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Freemasonry Exposed full detail of their deciept

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posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 11:12 AM
I found this article the other day and it really sheds some light on the actual truth about freemasons and their beliefs in the bible.

There is probably no area of greater contention than the truth about Freemasonry. Many churches have condemned Freemasonry as non-Christian and have prohibited any of its members from being members. Freemasons, on the other hand, have consistently maintained that, while Freemasonry is not a religion, it is not inconsistent with the teachings of the Bible. They point out that Freemasonry draws much material from the Bible and holds it up to be a great guiding light of all Masons of all ages. Freemasons have also claimed as members many pastors of churches throughout history; indeed, today's Southern Baptist Convention literature reports that at least 40% of active Southern Baptist Ministers are also Freemasons. Freemasons have traditionally answered their critics in one of two ways:

If the critic is not a Freemason, his criticism is dismissed. Freemasons say he could not possibly know the truth about the society because he has never been a member.
If the critic is a member which has left the society, Freemasons dismiss his criticism by saying that, for some unknown reason, he has developed an hatred against the society. This hatred not only caused him to leave Freemasonry, it has caused him to print absolute lies in an attempt to discredit and destroy the society.

The second method of determining the truth about Freemasonry is to examine their own writings, comparing them with Biblical doctrines. God repeatedly tells us to compare everything we encounter in this world against the unchanging Word of God, to see whether it comes from God or from the Satan. However, it is exceedingly difficult to examine Masonry's own writings, because Freemasonry is a secret organisation which has very successfully hidden its own writings from the outside world.

However, God has been good in causing some excellent original Masonic material to fall into our hands. We shall examine Freemasonry from several Masonic writings today:

An Introduction to a Masonic Bible. One of our Independent Baptist Fellowship Pastors discovered this Bible in one of his pews following a morning service. He tried repeatedly to locate the person listed in the front of the Bible, but could not. While the Bible itself does not appear to be any different, the Introduction provides great spiritual understanding as to the true nature of Freemasonry. In fact, after studying this Introduction, we simply cannot understand how a trained seminarian could not understand the non-Christian basis of Freemasonry.

Secondly, we will be quoting from one of the greatest Masonic books of all time, Albert Pike's "Morals And Dogma". Albert Pike is considered one of the great geniuses of Freemasonry, and this book is considered one of the great spiritual Freemasonry books ever. Pike published this book in 1871; our copy was published by the authority of the "Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree For The Southern Jurisdiction Of The United States" in March, 1919.
Stay with us for some eye-opening revelations about Freemasonry, taken from their own materials.

God inspired His Word so that It would be an anchor to all true believers. God's Word, considered in its totality, is designed by God to be the beginning and the end of all things spiritual. This is the reason God repeatedly warned against adding anything to His Word or subtracting anything.

This, in a nutshell, is what Satan does to deceive people and lead them away from God's Truth. On the one hand, Satan takes God's Truth and adds interpretation to it, thus creating deception. Thus, you will see much Scripture quoted in occultic literature, especially Freemasonry. However, this quoted Scripture is either taken out of context or is reinterpreted according to the so-called occultic "principles of Mysticism". This principle is nothing more than a Satanic reinterpretation of God's Truth. Thus, Satan distorts God's Truth by adding to it.

But, Satan also deceives by very cunningly and subtly subtracting from God's Word. In many instances, it is very difficult to ascertain what, if anything, has been omitted. The most infamous of this type of omission is the false teaching that God's Nature is one-dimensional, that It is all Love. But, as we proceed with our study of Freemasonry, we shall see several examples of this practice of deception through omission.

We need to make one final point before we begin our study. Small points of false doctrine or omission matter a great deal. The Bible repeatedly warns that just a small amount of false doctrine ruins the entire loaf of dough. Most people will attempt to dismiss individual instances of error, saying, "That is such a small error; we can ignore it, because so much else is truth". We cannot afford to ignore seemingly small points of error for any reason. This leads us to a corollary truth in studying the false doctrine of Freemasonry. No amount of Truth, no matter how large it may be, can make up for the error which it contains.

Let us now begin our study of the Introduction to the Masonic Bible. This Introduction begins with the Mason's Creed, which is "an expression of the simplest form of the faith of Masonry..." Wait a minute!! Masonry has always claimed that it is not a religion. This word "faith", especially used in this context, always carries the connotation of religion. Thus, from the beginning, Masonry declares itself to be a religion. At this point, we must look at Albert Pike's "Morals And Dogma". On page 213, Pike states, "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction of religion." Masonry considers itself a religion, its many lies to the contrary notwithstanding.


[edit on 15-7-2006 by seridium]

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 11:13 AM

The Introduction to this Masonic Bible continues with a listing of the key Masonic Beliefs. We do not have the time here to list all these beliefs, but will list only three of great interest:

* "There is one God, the Father of all men".

While there is truth in this statement, this is also a perfect example of great omission. Normal Protestant affirmation in the belief in God always affirms the Truth of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Every occultic system separates God the Father from the other two parts of the Trinity, as this statement does. This separation is accomplished very subtly, by constantly naming the name of God the Father while hardly ever mentioning Jesus' Name. This fact is devastatingly critical, because the Apostle John states in 1 John 2:22-23, "Who is liar as he who denies that Jesus is the Christ. He is the antichrist who [habitually] denies and refuses to acknowledge the Father and the Son. No one who [habitually] denies the Son even has the Father." By this definition, Freemasonry is advancing the cause of Anti-Christ. This is the reason that New Age leaders, like the demon Master D.K., admire Freemasonry so much. Masonry is advancing the cause of Anti-Christ, the "Great One" which we quoted above.

