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Welcome to Politics of War

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posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 07:48 PM
Just want to welcome all you War on Terror exiles to our new refugee camp, Politics of War! I am your camp commandant, and Ill be observing the festivities here, as well as handing out cool points.

For those of you who have had your threads moved from the War on Terror in ATS to this forum on PTS, fret not. You did nothing wrong. Its part of new system to help organize and bring PTS the recognition it deserves. After all, when you look at the conspiracies that are number one on anyone's mind, you can boil it down to the barest root: politics. And politics, being the all encompasing conspiracy of them all, deserves its own space and recogonition on the ATS network.

Since war is boils down to about 90% politics, those threads about war and the war on terror that have a political tint to them will find a new home here, where we can focus more on the politics of the War on Terror, and the conspiracies dealing with that angle.

Basically, I'm pretty tolerant towards posting guidelines. As long as you follow the Terms and Conditions , I welcome any and all discussion, regardless of viewpoint, so long as it abides by the above standards. However, there are certain things even I will not put up with. Trolls, spammers, and frauds will be terminated with EXTREME predjudice, without mercy, and in a torrent of agony only concievable in the most wicked of minds!

On that note, I leave it to you. Post away as you have before, and remember, your forum fairy godmother, or in this case, forum evil elf mistress, will have her magic wand ready at all times to bless members who make insightful, unique, well researched, or very thought provoking posts with some applause and PTS cool points!

If you have any questions on anything, feel free to u2u me. Its not like I have a life anyway!

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 05:16 PM
What I'm really trying to say is that on another level, another plane of Kitty's subconscious. Is it us, or is it the evil elf that really scares her/him deep down inside.

For further information that relates to the subconscious please check out this link to this web site that I am talking about:

Besides I've been told by homeless people that I'm quite pleasant to look. So I can't be me she/he's scared of, unless its on a full moon, and well I have no control over that

[edit on 13-2-2007 by Royal76]

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:32 AM
Well, I clicked on this psot thinking I was going to learn something new.

Since I didn't, I'm going to ask the question:

what are the politics of war and how do they work?

[edit on 20-4-2008 by Ihavenoidea]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 03:02 PM
The polotics of war was a fourm that used to exist on PTS.

It was basicly a slug-fest area.

It was mostly arm-chiar generals talking about how they would have conducted a certain War...

It was very fun...

PTS died, and lost in the death were many good fourms, like the Polotics of War fourm...

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 02:16 PM
TSA admits it is spying on it's employees. CNN broke a story that sky marshals were reporting that they were seriously understaffed and over worked. The TSA jumped on the report saying it was false. Then launched an investigation that went so far as to question one man for just forwarding the e-mail looking for disgruntled sky Marshals. Reality and Fiction often aren't far apart. In our case it was a stoner but in the real world it could be anyone! The Patriot Act not just open for abuse but made for it...
Check out the movie,,,PLEASE, it's only $1.69 at www. apatriotact. com

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:17 PM
I look forward to moving my troops and armaments into position to do battle with you all

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by solo1

I look forward to moving my troops and armaments into position to do battle with you all

Too late. I gained all the local support I could ever need to start an unending insurgency......

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Ahhhhhhhh the politics of war. I personally think it's all about the money and 911 was an orchestrated event to manipulate the American People into going along with that war.

The cost of war has exceeded 559,751,873,999 as of 10/05/08 - 11:30 pm C/T.

One only has to ask who has been and is still profiting from this war? Starting digging around and found this site:

This article is really interesting because it answered my internal questions as to who is really profiting from this war and confirms to me the real reason we are in Iraq.

