posted on May, 6 2013 @ 01:05 PM
Look, I have experienced this as a real phenomenon. They are deploying it using a brainwashing system, an electronic surveillance system, and they
are capable of doing it nearly as described in these theories. However, it is not a Satanic theory, it is not Satanic at all; it is masquerading
itself as jesus, mimicking itself in my head as jesus, pretending to be jesus,
And this is the goal:
Saw strange things in the sky. They looked "etched" and they are capable of creating fake storms and they deploy it and put it onto bodies, either
by some device that they put into food, or by some receiver they put on the body. They are now, and you can see this on television, starting to
brainwash people with religion. On every TV show, every radio station, down to the music they play, is starting to inundate people with religious
subliminal messaging. See:
Food Network
I started hearing voices in my head, started seeing these fake images and they attempted to put me through some act of revelations. They attack me
every day, trying to convert me to christianity when I am a devout Pagan. I am not a Satanist, they are using a mechanical system deployed via
Calculus, Satellites, and the internet, electromagnetic beams being shot to the mind, as I started seeing images that shouldn't be there. I am
currently battling it as I write this; it is difficult for me to write because they have the ability to control speech and they use a sort of reward
system, keeping me from typing what I want. My brain has fought back by going dark because of this, but Nature knows; there is an alignment with the
stars, and they are using calenders and star dates to manipulate.
I can't even type my thoughts correctly; I get pops in my ears, it manifests itself, can manipulate other forms of life.
Look, I am Pagan, and I am thoroughly upset as they really are trying to implement a new world order of some sort, and it won't be a new government,
it will be a church-controlled government because that is what we have now. So I am writing to say project blue beam is real, and so are all the
other conspiracy theories concerning mind control, brainwashing, and anything of the sort.
But I nearly beg of you, please, know that Pagans, and even innocent Satanists, real Satanists, as Pagans, Wiccans, and Witches aren't Satanists, but
I feel the need to take up for Satanists as well, I can see it, we are being blamed for things we have not done, or do, they spy on Pagans, take our
information, then use it against us. We hide because we fear religious persecution, and we fear these organizations who can do the things I have
witnessed; I am experiencing, even now, internet brainwashing. Do know that we are not the threat. I have encountered the most issues not from these
people, but from the fake religious people. Those who masquerade under the cover of religion when they are not of that religion at all. Don't blame
Satan. Blame the fake religious. Because I have found out about fake Wiccans, and they're just spies for the catholic church as this insults me
deeply as we want a better world just the same as any innocent person would.
They are everywhere. Please don't blame us. As pope benedict blamed Neo-Pagans for Hitler's existence. And that's wrong.
If you've started feeling more religious lately, note that it is because they have deployed this nationwide. Possibly globally, and it is a
relatively recent upstart to their media brainwashing.
Because even the catholic church uses the name jesus christ in their prayers. That doesn't make a bit of difference at all. these people go around
talking about jesus this, jesus that...and hiding behind it. It ceased to be sacred a long time ago, if it ever was, and they use their cross against
people just the same. Remember that. this is why I am not a christian.
Atheists, Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Satanists, Agnostics we are not the problem. Please know this.
Hard time writing as during this post I heard ear popping. I don't know what to do. I have told my mom, she doesn't believe me, I haven't told
anyone about this to any extent except here. I have gone to a mental hospital as there is much more to my story, and told them about what I was
experiencing, they didn't believe me. I refused medications, and got released. They used my own religion against me, attempted to get me to reveal
secrets (because we keep our sense of sacred to ourselves), the catholic church even tried to get me to be in league with them by controlling my mind,
and i refused. they tried to fake the second coming of jesus on me, but because I have never been christian, their brainwashing became obvious.
what do i do? i don't know who to turn to, how to get reprieve from this. i am entrapped in this, i know it's fake, i know myself. This is a Witch
Hunt and they are hurting innocent people.