Let us now continue with a further examination of the Masonic Beliefs as enunciated in the Introduction to the Masonic Bible.

"Character determines destiny". Greater false doctrine cannot exist; it affects the eternal destiny of precious human souls. Jesus emphatically declares in John 3:18-19 that the basis for deciding one's eternal destiny is whether they accepted Jesus, the Light of the world. "Good" character can exist in a person who is not saved.

"Man is immortal". This is a partial truth, since our souls never die, but word definition does not allow this interpretation. My Webster's Dictionary defines "immortal" as "not mortal"; it defines "mortal" as "to die". Therefore the meaning of immortal is "to not die". Certainly, this meaning can not be applied to man, since all men physically die. This is precisely the reason that the word "immortal" has always been applied to God, never to man. Therefore, the Masons are very subtly saying that man is god, and does not really die. Indeed, as do most occultists, the Masons believe each man can be "perfected" until he reaches the point where his consciousness level has been sufficiently raised to godhead. Furthermore, Freemasonry teaches that men are reincarnated, another occultic teaching.
At this point, I can hear many Masons saying that they have never heard any such teaching, and they are right. One of the major reasons Freemasonry is so difficult to expose is that they deceive their own members. Leaders of each lodge are constantly evaluating their members, to determine which are capable of learning more "truth" about Freemasonry. If a man is evaluated as not being spiritually ready to receive the truth, he is either not promoted or he is promoted, but given different materials to study than another who was judged to be ready. Again, Pike's respected Masonic book, "Morals and Dogma" provide great light on this important subject of the deliberate deception of their own members. Listen carefully to Pike's words on page 104. Notice, in this passage, that Albert Pike also states Masonry is a Pagan Mystery religion. Listen carefully:

"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries..., conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be mislead...Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it." This absolutely incredible statement means exactly what it says; Freemasonry misleads all people whom its Adepts determine could not accept the Pagan truth, even its own members. But, Pike continues, and this time he defames God. "So God Himself incapacitates many men ...and leads the masses away from the highest Truth..." This statement simultaneously defames God's Nature and reveals the occultic nature of Freemasonry. First, God has clearly set out a simple Plan of Salvation that the masses could clearly understand. In fact, God's anger is over arrogant human pride, and it is only from these type people that God ever hid any spiritual truth. On the other hand, Freemasonry clearly believes the old occultic lie that true spiritual truth is only meant for those few who were willing to submit to the Mysteries, going through their many degrees to achieve "Illumination".

Remember Pike's words, that "Masonry...conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages..." This is Satan's religion, where he misleads the few arrogantly proud with perverted doctrine, and then lies to the rest of the membership and to all who aren't members. Pike has also revealed that deliberate lying is Masonic morality!!


[edit on 15-7-2006 by seridium]

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 11:14 AM

Now, let us examine the great omissions of this Masonic Belief statement. Nowhere in this statement of belief do we see any reference to:

Man's Inherent Sinfulness
Jesus Christ as Son of God, as Saviour, or Redeemer
Ultimate judgement
Eternal punishment
All these critical issues are conveniently eliminated, and very few people would ever understand the difference. As I read the entire Introduction to this Masonic Bible, I very abruptly realised that the name of Jesus Christ was never mentioned, not once. How can this be?!! Jesus Christ is the supreme reason and message of both Old and New Testaments. Jesus was the fulfilment of all Old Testament symbolism and prophecies. His glory is shouted in every chapter in the New Testament. In eternity, all redeemed creation will continuously shout and sing His praises. How could His wonderful name be completely eliminated from the Introduction to the Masonic Bible? The truth about Freemasonry is becoming more clear, is it not?

The next section of the Introduction is entitled, "The Great Light In Masonry"; it teaches the importance of the Holy Bible to Freemasonry. "Within the covers of the Holy Bible are found those principles of morality which lay the foundation upon which to build a righteous life...that he diligently study therein to learn the way to everlasting life".

While we find nothing here about which to quarrel, we shake our heads at the irreconcilable differences between this statement and the statements in Pike's book, "Morals and Dogma", quoted above. Certainly, the Holy Bible never teaches the "virtue" of deliberate lying.

After expending great and flowery language upon the importance of spiritual light of the Bible, this section closes with the abrupt introduction of two additional spiritual lights; suddenly, instead of Masonry being guided by the one light of the Bible, there are three guiding lights -- the Bible, the "perfect square", and the "extended compass". These spiritual lights are not explained but are definitely placed on the same level of importance as the Bible. Furthermore, this is a splendid example of how Freemasonry takes the truth of the Bible and goes beyond it, to expound further "truths", disobeying God's many injunctions not to add to His revealed Word.

The next section of the Introduction is entitled, "Bible Presentation", and reveals much fatal error in the doctrines of Freemasonry. The author of reveals Masonic teachings about the origin of the Bible. He states, "...the church and religion did not grow out of the Bible. The Bible grew out of religion and the church." Excuse me?!! My Bible says in John 1:1, that, "In the beginning was the Word...and the Word was God...All things were made by Him..." Before God laid the foundations of the universe, His Word, His principles, and His doctrine, existed. Out of the Word of God came the written canon and the true Church. To suggest otherwise is simply a lie of Satan, and it allows the door to "further revelation" to open wide. Stay with us as we show you how really wide this open door has become.

