posted on Jul, 11 2006 @ 08:37 PM
Jong is imposed as a god like figure on his people for good reason. The country has nothing to offer. The only backing they get is from China, even
then most of the money probably goes to the Jong rulers. Jong must keep the people of NK trapped because one rotten apple in his population will
spoil the whole miserable bunch (no offense to the people of NK, its a sad situation really).
The rulers of NK at present day really do have some issues, no country shouldn't be that issolated. 60 minutes reported one time that Jong bought
Mary Anne Franks diary for all the schools and convinced the children in the education system that Anne was experiencing these events because of evil
What I really don't understand is why Jong is so anti-america. How much influence does China have on NK (alot?)? I'm not sure, but I do know that
China is very anti-imperialist. I do think that when China goes to war they will have NK lead it and it will most likely be on the biggest threat at
hand, America.