posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 09:07 PM
Ah, the classic debate. Even The Simpsons has touched on this one:
Lyle Lanley: Now I'm here to answer any questions you children may have about the monorail.
Kid: Can it outrun the Flash?
Lyle Lanley: You bet.
Kid: Can Superman outrun the Flash?
Lyle Lanley: Eh, sure, why not.
There you have it. When it comes to who is faster, so much of the answer depends on which version of the character you are referring to and who is
writing them at the time. Currently, for example, the Flash is held to be faster than Superman. Supes currently cannot exceed the speed of light,
whereas Flash Wally West - thanks to his direct line to the "Speed Force" - can. However, previous incarnations of Superman (specifically
pre-Crisis, Silver Age incarnations) have been shown to be significantly faster than how the Man of Steel is currently portrayed. Over the years,
writers have deliberatley bammed Supe's powers down a number of notches, to make his storylines more engaging and believable (Boo!). Thus, whilst
Superman as he is currently written loses out to the Flash in speed, previous versions of Supes were probably a good deal faster.
Have you seen the Smallville episode where Clark races the Flash? That was pretty cool. I have to admit, I always felt sorry for the Flash whenever
Superman was around. I mean, speed is all he has. Suppose there's a crisis on the other side of the world and help is needed within seconds:
Batman: Oh no, there's a crisis on the other side of the world and help is needed within seconds!
Flash: Not to worry, I'll race on over and save the day. This looks like a job for the Fla...
[Gets into running stance, then receives light tap on soulder]
Superman: Sorry, Flash, but this mission calls for some real speed. Why don't you race on down to 711 and get Bats here a drink.
Flash: But I ... I ...
Batman: Make it Red Bull! I gotta lot of work to do tonight.