The Iraq war is many things to different people. It is called a strategic blunder and a monstrous injustice and sometimes even a patriotic mission, much to the chagrin of rational human beings. For many big companies, however, the war is something far different: a lucrative cash-cow. The years-long, ongoing military effort has resurrected fears of the so-called “military-industrial complex.” Media pundits are outraged at private companies scooping up huge, no-questions-asked contracts to manufacture weapons, rebuild infrastructure, or anything else the government deems necessary to win (or plant its flag in Iraq). No matter what your stance on the war, it pays to know where your tax dollars are being spent. 1) Halliburton. According to MSN Money, Halliburton’s KBR, Inc. division bilked government agencies to the tune of $17.2 billion in Iraq war-related revenue from 2003-2006 alone. This is estimated to comprise a whopping one-fifth of KBR’s total revenue for the 2006 fiscal year. The massive payoff is said to have financed the construction and maintenance of military bases, oil field repairs, and various infrastructure rebuilding projects across the war-torn nation. This is just the latest in a long string of military/KBR wartime partnerships, thanks in no small part to Dick Cheney’s former role with the parent company. 2. Veritas Capital Fund/DynCorp, At first blush, a private equity fund (and not, say, Exxon-Mobil) being the number 2 profiteer in the Iraq war might sound strange. However, the cleverly run fund has raked in $1.44 billion through its DynCorp subsidiary. The primary service DynCorp has provided to the war efforts is the training of new Iraqi police forces. Often described as a ‘state within a state‘, the sizable company is headed by Dwight M. Williams, former Chief Security Officer of the upstart U.S. Department of Homeland Security. With this and other close ties to defense agencies, Veritas Capital Fund and DynCorp are well-positioned to capitalize on Iraq even more. 3. Washington Group International, The Washington Group International has parlayed its expertise the repair, restore, and maintenance of high-output oil fields into $931 million in Iraq-related revenue from 2003-2006. The publicly traded 25,000 employee company’s other specialties include the building and maintenance of schools, military bases, and municipal utilities, such as watering systems. Some have complained that Washington Group’s hefty government payoffs have served primarily to raise its trading price on the New York Stock Exchange. One thing is for sure - with oil prices continuing to rise, there will be no shortage of demand for the oil protection services Washington Group International brings to bear. 4. Environmental Chemical, All war zones eventually becomes cluttered with spent ammunition and broken/abandoned weapons, creating a lucrative niche for any company willing to clean it all up. In Iraq, this duty has fallen into the hands of Environmental Chemical. The privately held Burlingame, California company has stockpiled $878 million by the end of fiscal 2006 for munitions disposal, calling upon its “decade of experience planning and conducting UXO removal, investigation, and certification activities.” The company has close ties to several defense agencies and is staffed by graduates of the U.S. Navy’s Explosive Ordinance Schools, as well as the U.S. Army’s Chemical Schools at Anniston. 5. Aegis. Aegis has done the United Kingdom proud after reeling in a contract to coordinate all of Iraq’s private security operations. The Pentagon contract is good for $430 million (incredibly lucrative by any standard) but it has landed Aegis in some hot public relations water. The company’s decision to contribute to Iraq war efforts has lead to a rejected membership application from the International Peace Operations Association. According to The Independent, the influential trade organization does not consider Aegis worthy of inclusion in the “peace and stability industry.” It remains to be seen whether Aegis will continue to be ostracized for participating in the training of Iraqi security forces.

To get the other 20 names of who is making out like a bandit on this miserable war just go to the link provided above.

Most enlightening reading. Many of the individuals that head / own these companies are close associates of both Senior and Junior Bush. Nothing like giving kick backs to your friends and people you "owe".

We truly live in The United Corporations of America. We The Companies, For The Companies and by the Companies.

Our politicians no longer work for "The People" they have been bought out by the almighty Corporations which in turn are owned by an elite handful.

Most American's still do not want to own up to how they were duped into this war.

Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.
Mao Tse-Tung (1893 - 1976)

[edit on 5-10-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

And there all broke now for the evil. I don't really find too many flaws with the war except the purpose. This war I beleive was concocted by G.W.B..
His command is overrun in a military coo. Now these commanders are only imperialist butchers. I think if it should continue the human cost will probably start to rise dramatically. I fear we are as Israel and palestine, we wanted into some manner of conflict on that level and now we may see it will be the same. There will be peace talks but it is just time to rearm for the next round of fighting.
Don't expect me to pull my troops out, because they won't come out until they stop dying. I don't believe I should concede Iraq, it will become over run by 25 peshewar factions vying fo religious supremacy. If I will not stay I loose my bid for commodity influence. I must have an imperialistically devised government in place to secure my advantage.
My allys are suppressing the main peshewar resistance to my imperialism. Perhaps with that out of contention for religious supremacy, the other factions will be willing to submit to my imperialism.
In the evil war eveyone must die. When the U.S.A. retreats there will be reprisals you not believe Iraqs government will fall within moments just like viet-nam.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

And there all broke now for the evil. I don't really find too many flaws with the war except the purpose. This war I beleive was concocted by G.W.B..
His command is overrun in a military coo. Now these commanders are only imperialist butchers. I think if it should continue the human cost will probably start to rise dramatically. I fear we are as Israel and palestine, we wanted into some manner of conflict on that level and now we may see it will be the same. There will be peace talks but it is just time to rearm for the next round of fighting.
Don't expect me to pull my troops out, because they won't come out until they stop dying. I don't believe I should concede Iraq, it will become over run by 25 peshewar factions vying fo religious supremacy. If I will not stay I loose my bid for commodity influence. I must have an imperialistically devised government in place to secure my advantage.
My allys are suppressing the main peshewar resistance to my imperialism. Perhaps with that out of contention for religious supremacy, the other factions will be willing to submit to my imperialism.
In the evil war eveyone must die. When the U.S.A. retreats there will be reprisals you would not believe. Iraqs government will fall within moments just like viet-nam.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by rightwingnut]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:33 AM
I believe that War is necessary to our current civilisation. War keeps at least 1.5 billion people employed, look it up! So without war, how would we employ those 1.5 billion people?