At the end of the third paragraph, the author states two elements of truth and one of falsehood. "So the Great whole library...with the revelation of God's love for man, His purpose for man, and man's effort to reach up to Him." We would agree with the first two statements, but profoundly disagree with the third, that man is making an effort to reach up to God. The Bible teaches a completely different story. It says that man's heart is inherently evil, that his every imagining is evil. Given his choice, man would seek only to satisfy his lower nature, telling God to get lost. Man has hope for eternal life with God only because of God's actions toward man, in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Further, these three teachings of Masonry omit the very critical teaching that God's Nature is more than just love. The Bible is full of God's glory, His hatred of sin, and His inevitable physical judgement of sinful man. This is an omission of major proportions, and it has resulted in the common belief of our day that God is all-loving and could never condemn anyone to eternal punishment in Hell. Now you know where this lie originated -- in Freemasonry.


posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 11:16 AM

The next section in this Introduction is entitled, "The Bible In Masonry", and it drops several bombshells. First, in paragraph 2, the author suddenly states again that the Bible is One of the great lights in the order; however, this time, he does not speak of the "perfect square" or the "extended compass". Rather, he identifies other sources of spiritual light which guides Freemasonry. " the very honour which Masonry pays to the Bible, it teaches us to revere every book of faith by which men find help for today and hope for the morrow, joining hands with the man of Islam as he takes oath on the Koran, and with the Hindu as he makes covenant with God upon the book that he loves best". It is difficult to contemplate greater blasphemy against Jesus Christ than this statement, that other religions of the world are equal to Christianity. Jesus Himself stated in many ways that, not only was He God, but that He was the only way to salvation. Remember, when Jesus used the words, "I AM", He was saying that He was God, because "I AM" was the name which God gave Himself originally, at the Burning Bush. Jesus applied this "I AM" in the following verses:

John 6:35, 41, 48, 51. Jesus repeatedly described Himself as the "Bread of Life" which came down from Heaven.
John 8:58. Jesus claimed His eternity past, as God, when He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM."
John 9:5. Jesus said He was the "light of the world". He did not say He was one of the lights, but the light. In every occultic system since the time of Jesus, Satan has implanted this false doctrine.
John 9:39. Jesus emphasised the judgement side of His character, when He stated, "For judgement I AM come into this world". Again, in every occultic system, Satan has ignored Jesus' judgement.
John 10:7-10. Jesus declared, "I am the door of the sheep". In verse 9, Jesus said, " Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved".
John 14:6. Just to ensure no one missed the point that He was the only path to eternal salvation, Jesus finally stated, "I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Me".
Think carefully about this one further moment. To claim that there are other equally valid paths to eternal salvation is to emphatically declare that Jesus' horrible death on the cruel cross was unnecessary. Indeed, many occultists believe that the human Jesus, upon Whom the Christ Consciousness descended at His baptism, lost control of the situation and suffered martyrdom upon the cross. So, Jesus was not Omnipotent God Who was in control of every detail on the road to the cross, plus He was actually stupid to have allowed Himself to suffer such a fate.

No other teaching of Freemasonry does greater damage to the Person of Jesus Christ and His Plan of Salvation than this. To finally ensure that no one misses this point, the author of this Introduction, restates this false doctrine in bold words that no one can misunderstand.

"What Masonry knows...religions are many, but Religion is one...Therefore, it invites to its altar men of all faiths, knowing that, if they use different names for the 'Nameless One of a hundred names', they are yet praying to the one God and Father of all; also, that while they read different volumes, they are...reading the same vast Book of the Faith of Man ...(But) with us, the Bible is supreme. What Homer was to the Greeks, what the Koran is to the Arabs...the grand old Bible is to us."

This is the End Time uniting of all the world's religions into one False Religious System of Anti-Christ. It is no wonder that Master D.K., writing through Alice Bailey, thinks so highly of the role of Freemasonry in establishing the New World Order Religion of the Great One, the Biblical Anti-Christ, whose name will be Maitreya.

The Introduction to this Masonic Bible ends with a section entitled, "Scriptural Quotations And Allusions In The Masonic Ritual". This section details the origin of the myth of the legend of the Master Builder, Hiram Abiff, of King Solomon's temple. Other than twisting some Scripture, this section reveals no further false doctrine.

As you can easily see, this Introduction to a Masonic Bible contains enough false doctrine that we are forced to ask the inevitable question, "How could any trained seminarian read this material without recognising that Freemasonry is not Christian, without understanding that Freemasonry does such great damage to the person and teachings of Jesus Christ that it can only be described as Anti-Christ?" Yet, many trained seminarians over the years, and the Southern Baptist Convention of today, have been so mislead. The only answer possible is that these trained pastors have not insisted upon a reading of Scripture and of Freemasonry material which is properly narrow. Too easily have they dismissed examples of false doctrine, preferring to focus on the many more examples of True Scripture contained within Masonry's writings. And countless souls have been, and will continue to be, deceived and mislead.


posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 11:17 AM

We want to close with a quick examination of two other teachings as found in Pike's "Morals and Dogma".

Pike identifies Lucifer as the source of Freemasonry's spiritual light. On page 321, Pike boldly states, "Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name given to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light...? Doubt it not!" Even though Pike admits the name Lucifer was given to the Spirit of Darkness, he still states it is Lucifer whom Freemasonry chooses as its spiritual light.

