We the people of the United States of America are tired of our incompetent government.
The houses of our government that are supposed to check and balance each branch are filled with apathy and corruption and so nothing is done.
Campaigns are funded by corporations and businesses such as oil companies, so these people, once elected on lies of how they will make America
different, are ruled only by the will of the dollar while ignoring the plight of the American citizen who voted for them.
Important issues such as immigration, inflation and crime are spoken about, yet absolutely nothing has been done.
Our government, once again listening to the voice of the corporations, export America while importing now everything. Americans are forced to be
completely dependent on other countries because corporations want to pay the cheapest wages, driving up the trade deficit. And the government wants
to deflect issues such as inflation by deceiving the public into thinking they can afford many things due to the cheap labor. This leading to
American support through money to countries that dislike the US and seek the US’s demise.
Our military, that is supposed to protect the American people, are stationed throughout the world thus leaving the United States more vulnerable to
attacks and problems that may result. Not only by outside threats, but also inside threats.
Our government spends billions of dollars concerning themselves with other countries. Trying to influence systems of governments that the people of
those countries desire. Instead of working with new governments, the US government, once again in the name of big business, seeks to influence and
destroy and criticize.
Instead of helping the American people, especially those in desperate need such as the 18,000 people who die yearly from no medical insurance, the
government seeks to project its spheres of influence outside of the US to many other countries, especially those that do not want the US
government’s influence with the use of billions of dollars.
Illegal immigration is rampant, yet absolutely no successful, well thought out measures have been taken to combat this important issue. Not even acts
taken to register all illegal immigrants under visas and have information in a computer about them (such as fingerprints). Not even the distribution
of fair payment of minimum wage to these people, leading to them paying taxes.
The hypocritical actions and attacks on other countries foreign policy while the US has very bad foreign policy themselves, hurting America’s
Funding terrorist groups, military coups, and supporting authoritarian dictatorships, to further US corporation influence while putting the people of
these countries being affected at risk and harm’s way, negatively affecting America’s image.
Lying about leaps done to further homeland security, while having done very little, thus leaving the United States in harm’s way of any malign
Not thoroughly investigating administration(s) that could've do more to have either protected the US in the face of terrorist attacks, and their
enormous spending on different projects and endeavors.
Not focusing enough on natural disaster assistance which will blow up eventually as was evident in New Orleans with FEMA.
Leaving alternative energy source investigation and research to private funding instead of federal funding because the government either owns oil
companies/stocks or are paid off by oil companies. Even though energy crises are the main cause of conflict and concern in this world.
Please add if you are an American citizen to this list. This is horrible how our government does absolutely nothing. They have a job to do, yet do
not do it. They should either quit, or get fired.
And if you do not live in America, do not criticize our government, as you need to focus on yours. Thanks.