posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Islamist
Wow notice how all the anti muslim oh I mean anti hizbollah threads get 10 post a minute but none of the hypocrites will blame Israel for killing
civillians even foriegners.
[edit on 17-7-2006 by Islamist]
Before you try to
brand me with the broad brush of
hypocracy or even, possibly, anti Muslim sentiment or rascism, let me say that my own
personal posts on ATS should speak for themselves. I have always stood firmly on the road of moderation, restraint, tolerence, justice and principle
-- at least I have always tried. I might have asked provocative questions but I only did so to elicit opinion not to provoke malicioiusly.
That said, in response to your statement about "blaming Israel for killing civilians even foreigners could be, just as easily, asked from an Israeli
perspective. "what about keeping the blame on the hezbolah?"
Isn't it obvious that the level of discord and even hatred between Arab and Israeli, Muslim and Jew, has reached the point where logic can never
prevail. The discord between these two peoples has reached the point where, perhaps, peace can never be acheived. At some point, the only result
might readily appear to be the destruction of one side or the other. Can not the moral, the decent element of each religion -- with a belief in the
SAME God (Yahweh/Allah - Allah/Yahweh) come to a resultant agreement to, literally "forgive and forget" or is that only the province of the
philosophy of the Christian religion?
Face it, everyone, this hatred between these two peoples is, at this point, without amicable resolution unless cooler minds, warmer hearts and
enlightened temperment can come into play. Dare I say, it would take Divine intervention to bring around a change in mind and attitude before peace
can be acheived. Otherwise, this rhetoric will continue in an endless, timeless loop with nothing to show but the decimation of one people or another
and a land saturated in blood and sown with hatred.