Pike denies God's Truth that His Word is eternal, as he states on page 37, "...all truths are Truths of Period not truths for eternity". To the Mason, there is no eternal truth; each generation of men must discover the truths that work for them. This is "Situational Ethics", against which the true Church is struggling in today's public schools and our Mass Media. Now you know where "Situational Ethics" originated, from Freemasonry, taught two hundred years ago.
Finally, we give the honour of the final truth about Freemasonry to Satan himself. Satanic leader, Anton LaVey, states quite clearly in his book, "The Satanic Rituals: Companion To The Satanic Bible", on page 21, "Satanic ritual is a blend of Gnostic, Cabalistic, Hermetic, and Masonic elements..."

Then, LaVey declares, on page 58, that Masonry contains "numerous manifestations of Satanism, namely the goat, the coffin, the death's-head..."

By now, it should be abundantly clear that Freemasonry is a most deceptive, Anti-Christian organisation. No true born-again Christian can be part of Freemasonry. If you have been deceived up to this point, you can be deceived no longer. Your eternal destiny might very well depend upon your obedience to Jesus' command to the Christians in the Great Tribulation, "Come out from her (the false Babylon)...that you may not share in her plagues..." (Revelation 18:4).


posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 11:22 AM
More proof for the debunkers...


That some fellow Christians are also members of the Masonic Lodge.
We all know the high profile of the Masonic Organisation, its social acceptance, the good works of the Shriners and the prominent people that belong as members. In the secular world it is a fraternity into which many people seek membership.
The question that should be asked is, "How does God see this organisation in the light of his scriptures" and "Would He want you to take oaths binding yourself to Freemasonry?"
Freemasonry claims that the Holy Bible is a part of the furniture of the Lodge and is one of its great lights, together with the square and the compass. The Holy Bible always lies open on the Masonic Altar when the Lodge is in session.
Upon close examination of Freemasonry and the Holy Bible, the situation that comes into focus is that the Holy Bible actually condemns the teaching of Freemasonry, even though it is placed on the Masonic Altar.
Many organisations carry the Holy Bible, but do not follow its teachings, such as the Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Unity School of Christianity, Christian Science and Freemasonry. Those organisations redefine biblical terms and then use the Holy Bible as a cover-up in an attempt to conceal their true philosophy. Can a Christian who accepts the Holy Bible as the only true revelation of God to man, really stay on as a member of a Masonic Lodge if the truth about Freemasonry were pointed out to him?
I, David Didow, a fellow Christian, was a Freemason for twenty eight years and was initiated into the Scottish Rite and the Eastern Star, and was a Worshipful Master of my Masonic Lodge. As a carnal Christian, I did not see the deception until after I was born again and the Holy Spirit began to work in my life and I was shown the deception I was involved in. After my conversion, I told my pastor that I was a Mason. He laid no guilt trip on me but just said, "If I were you, I'd look into it." And that I did. For seven years I have been researching and studying Freemasonry and this paper is the result of my study. As a fellow-Christian, I am saddened to know that other fellow believers are being deceived by the fine sounding teachings of Freemasonry.

The teachings of Freemasonry are in direct opposition to the Holy Bible.
Many cults carry the Holy Bible but claim that the biblical account is incomplete and-- that there is a higher revelation from another source.
This higher revelation exists in Freemasonry and this extra biblical revelation is the taproot of every cult.
This presentation of my research is not an attack on any person, least of all on a fellow Christian.
There are Christian brothers who have a deep concern for their Masonic Christian brothers. This concern is not of a spirit of condemnation, but of a spirit of deep brotherly concern in Christian love for a fellow believer.
The purpose of this presentation is to show a fellow believer the deception of the Masonic Organisation.
It is possible for a person to be sincere and yet be utterly and totally deceived as we can see when we talk to members of the Mormons or Jehovah Witnesses.
As a fellow believer, I have a deep concern for Christian believers who are being deceived by the religion of Freemasonry, and this situation must be addressed by a close examination of the teachings of Freemasonry,

Before we can examine Freemasonry, we have to establish who are the authorities of Freemasonry, and what books on Masonic Doctrine have these Masons written. I believe the following books and authors are a fair representative list of Masonic authoritative works.

1. Coils Masonic Encyclopaedia - H.W. Coil 33 degree

2. Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry - Albert G. Mackey 33 degree

3. Morals & Dogma - Albert Pike 33 degree

4. Lost Keys of Freemasonry - Manly Hall - 33 degree

5. Spirit of Freemasonry - Foster Bailey

6. The Work No. E458

7. The Meaning of Masonry - W.L. Wilmshurst (Renowned Historian)

8. Scottish Rite Masonry, Illustrated - J. Blanchard

9. The Masonic Holy Bible

Note: The Holy Bible has to be included in this list, as it is the Great Light of Freemasonry. The Masonic Bible is given to every newly initiated Mason after he completes the third degree.

I believe it is only fair that we do not use any books written by ex-Masons for the purpose of exposing the organisation, but that we examine Freemasonry by the writings of their own authorities, by those books that are in Masonic libraries which can be examined by a Masonic Christian to establish the accuracy of what we are going to say in the following pages.

What methods of deception does the Masonic organisation use to carry out their purpose?

