hey ladies in gentlemen how are we doin today?,well anyway this is about a couple dreams i have had that have actually came
true.unbelieveable,well its true can anyone explain what this may mean,i have had atleast 4 of the dreams but they dont seem to come true right away
(1 took a year to hapen)so lets see what u guys think, i need some true answers for this one
There are a couple of possibilities. It could be that you are having clairvoyent dreams. Or you could be having those deja vu moments when something
seems really familiar, even though it's not. The best way to figure out which it is is to keep a dream journal. Write down your dreams as soon as you
wake up. If they come true later on, you will have proof that you dreamed it before it happened. If they don't come true, then you'll know that you
aren't really dreaming of the future.