles to Israel, and if they do have a nuclear bomb, I believe they would send it to Israel and vice versa. Nuclear detonation is possible, but doesn't mean it is a world war.

Chances are, America and UK will not even get involved in this war formally. I think they will just sit back and block any sanctions to stop Israel from attacking other countries.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon... cause noone .. absolutely noone knows what arsenal everyone holds.

So are you saying that all of our tax dollars spent on intelligence by the CIA and other secret organizations was wasted? Are you saying that spy satellites don't work.

Iraqs weapons of mass destruction ring a bell?

What we found in Iraq was reason enough for war, or validates the false information
presented to the people of the world is silly.

Those rusty old weapons that were found recently were sold to Iraqi through Rumsfield and the Reagan Adminstration, therefore everyone still alive in the United States involved in those
sales should be brought up on war crimes along with Saddam Hussein as their
hands are covered in the blood of every heroin smuggling insurgent Kurd.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by l0rds0fcha0s

Everyones favourite for the antichrist has flown over to the holy land, to broker peace. The soon to be head of the new roman union, creator of the 7year deal with a mid term 'review', the price of gold was 'set' as $666 on his birthday, and he came into the limelight soon after 6/6/06 to broker an 'incentive' package to Iran. Be afraid.

Who is this you speak of?

Secreatry General of the Western European Union (10 nation) pact. Javier Solana

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