A. Here lies a colossal deception, binding its members by oaths to an organisation which sells itself as a fraternal order whose purpose is to promote a system of morality and brotherly love. Yet, in itself, it is a it religion" and is falsely imposing religious beliefs on its members. To cover this deception, a candidate is told that membership in the Masonic Organisation will not interfere with him practising his own religion.

B. Masonry uses false interpretation of its symbols. A. Pike, in his book, Morals & Dogma, Page 819 - states:

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them.- Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry."

C. Keeping its members busy performing ritual over and over again to attain perfection in performing this ritual with no teaching. This causes a member's heart to be hardened by repetitious, empty ritual.

D. Misuse of Scripture:- In the back of the Masonic Bible there is a list of biblical verses of special interest to Freemasonry. Their use is strictly to support ritual. Fragmented biblical attention is another mark of a cult.


posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 11:23 AM

E. Proclaiming the Holy Bible to be a Great Light of Freemasonry, yet in their writings you see that the Kabalah is a book of higher revelation, and this book is introduced to you in the 4th degree of the Scottish Rite. A. Pike - Morals & Dogma Page 745 states: "One is filled with admiration, on penetrating into the Sanctuary of the Kabalah, at seeing a doctrine so logical, so simple, and at the same time so absolute. The necessary union of ideas and signs, the consecration of the most fundamental realities by the primitive characters; the Trinity of Words, Letters and Numbers; a philosophy simple as the alphabet, profound and infinite."

F. Oaths given to candidates before the candidate can learn the content of them.Is a Mason, especially a Christian Mason, bound to keep such oaths?

Here is what the Holy Bible advises him to do:

"If a person swears, speaking thoughtlessly with his lips to do evil or to do good, whatever it is that a man may pronounce by an oath, and it is hidden from him - when he realises it, then he shall be guilty in any of these matters. And it shall be, when he is guilty in any of these matters, that he shall confess treat he has sinned in that thing; and he shall bring his trespass offering to the Lord for his sin which he has sinned. ... So the priest shall make atonement on his behalf for his sin which he has sinned, and it shall be forgiven him. (Leviticus 5:4-6a, 10b)

The Bible provides a way of escape for those who swear an oath in ignorance. If they have transgressed God's moral law, they are to immediately confess that sin and repent. In the Old Testament a person was to go to the priest, confess that he had sinned, and offer a sacrifice for atonement. Today, a Christian is to come to his eternal High Priest - the Lord Jesus Christ - who died on the cross for his sin. He is to acknowledge that he is guilty of swearing wrongly and repent of his oath, asking for forgiveness and acknowledging that he will obey God.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 11:33 AM
If you have read all that and are still in denial please feel free to comment on how freemasonry is not in anyway satanic ?
I have never stated freemason are trying to start a New World Order A new world order is already here we have a one world monatary system a one world bank and a the UN-IMF controlling fates day by day, secret police that can do and watch whatever they feel is a national threat.
get my point?

So why does one become a freemason?
Many men become freemasons because they are invited to do so by colleagues who are usually further up the social scale than they are themselves. Men are led to understand that by joining the lodge they will enjoy many benefits and opportunities in society which they would not otherwise enjoy. Freemasons will almost always favor each other above someone else who is not a member of the lodge. Business opportunities, special favors, invitations to positions of influence are some of the benefits enjoyed by many devoted members of the lodge.
Many freemasons go no further than the Master Mason level (3rd level). However, those that press on to study for the rituals of the higher levels of the York or Scottish rites soon learn that there are mysteries which those at the lower levels are not permitted to know. In fact, they find out that those at lower levels are deliberately misled concerning the doctrine and practices of freemasonry. Those who have earned the right to know can be proud of their superiority over the rest of the ignorant masses. There is the constant lure of increased esoteric knowledge, power and influence for those who "climb the mountain" of masonic advancement. Of course this appeals to human nature. There is a strong desire in natural men for power, control, influence, recognition and secret knowledge. Freemasonry promises this to its loyal devotees.
Jesus said, "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?"

But this you see this is my main concern,weak people can never be themselfes for they were never shown the way, their way is fear and cowardless they have to be shown a way and when something like freemasonry is offered to them in a secret mystical way then they are easily influenced and by the time your into your 31st initiation you finally start to realize or mybe your morals start to kick in but one way or another you realize who the one you are praising in the end.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." (John 14:6-7)

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12).

"For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men - the testimony given in its proper time. (1 Timothy 2:5-6).

How can Christian Masons continue to participate in the Lodge when it teaches that all men are already children of God and acceptable to Him? How can they remain in the Lodge-when it teaches men that they do not need to place their faith in Jesus Christ?

[edit on 15-7-2006 by seridium]

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 11:54 AM
I guess if you copy and paste the entire contents of a website then your point must be true! Be careful in whom you put your trust.

Maybe the Dullest Edge is more appropriate.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
I guess if you copy and paste the entire contents of a website then your point must be true! Be careful in whom you put your trust.

Maybe the Dullest Edge is more appropriate.

I have not copied and pasted a whole website just some key points to the deceiptful works of freemasons and their teachings. I assume you never read any of it instead you felt it was better to belittle my statements again, so be it, it shows your ignorance not mine!

People asked for proof well there you have it my friend its all there its just up to you to read it and answer my simple questions.

And i put my trust in Jesus always have always will...

It is too bad so many of you are in full denial of truth!

and just incase you missed what I have said here it is again. "I have never stated freemason are trying to start a New World Order A new world order is already here we have a one world monatary system a one world bank and a the UN-IMF controlling fates day by day, secret police that can do and watch whatever they feel is a national threat."
get my point?

