posted on Jul, 11 2006 @ 04:36 AM
Well, It's 530am EST here in Connecticut, And I think my dog saved my families life last night. Here's what happened.
Ok, It's around 2 in the AM and I was on the MtO server. My nose started to itch, my eyes started to water and there was a faint smell of burning
plastic in the air. I logged off and went to investigate...Nothing, I checked everywhere, for anything that could be ablaze. Finding nothing I went
back to my room.
Still though, there was a smell, it started now to burn my nose, my eyes they started to dry out. About a half hour later I hear my dog wimper at the
door. I went out to the hallway, and nothing, but Chico(My Dog) was going nuts. I let him outside thinking he had to pee he went out for a minute and
came back in.
I went back to my room and layed down. I thought by this time that the smell was in my head. As I lay in my bed, slowly drifting off to sleep, my dog
came to my door for a third time. This time frantically scratching the door and yellping. I ran out to the hallway. I still could not find any
My dog, while barking now, ran to his doggy bed. His doggy bed has a heating blanket on it. As I approched it the burning plastic smell grew stronger.
I touched my hand to it and a puff of smoke rose up. I turned it over and a bigger puff of smoke filled the room. Not only did the heating pad catch
fire, it also burn a hole through Chico's doggy bed, and chared the floor. There were glowing embers all over the place.
I was never one to believe that pets could save your life. It seemed to far-fetched for me. That they would know something like that was going on. But
my dog saved my life last night. I still can't believe it.
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[edit on 11-7-2006 by UK Wizard]