posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 10:46 AM
I've read a couple of theories about UFO illumination. The best theory about the glowing being the byproduct of "field propulsion"
Stanton Friedman wrote a paper on field propulsion theory. The late NASA engineer Paul Hill who discussed how UFOs fly in the book "Unconventional
Flying Saucers" also described field propulsion as the explanation.
Field propulsion is propulsion that utilizes intense electromagnetic fields around the craft, thus ionizing air molecules, which as Friedman states
could help control lift and drag and counteract as some feel gravity waves making the craft impervious to inertia thus allowing its occupants to
undergo extreme G forces. The ionization of the air molecules creates the glow effect. I'm not sure if UFOs glow in outer space because of this
since there is no air in its vacuum.
[Edited on 27-10-2003 by heelstone]