[edit on 15-7-2006 by seridium]

[edit on 15-7-2006 by seridium]

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 01:01 PM
Regretfully I simply don't have the time to give a blow-by-blow denial of your quite extensive paste job (at least you've learned how to reference). On every occasion that I have spent a great deal of effort doing exactly that then the original poster disappears.

But since this forum is mean to be about discussion, not posting other peoples articles, why don't you pick out a particular point that you would like to discuss and we can go from there. I will put my viewpoint and you can state yours and off we go...

Clearly you don't like freemasonry. Why not?

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 01:29 PM
You see my point to make is that Freemasonry is deceiptful and many masons do not even realize this fact due to the way they are taught and forced to repeat initiations to learn the mind to spread the deciept, I could spend my lifetime trying to show people the facts but, is there really any point to this nonsense. We all live in a world where are fate is controlled day by day sure we can goto school get a great job start a family and make lots of money but is that what life is really all about? Nope! That is societies structure it is a debt structure to install control and make people fear the lifestyles of the poor and broke. In this day in age there really is no purpose if every apsect of your life is controlled by people that can only keep secrets and make mankind suffer,and themselves prosper.
Technology is taken away on a daily basis just so rich people can stay rich and get richer. The eco-system is shot to hell due to carelessness and greed for money and power.Cancer has run rampant, when there are cures. Family structure is almost lost parent's don't raise there children anymore ( at least where I come from that is) Tv and their peers do and the great education system we have only teaches patience and installs a work structure for the capitail gain your governement waits for, I wish in this day an age there were programs that taught youth what life is really gonna be like when they are done school and out in the so called real world. I wonder how many people would strive for a nice career. Half this world lives with their feet in the mud and their head up someone's ass not many people ask questions anymore no one challanges policies or rules they just follow they watch the news and think they are smart about world issues people these days are like sheep they live there whole life being had, its what sheep do. I taught myself to listen learn and live for myself and that is what I continue to do on a daily basis I just can't comprehend why so many people are so quick to defend the Mason's how have they effected your life in a good way? what is it they do that is so Great and Amazing that makes them have so many members. Can this be explained? No it cannot because they prey on family bloodlines, weak minds, and weak souls to munipulate on a daily basis with initiations and belief structures fancy jewlery cool paraphernalia estoric teachings all in order to change your soul and yourself as a man.
One thing that can be explained and has been for many years is that any org that holds secrets and mystical teachings from centuries ago cannot be a good wholesome thing or else everyone would know and be interested in the subject right?
So why so many secrets ? Why skull and bones and ancient orders of death?
Why do so many prominent men in society become or are invited to the secret teachings of the soul and developement?
Why arent people like me shown facts instead of rhetorical statements made by the only few that defend with attitude?
Can any of these questions really be answered? if so I will be waiting.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Trinityman

But since this forum is mean to be about discussion, not posting other peoples articles, why don't you pick out a particular point that you would like to discuss and we can go from there. I will put my viewpoint and you can state yours and off we go...

Clearly you don't like freemasonry. Why not?

I Never said I didn't like it. It all started with the all seeing eye of horus, and me claiming that it is a Masonic symbol along with the American dollar bill and symbolism and its powers, and then came the belittlement from the mason lovers, which kind of inspired me to find out some truth but whenever I do and post it I just get the same kind of attitude back, why is there so much denial of the occult side of freemasonry?
And why do the so called know it all of Freemasonry have such bad attitude towards the actual truth behind all the aprons and teachings and such?
And some days in all honesty I take out my personal stress in a different way instead of getting mad and ranting about what’s really bothering me I instead release my anger by posting diabolical rants or just release some attitude on a subject I think I know something about but hey it helps me personally even if I look like a tool for opening my mouth when I clearly shouldn’t have but hey I’m just being honest.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by seridium
I could spend my lifetime trying to show people the facts but, is there really any point to this nonsense.

You know, I was about to say the opposite about you. A few others and myself have outlined, quite clearly I think, the bit by bit reasons why you are wrong in your assumptions. Was theMoloch/Owl? thread where you began your rant not enough for you? Or did you start a new thread just to get away from those that actually had historical fact to thwart your arguments?

We all live in a world where are fate is controlled day by day sure we can goto school get a great job start a family and make lots of money but is that what life is really all about? Nope! That is societies structure it is a debt structure to install control and make people fear the lifestyles of the poor and broke. In this day in age there really is no purpose if every apsect of your life is controlled by people that can only keep secrets and make mankind suffer,and themselves prosper.

My friend, if this is how you live your life day to day, under a doctrine and dogma such as this, do you even have much of a soul left? Has the "machine" that you dribble on about incessantly taken so much from you? If so, I can understand the madness. Here is some advice though, see a shrink, get some happy pills, then make your life what you want it to be.

Technology is taken away on a daily basis just so rich people can stay rich and get richer.

I'll give you that. A good example is the hydrocar. Fully operational, but too cost-inefficient to distribute on the mass market by those that designed it. Here's a suggestion, become a brilliantly educated engineer and design the system yourself to distribute across the world. Don't get butt-hurt just because someone else is not ready for the world to see what they've created. Yeah, it might be a little more convenient once the technology comes out, but we seem to get by just fine. In fact, we have done so for thousands of years without the help of this "technology" you seem to find so vital.

