posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:02 PM
Originally posted by lilygotsilly
i guess the thread is in the trash ---- why would it be trashed? and why would i still not be able tosee any replies to my post?
Doublecheck to see if the post was trashed. Click the "find posts" link underneath your first message to see what posts of yours are on the board.
Many times the topics move so fast that a message will scroll off the board before the end of the day.
If it's trashed, you would get a U2U... check your U2Us (look at the navigation bar JUST UNDERNEATH the big ad up above. You'll see "Home
Settings Members Complain (etc, etc.) Third from the left is "memCenter." Click there to see if you have messages.
If a post is moved or trashed you'll get a message from a moderator.
Sometimes, the board does something quirky and messages don't post. I've had that happen to me when we've had unusual peak traffic.