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Oil supply/global temperature

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posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:11 PM
Ok, so I was just sitting here when I got to thinking about this. In the bigger picture, removing the earth's oil from with in it, how does that affect our planet?
I guess what I'm trying to say is this: Everything is put into a living organism for a reason. Is it possible that the oil deposits in the earth are helping to maintain the temperature? I would think that somehow the oil would be providing an insulation of someform for the core of the earth, you know what i mean? And if so, and we are loosing heat, how does that reflect our current weather and the impact of global warming?
Sorry if I'm rambling like a madman, just trying to keep up with my thoughts

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:36 PM
Thats an interesting and original thought.

I don't know if it'd work though, the crust of the earth, where the oil is but a small portion of, is extremely thin, compared to the mantle and core. I don't know if it'd have an appreciable difference. Other factors, like weather and amount of sunlight, would probably swamp out any effect. Notice that the arabian penninsula is a desert, even though it has tremendous oil reserves. The features are because of weather and climate, rather than heat emanating from the core.

Also, would'nt bedrock hold more heat than oil, and thus, if anything, cool things more?

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:54 PM
Yeah, i think the bedrock would cause it to cool.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 01:01 PM
i think it's an interesting theory as well. I'm open to the possibilty of it but I'm not sure if it is really all that plausible. I'd have to see statistical correlations. Maybe a model earth in a controlled environment. or multiple models with varying oil deposits. i don't know. you get the idea i think but on to what i'm really trying to say...

I'm wondering if the removal of oil might not cause more heat in that it's a lubricant. Perhaps it has a role in lubricating the shifting plates. i can't imagine the heat that comes as a result of that and what might it be like with the absence of that oil. like dry pistons.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 01:29 PM
So if it's a lubricant, and it's what helps the plates to shift......

If we take it away, and the plates stop moving, that means the crust stops moving around. If that happens, do you think it would keep friction from building up within the earth, causing a loss of magnetism in and around us?

And in support of it lubing the plates, could that be why the earthquakes seem to be getting more severe? You know how it is when you push down on something and there's no lube, when you do move, you snap out of place. Hmmm....

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 01:40 PM
The plates are moving along the mantle, oil resides lodged within the plates, not, as far as I know, lubricating them.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 08:22 AM

I think its a solar system thing not an earth thing.
And perhaps in the future we may find that the all the suns in our galaxy are doing the same thing.

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