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Malta Caves, missing children, strange animals

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posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 01:14 PM
Firstly i would like to make a correction on the article. the word "Hypogeum" is not latin. comes from Greece (which is a common word now used for the basements and it comes from Υπο (Under) + Γη (Γαια - Gaia) = Earth. So meaning Under The Earth literally.

About that i read about it few times. What i know is that Malta is a very old place. It was an ancient center of civilization already the time that the Phoenicians took under control. When a team of High Priests of Moloch, - who was one of the Nephilim of the Minotaur Clan, dealing with fire and the underworld - the people of the island accepted their teachings and also the human sacrifices to exalt Moloch. The reason was that the people of Malta were already making human sacrifices for the Gods of the underworld, for which they believed that they were living under the island and often were described as snaked-forms (reptilians we could say i suppose).

From the time of the Phoenicians, Malta had accepted many governors from Rome, Middle East, Normandy, Castillians, and the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, later knows as the Rosicrucians and later as the Order of Malta, where they stay there, by having their second HQ in Rome. In the south of the city of Valeta is the village Casal Paula. In 1902, while minners where digging, the ground under them opened and they felt inside. They discovered a chain of ancient caves, made most of it on solid rock and they were going deeper in the earth in three lower levels. this is the Hypogeum we were speaking about.

Close to the ground of the third level, in the last and final (officially) level of these catacombs they found Burial Chambers. They are square size and only 1x1 m size. they are on the right of the ground and if someone would like to see what is inside would have to knee. the only way to enter is by crawling. For many years after that, people would say that one of these chambers was not finishing but going all the way in where there are more caves.

It seems to be the same ones, that NG (national Geographic) wrote about in 1940, saying that in these catacombs there used to be in the dark ages and until the early 1800s a place for homeless people but under there were temples and chambers in there made by some pre-historic people. in a whole next to the sacrificial chambers they found about 30.000 human skeletons from sacrifices to the gods of the underworld. years before (1940) someone could walk from the one side of the island to the other but the government close the entrances after the disappearing of 30 children and a teacher, into the labyrinth.

Lois Jessup from the NYSIB wrote that she visited the hypogeum twice. once before the tragedy with the children and one after. She described that in her first visit in the catacombs, she convinced her guide to examine one of the Sacrificial Chambers close to the last level that was supposed to be the end. He looked like he knew something that she didn't and he told her that she could enter with her own responsibility in case something happen to her. She went there by holding a candle in her hand and by using a wide belt as a guide for her friends that were following. She went crawling into one of the chambers and she found that in was going somewhere. she started to crawl more and she came in a very big cave, on top of a ledge where she could see a bottomless gap. a little lower, on the other side was another ledge that seemed to lead in another entrance. there, she saw some very small humanoids with hair all over their bodies. while they were watching her, they raised their hands towards her with their palms pointing at her and then a sudden wind blew and blew her candle. Then, she felt a wet, slimey "thing" touching her and pass next to her.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 08:36 PM
Thanks for this. I totally appreciate the information. I was searching for it. Wonderful work.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:33 AM
That's a really good story. whether true or not

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 03:20 AM
Why would it not be true? We also have caves wit unknown corridors where some have been lost and never seen since. I read from the other thread about the missing children and teachers and it sounds freaky. I would give these caves a visit if I went to Malta some day.

I'm sure they barely allow anyone to go too far. So what did 'Miss -??' see, what was 'at own risk'. Hey and if anyone goes there, make sure to take your digital camera in your pocket and when you reach that chasm to take pictures of what's in there. Too bad there are no pictures of the inside where this chasm is located or the catacombs. Sounds intriguing and scary to some extent too.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 04:51 AM
Here is a video showing the Hypogeum of Hal Saflienti

It's an underground labyrinth where one could easily get lost.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:00 AM
link many know i'm from Malta..

unfortunately i have no access to the dungeons since they were closed to the public after the accident.

should you have any suggestion of what i can do for you please post

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:22 AM
Sounds like a typical Djinn story - they are elemental beings encountered often in caves and can get very nasty when disturbed - same sort of creature that Mohammed met in the cave probably.

I spent a few yrs in Malta as a child and used to see little green beings that sat on the windowsill, waiting for me to go to sleep!

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:23 AM
OOPS! I posted in the wrong thread, sorry!

edit on 12-9-2011 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by Majestic 12

I've been to Malta. It's a very very very small island. I visited the entire island and had the grand tour. I saw no such evidence of hidden caves and heard no such stories of missing people. The only way I could be wrong is if there is another Malta somewhere out there. But I was on the one that's near Sicily.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:30 AM
^ What you see on the video is from there, maybe they haven't showed all dangerous places to go for a reason? Like rocks collapsing, chasm? Is this your definition of being skeptic? How can one doubt that there has been an incident, seriously...

