Is God experiencing life through you?
The way I see God is everythingness, something so highly evolved its impossible for humans to grasp. The way I see it is this. look at God for a
minute as your body, and God’s creations and children as the cells in that body, do the cells have the level of consciousness to be able to
understand the wholeness of the body (there God) it dwells in? Do the cells that work through your body and brain understand the huge level of
consciousness and intellect that the brain houses? The answer is no, just how us humans cant really understand the body they live in the
To me God is experiencing things through life/us, we are simply experiencers or a vehicle or physical vessel for a higher power to be able to progress
forward. God is wanting to find its self, and the only way God can do that is by experiencing it self through life/us, we all came from God, and we
shall all return if you like.
What I am trying to say is that we are all individuals connected to a greater oneness that is beyond our comprehension. God wont give up on us as some
might believe, because God is us and everything, God is within us, and we are within God. If God was to give up on us God would be giving up on it
self. If God was to bring about total destruction, God would be killing apart of it self killing an experience it created for it self.
There is a universe within each one of you, and one outside. I believe there are thoughts below us and above us all apart of a mass consciousness. God
wants to understand the void and wants to make the void alive and wants the unknown to be known, and experience all that is void, and the only way to
do that is to venture into life within the void of Gods self, which is what we are doing, the more life spreads, the universe expands, and the light
of God illuminates the darkness or void, where life or consciousness had not yet reached.
Each experience we have is Gods experience, we are like the senses of the divine, like sparks that radiate from the source of all things. I believe we
judge our selves, but only with our own morals and expectations we set for our self before we came to experience, or our God self expected of us or
its self. God can not judge us as some would believe, as that would be God judging it self, which in a sense is true, just that God is not separate
from us.
I see the beginning as nothingness, a point of nothing, then that point become self aware, which formed the consciousness, and for what we call time
the point was only aware of its self, and nothing more, and knew nothing of it self and had no personality as it had nothing to compare it self to or
to learn from, the moment it asked the first question, it then had two thoughts, that then separated it self into two consciousnesses, like life being
formed for the first time, like the egg in a women’s womb. It then was able to ask ‘who am I’. It wanted now something or someone to compare it
self with on a larger scale, so it created the light with more thoughts, which is what life it self sprang from, the life is God, feeling something it
can compare its self to so that it may better understand its self and expand its consciousness and divine mind. The creator has just created it self
by the simple realisation of recognising it self, and thinking it self into existence. From God later would be us humans that would continue on with
them thoughts which is why we build and create on earth by thinking our way through evolution.
The moment God awoke was the moment life was born. Life is the light and light is the life.
I wrote something a while ago because I was board, I wanted to see if I could put into words how I see the universe as being created, and this is what
I came up with.................
In the beginning there was the dark void, the void was silent and still, it spread for eternity and beyond, above and below, within and without, the
beyond was alone in everything that existed, and without question or answer, without time or distance. Self comprehension was impossible without a
thought to imagine, or a mind to judge, or an eye to realise. Evil could not be, as good had never been, emotion never felt, love or hate had nothing
to reflect from or yet to engulf.
In the beginning there was a light, the light was silent and still, it spread for eternity and beyond, above and below, within and without, the beyond
was alone in everything that existed, and without question or answer, without time or distance. Self comprehension was impossible without a thought to
imagine, or a mind to judge, or an eye to realise. Evil could not be, as good had never been, emotion never felt, love or hate had nothing to reflect
from or yet to engulf.
The infinite darkness opened its mind and asked who am I, and the light was born into its thoughts, the dark spark thought hatched from within the
beyond, and into the void, and a new born consciousness had asked the first question, and the new and first life became the darkness, and shadowed the
illuminating light, shadows swirled and mixed with light, together they danced a harmonious kinship, in which the answers to the first question
The infinite light opened its mind and asked who am I, and the darkness was born into its thoughts, the light spark thought hatched from within the
beyond, and into the darkness, and a new born consciousness had asked the first question, and the new and first life became the light and darkness
shadowed the light, light swirled and mixed with the darkness, together they danced a harmonious kinship, in which the answers to the first question
The dark found companionship in the light, as did the light in the dark, both realising that the light was at one with the void and the void with the
light, for they knew that the two are as the one, and that the two had searched for each other for eternal stillness, one blinded by the dark, and one
blinded by the light not knowing of each others existence, now knowing there can only be life when each conscious thought are as one, and at peace
with the other, and can see the opposite. Opposites, yet joined as one, they now rejoiced there partnership, for now they see the eternal truth, that
each exists, and that each thought of light and darkness will forever hold up the other.
As they dance one sees a light and the other the darkness, for now they have the sight for both too see, the beauty that is eternally thee.
There eyes meet and love is born, its love at first site and life has just begun, with no past, and no future to yet touch, there child will be what
is to come an eternal life still unknown,. There relationship will grow and ever strengthen, and questions will arise always to be answered.
Both parts of the one look forward and wonder what there future child and life will hold, for its in the hands of there love and trust in each other,
a faith in them selves and the love of there hearts is what gives them the eternal life and perpetual light and shadow that will forever shine on down
and breath life into and cover all there creation in perfect harmony.
They embrace and the light of love shines into the dark, and the dark into the light, life expands from the eternal union, both light and dark
radiates out into the void and into the light, the beginning has begun with no end. The blind have found them selves, and consciousness and life is
born, and the dawn of eternity is within and expanding…………
I doubt that makes much sense to people other than my self, but I understand, it its how I can even begin to wrap my head around the idea of infinity
and past future and present.