I wish in this day an age there were programs that taught youth what life is really gonna be like when they are done school and out in the so called real world. I wonder how many people would strive for a nice career. Half this world lives with their feet in the mud and their head up someone's ass not many people ask questions anymore no one challanges policies or rules they just follow they watch the news and think they are smart about world issues people these days are like sheep they live there whole life being had, its what sheep do.

Again, you seem to miss the point of life entirely. You think that telling small children that the rest of their lives would be spent with their head up someone else's a$$ is going to inspire dreams? How many great men attest their success to a particular teacher in high school or college? A person who never let them believe that they could fail at anything? Everyone has a memory like that. It is inspirational. If children were taught the way you would like them to be, we really would be in for a crummy world!

I taught myself to listen learn and live for myself and that is what I continue to do on a daily basis I just can't comprehend why so many people are so quick to defend the Mason's how have they effected your life in a good way? what is it they do that is so Great and Amazing that makes them have so many members.

It is quite apparent that your animosity towards Masons is personal. Were you rejected for some reason by the brotherhood? Just curious. People are so quick to defend Masons because they have done nothing wrong and are being constantly slandered. You could not possibly comprehend the amount of money that has been contributed to charitable causes by Masons and their lodges, or the work that has been done by them in pursuit of things such as the very "curable cancer" you harp on about. So yes, it can be explained. Masons have so many members because they can make a difference. United we stand, divided we fall. What is your problem with this?

One thing that can be explained and has been for many years is that any org that holds secrets and mystical teachings from centuries ago cannot be a good wholesome thing or else everyone would know and be interested in the subject right?
So why so many secrets ? Why skull and bones and ancient orders of death?
Why do so many prominent men in society become or are invited to the secret teachings of the soul and developement?[/quote
Alright, say for the sake of argument that the Masons hold some esoteric knowledge that is millenia old. Why does the fact that not many people are interested in it make it evil? That just makes no sense. Second, Skull and Bones has nothing to do with Freemasonry, never has. You've been told this before on several occasions. And many prominent men become Masons, but many "nobodies" become Masons as well. What is your point here?

Why arent people like me shown facts instead of rhetorical statements made by the only few that defend with attitude?
Can any of these questions really be answered? if so I will be waiting.

You sir, have been shown fact upon fact since question ONE. And we that defend with attitude aren't using rhetorical statements, we are providing fact. How many times do you need to be shown the facts before they sink in? Reference the Moloch/Owl thread I linked above. On that page are some links that I posted just for you. Read them, enjoy them. Learn something from them

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by seridium
I Never said I didn't like it. It all started with the all seeing eye of horus, and me claiming that it is a Masonic symbol along with the American dollar bill and symbolism and its powers

Then, I'll tell you what. If this is the issue that inspired all these pointless rants, then let us, once again put these issues to bed, so that you may rest in peace with your new found assuagement.

The first "official" use and definition of the all-seeing eye as a masonic symbol seems to have come in 1797 with The Freemasons Monitor of Thomas Smith Webb — 14 years after Congress adopted the design for the Seal: "...and although our thoughts, words and actions, may be hidden from the eyes of man yet that All-Seeing Eye, whom the Sun Moon and Stars obey, and under whose watchful care even comets perform their stupendous revolutions, pervades the inmost recesses of the human heart, and will reward us according to our merits."

Below is a site explaining some other Freemason symbology and its meaning.

Another issue I had with that long cut and past you started this with, was that it claimed that there is no possible way to discern real Satanic messages from Freemason writing, because the "Freemasons have always kept their writings secret". Here is a website full of Freemason writing, books, and even info on the Masons that wrote them. Enjoy.
Masonic writing

Another part that I really enjoyed was the "fact" that much of the symbolism of Freemasonry is parallel to that of modern occult Satanism.

Finally, we give the honour of the final truth about Freemasonry to Satan himself. Satanic leader, Anton LaVey, states quite clearly in his book, "The Satanic Rituals: Companion To The Satanic Bible", on page 21, "Satanic ritual is a blend of Gnostic, Cabalistic, Hermetic, and Masonic elements..."

Then, LaVey declares, on page 58, that Masonry contains "numerous manifestations of Satanism, namely the goat, the coffin, the death's-head..."

Funny that, of the materials mentioned in LaVey's work that are actually Masonic, most of them were in use by Masons before their adoption into any kind of Satanic cult or ritual. So, in fact, Satanism seems to be drawing inspiration from Masons...Wait! The source even says that!

"Satanic ritual is a blend of Gnostic, Cabalistic, Hermetic, and Masonic elements..."

So basically, Satanism is an unoriginal, fanatical group of people that use everyone else's stuff as their own, and yet every other group is penalized? So, if I were to steal a baseball bat from your house and kill someone with it, should you go to jail instead of me? Seems to follow.
Seridium, what we have here is the opinion of one ignorant man(by that I mean only that the facts were not researched) and then an ATS member posting what he said as fact. Again, if you were to have researched that ENORMOUS cut and past before posting it, you might have realized the majority of it is blind. As are most religious attacks on Freemasonry.
One final thing, you said something earlier that was a bit reminicent of segregated America. It was somewhat disturbing when you started throwing out "mason lovers". Perhaps it was just me.

