posted on Oct, 31 2002 @ 07:50 PM
MM, welcome back, even if you did hack the board, the loss of the mod stat should be punishment enough. I believe if you were the hacker, that you
did mess up, but shouldn't be banned or forced to leave, but made to explain oneself, then put on trial, then see if you are banned. Of course, if
you aren't the hacker, then no worries mate, you will come out fine.
Did I just say mate? I am not no Aussie, I'm a American, a lousy loud mouth annoying American, but still American. Eh? Ha, stupid Canuck way of
ending anything as a question. It's a nice day. That changes in Canadian. It's a nice day, eh? Oh well, I'll get over it when we take over
Canuckville and make it the American b*tch. (Just my views, if yours is different, don't be offended, one is allowed to have opinions)