That is why I feel we always have a war going on at some point. The latest being "War on Terrorism" which is in itself complete bull.

Firstly, what is terrorism? Defined on Google it is "the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious"

Right, now ask yourself, why have we conflict present in today's society? Because the so-called Terrorists do not agree with what Western Societies stand for...who said Western Society is right anyway?

I certainly dont think it is. Does that make me a because I do not intend to harm innocent people because of it. But how do you wage war against unknowable "enemies"? You cannot.

Seems to me like an excuse to go to the Middle East and 'Westernise' (dont know how to spell that last word) but I hope you get my drift.



posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Ahhhhhhhh the politics of war. I personally think it's all about the money and 911 was an orchestrated event to manipulate the American People into going along with that war.

The cost of war has exceeded 559,751,873,999 as of 10/05/08 - 11:30 pm C/T.

i dont think you can really boil war down to a digit. it would more then likely be free or infinity. does that figure include psychiatry costs, inflation of ammunition prices, toilets and so on? i obviously walked into the wrong thread... no way in hell am i prepared to argue the semantics of something as loosely defined as "war".


posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Since war is boils down to about 90% politics, those threads about war and the war on terror that have a political tint to them will find a new home here, where we can focus more on the politics of the War on Terror, and the conspiracies dealing with that angle.

The system of checks and balances is a part of our Constitution. It guarantees that no part of the government becomes too powerful. For example, the legislative branch is in charge of making laws. The executive branch can veto the law, thus making it harder for the legislative branch to pass the law. The judicial branch may also say that the law is unconstitutional and thus make sure it is not a law.

The legislative branch can also remove a president or judge that is not doing his/her job properly. The executive branch appoints judges and the legislative branch approves the choice of the executive branch. Again, the branches check and balance each other so that no one branch has too much power.

But how about TOO LITTLE POWER? Reflect on this. In 2006, the Dems won robust control of the House. 233 to 202. Twenty-three GOP incumbent congresspersons were replaced by Democrats! In the Senate, despite six GOP senators unseated by Democrats, it was only by a defection - VT’s Bernie Sanders - did the Dems gain the upper hand in the Senate - 49 + 1 + 1 (51) to 49. Note: If the GOP had just ONE more vote, 50, VP Cheney would have cast the Constitution’s tie breaking vote giving the GOP the right to organize and control over the agenda. Which by the way has made the United States of America beholden to Joe Lieberman and his vision of Israel vis a vis the Palestinians. With the death of Sen. Kennedy (the 60th vote) and no replacement in sight, “Mighty Joe” is back in charge of Middle East policy only slightly diminished in power!

OK, I’ve said a lot to lay the point
. The public voted NO to the Iraq War in November, 2006. When Congress took its seat on January 3, 2007, it was expected by the voting public that the Dems would STOP the War. (A re-run of the 1968 election with a similar outcome).

Well, here it is 2009 and the War goes on! What happened? Aside: in 2007 Bush Jr was faced with a serious problem. For the first time (excluding the limited control of the Senate in mid ‘01 to Jan. ‘03) the House was anxious to start hearings on the many misdeeds and widespread misconduct of the war and who says what about torture. Not to mention the scandalous FEMA and Katrina undertaking.

For the FIRST time Bush Jr and Company would have to either FACE the questioners or plead EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE as once before had Pres. Nixon tried in his failed effort to block another Congressional hearing. I don’t know who thought it up, but the THEME later called the SURGE saved Bush Jr and Company from the grilling! I have argued the SURGE was a publicity stunt involving the shuffling of numbers and more importantly, the PAYING of cash to the al Anbar province Sunni to STOP killing Americans. With only “embedded” newspersons in Iraq, we over here were then (and remain now) at the mercy of the White House and Pentagon of what we know about Iraq. (For sure Sec. Gates is light years ahead of Herr Oberfuhrer Rumsfeld).


Bonus Q.
Will Republican RACISM Never Die?
Corker versus Ford each seeking to replace GOP Sen. Bill Frist. The candidates exchanged leads in the polls and there were a number of negative charges. African American Harold Ford, 2 term Democratic congressman from Memphis, questioned Chattanooga car dealer Bob Corker's business dealings. Corker portrayed Ford as a hyper-political Washington insider with nothing in common with Tennessee residents.

As the campaign neared the end, it suddenly made national headlines when the Republican National Committee (Corker’s supporters) ran an ad that ridiculed Ford for attending a party thrown by Hugh Hefner’s Playboy corporation.

The Corker ad featured a fictional blond - ie, made up - Playboy bunny squealing, "I met Harold at the Playboy Party!" and then winking and saying, "Harold, call me." Democrats called the ad an attempt to play on racial prejudice, and Corker distanced himself from the ad. From Wikipedia. Reagan’s Welfare Cadillac story. Bush Sr Willie Horton ad. Jesse Helm’s Affirmative action ad. Etc.

[edit on 9/4/2009 by donwhite]

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