[edit on 15-7-2006 by EdenKaia]

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by seridium
It all started with the all seeing eye of horus, and me claiming that it is a Masonic symbol along with the American dollar bill and symbolism and its powers,

But almost all masonic symbols have been borrowed from somewhere else. The core of masonic symbolism is the stonemasons working tools, for example the Compasses were used for technical drawing by the stonemasons, but we, as speculative masons, moralize upon them as a reminder that we too have limits of good and evil as defined by God, and will be judged accordingly. It is not the original meaning of the symbol which is important, but the meaning which has been ascribed to it in its context.

Similarly the All Seeing Eye, a common 18th Century representation of God, is used as such in lodge as a representation of the Divine Being. Whether is was originally used by the Egyptians, or by Satanists, or by the bloke next door, is entirely immaterial to freemasons.

...and then came the belittlement from the mason lovers, which kind of inspired me to find out some truth but whenever I do and post it I just get the same kind of attitude back, why is there so much denial of the occult side of freemasonry?

'Mason lovers', as you quite sweetly put it, have to deal with an enormous amount of nonsense posted about their fraternity on a regular basis. You will find that 'deny, deny, deny' is often the response to 'accuse, accuse, accuse'.

There is much about freemasonry which has derived from the occult, and much of that comes via Christianity which is the basis of the fraternity, and that in itself is not to be denied. But the rather naive way that these symbols are represented as being used by freemasonry in either their original terms, or with some quite fantastic interpretations, and most certainly not in the way that freemasons claim they are used, simply serves to obfuscate and mislead.

And why do the so called know it all of Freemasonry have such bad attitude towards the actual truth behind all the aprons and teachings and such?

The actual truth is what it's all about. Sadly, all to rarely the 'actual truth' is posted by those who think they have come to understand the meanings and mechanisms of freemasonry.

And some days in all honesty I take out my personal stress in a different way instead of getting mad and ranting about what’s really bothering me I instead release my anger by posting diabolical rants or just release some attitude on a subject I think I know something about but hey it helps me personally even if I look like a tool for opening my mouth when I clearly shouldn’t have but hey I’m just being honest.

Honesty is an important first step to personal understanding. It is also a key tenet of freemasonry, an organization that you do not know nearly as much about as you think you do.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 02:38 PM
Sorry guys I know only what I can find myself not many people are out to inform they would rather discredit or belittle what I do know from what i have read online and from my few books on freemasonry From now on anything and everything I post on the subject will be thoroughly researched.
thank you for showing me some truth to the subject I need to know more about, mybe ill get a invite on day or mybe ill live my life just as another nobody who knows ?

All that bible # really made me wonder certain aspects of teachings but Im done for today, My life is this way becasue i was not fortunate enough to have loving caring parents or friends for that matter I lived a hard and fast and not very thought outlife with lil thought to my actions but that is how it was and now im stuck , and now i feel my life really has no purpose other than work for rent money buy some smokes bong some bud and forget my problems.
I wish I had the access to knowledge and good people but I truly dont.
sorry for annoyig you guys thanks for being very informative and patient with me on the subject these last few weeks I really appreciate it.

HaVE YOURselfs a great weekend

[edit on 15-7-2006 by seridium]

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by seridium
Sorry guys I know only what I can find myself not many people are out to inform they would rather discredit or belittle what I do know from what i have read online and from my few books on freemasonry From now on anything and everything I post on the subject will be thoroughly researched.
thank you for showing me some truth to the subject I need to know more about, mybe ill get a invite on day or mybe ill live my life just as another nobody who knows ?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with not being a Freemason. I am not, and I have no problem with this. I just want you to know that no one was trying to belittle you, but merely point out what was wrong with the information you were fed. I am all for vehemently arguing a drowning point, and have done so on many occasions. It just comes to a point where the battle is exhausted and the facts are laid out on the table for anyone to see. You have to swallow your pride and concede. It sucks(pardon the french), but is necessary nonetheless.
Not being a Mason myself, many wonder why I keep arguing for them. The answer should be made apparent by the fact that I'm not a Mason. Some things you just fight for, and senseless, naive attacks on a Brotherhood that has done nothing but help people is one place I draw a line. I've researched Masons for quite some time, and honestly that all began because I had a similiar misconception as you. I truly believed that there was some ancient, secret esoteric knowledge that could be had, and that the world was just blind to it. Turns out, after quite a heap of research, that I was wrong. Who knew? ATS is a wonderful place to find knowledge. I'd honestly go here and run a search on something I was curious about before I'd do it anywhere else. More often than not, you'll find that there is at least SOMEONE, if not many people, who have already done the painstaking research for you and laid it out in black and white. This also helps to avoid any crushing of toes on issues already argued and finished.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by seridium
I wish I had the access to knowledge and good people but I truly dont.
sorry for annoyig you guys thanks for being very informative and patient with me on the subject these last few weeks I really appreciate it.

Not to get all fraternal or anything, but ATS is full of knowledge and good people. You are a member, you have access. Simple concept really. Oh, and I'll be the first to admit that I lost my patience with you long ago. It's a virtue, but one that I don't have much of. Sorry. No biggy though, it all comes around.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 02:56 PM
sorry I annoyed you and thank you for sheding some light in my direction like Said before it is appreciated.

But why is there so many that discredit freemasons and why is there so much evidence

this website for example has many links with articles on the deceipt is it all lies?

is it all lies

you see this is what confuses me...

there is so much more than a group of people with holding secrets, but what is the truth and how do you know what to believe?

[edit on 15-7-2006 by seridium]

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