posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 07:20 PM
Ape goes to a formal occassion , but is refused addmission
" the dress code says black tie only , this is a black tie .... and it is all i am wearing .... what is your major malfunction numbnuts? "
having been turned away , apey figured it was time to " go postal "
4 days , and 26296 dead later ,
ape finally ran out of ammunition and crystal meth , and was shot by the police
the moral of the story -
when they say " black tie only , why do the fooking retards really mean they want you to wear a frilly shirt , bow tie , cummbermund , penguin suit
and black shoes ? "
and a word to the wise - when a psychotic munkie turns up wearing
ONLY a black tie , a wise man lets the rules slide