Thanks for the video, too bad there is no notes what is what. Is that real blood or red paint? Especially if from centuries, blood would become dark and brown when it dries out on the rocks. Also is there a picture of the catacombs and this chasm any of them.

What is the video showing at 0:45 and most importantly at 3:00? That at the 3rd minute looks like almost a creature of some kind white looking. Lois Jessop describes them as '“their covering seemed to be like long white hair'
edit on 12-9-2011 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by Majestic 12

I've been to Malta. It's a very very very small island. I visited the entire island and had the grand tour. I saw no such evidence of hidden caves and heard no such stories of missing people. The only way I could be wrong is if there is another Malta somewhere out there. But I was on the one that's near Sicily.

Really? Well, I suppose all those photos of the Malta caves that you can see if you Google the phrase "Malta caves" are Photoshopped for some strange reason.

I guess even skeptics are willing to believe in the absurd when it suits them

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:39 AM
It's quite possible that these legends are told to children as a warning to stay out of the caves. Caves are dangerous places, even without the demons and hairy wind people.

Tell a fantasy enough times and people start to think there's some truth to it.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Decision

And it would be on National Geograhpic because it is urban legends to scare kids? Did you bother to check the video or you also think there is no such place?

Though I think what the wannabe-skeptic above may have said is he's been on the tour to the temple and just not seen any caves entering from the tomb, but he'd better not be saying the tomb does not exist cause it indeed shows even wannabe-skeptics can become ridiculous haha

How can you doubt? Our caves some also unknown how far they go have cases of missing people never come again, what the fck makes you think people could not be missing? Skeptics are just plain dumb
edit on 12-9-2011 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Decision

The story of the missing 30 schoolchildren and their teacher is not a legend. A story about childen lost in these caves was reported in National Geographic magazine, August, 1940, Vol. 78, No. 2. Here's the page referring to the story:

edit on 12-9-2011 by micpsi because: added material

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by micpsi

Being half maltese and actually visiting most of the temples on Malta I can vouch that they are pretty strange places.

It's great to see this on ATS because there are many strange goings on in Malta, USO's UFO's and other strange things.

People have said, even Atlantis could be located around Malta's shores. Knights of the Templar also had a strange fancy for Malta, as well as it's clear strategic position. But yeah, special place none the less.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Imtor
reply to post by Decision

And it would be on National Geograhpic because it is urban legends to scare kids? Did you bother to check the video or you also think there is no such place?

Though I think what the wannabe-skeptic above may have said is he's been on the tour to the temple and just not seen any caves entering from the tomb, but he'd better not be saying the tomb does not exist cause it indeed shows even wannabe-skeptics can become ridiculous haha

How can you doubt? Our caves some also unknown how far they go have cases of missing people never come again, what the fck makes you think people could not be missing? Skeptics are just plain dumb
edit on 12-9-2011 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

There sure are a lot of knee-jerk emotional responses on ATS.

First, I never said that the caves don't exist.

Second, I never said that every story is untrue. I was mainly referring to the stories about demons and monsters.

Third, without skepticism there is gullability. Believing everything you hear is just plain dumb. The story about the 30 missing kids may be true but simply being featured in National Geographic does not make it so. I've some some fantastical baloney on the History Channel.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:57 AM
any images from the malta caves?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 11:00 AM
^ The one whom I was bashing for not even saying the caves exist is: skepticconwatcher
For you, who ever said 'demons'? There's no such thing to my knowledge too. Considering Yeti or Big Foot do exist, why wouldn't they be that as this is what is described not 'monsters' as some horror movie BLARRRGRGHG!!!!

And the video at 3:00 shows some humanoid figure not too erected with its arms lower than the knees which looks like a same type creature as those big hairy ones.

As for missing children why dont you ask their families? What's so unbelievable really? This happened in the 40s so no one can give any info but hey maybe this person that went there Miss Jeebus can tell you more... What's so incredible about people getting lost really? We also have caves with underground waters leading gawd knows where and many people have never returned who decided to go too close to chasms..

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by Imtor

Interesting stuff. Definitely sounds more like legend than anything else but who knows. The thing that bothers me with these sort of stories is they could probably be easily debunked if someone took the time and money to do some proper exploration.

Obviously someone would have to want to do this to begin with but if you look at other cave expeditions that have already taken place based on Legend in the last hundred years why wouldn't this have already happened if there really was something too this ?

I look at all the ridiculous amounts of money and personal risk spent on underwater cave diving for no other reason than to fully map out a cave system and think this would be a joke to most experienced cave explorers in general but maybe thats why no one is bothering with it ? Not enough risk or reward for interested parties ?

Not trying to bash the Legends etc just thinking that with our technology over the last 50 odd years there is probably little reason this could not have been done already and of course exploited bye the history Channel etc

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by micpsi
always fascinated by these mysteries,were these caverns found exactly like this in the video?With structured blocks?Is there any information as to how these were built?And who built them?..thanks

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