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Questions for John Lear

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posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 12:57 PM

I am one of your fans,
and I believe a majority of what you say here,
despite the fact that they are opinions
andnot provable facts, you you yourself so state...

The one area of speculation by you
that I really really really
want to believe because it is so fantastic
is this idea that every planet
in the solar system
(Saturn is just one example- I have heard you talk of Venus, etc)
has a multi-million person population and
Blade Runner infrastructure...

That concept really stirs my imagination...

What I am asking is this:

I am not asking you for proof- I am not challenging you here-
nor am I asking you WHY you believe this...

I am asking, rather, the following questions,
which I consider to be sort of a logic game/geometric proof
type of exercise, where we have a "given"
which in this case is "There is life and infrastructure on the other
worlds of the solar system"...

So, with this given, this resolved for the sake of debate, I ask:

1) Do you think one of these planets should have their lifeforms,
population centers, machines and/or buildings very simply and easily
observable by Earth humans by means of a telescope? Sure,
maybe one or two worlds exist, say, under the clouds or below
the ground, but surely a couple other worlds exist above-ground?

2) If any of these worlds are as advanced or more advanced than us,
then what can'twe observe their daily commuter airline/spaceship flights whizzing around their atmosphere? Surely they have an economy and daily air transportation traffic. And perhaps even FedEx. Why can't we observe their air and spacecraft?

3) I think I heard you say that the lifeforms on the solar system worlds are human... do you think so? All of them? Human-like, or really human? If they are human- or not- how do these "aliens" fit into our modern canon of visiting EBE's and Greys and other strange creatures? Do the solar system Aliens (let's call them the "Locals") ever visit us? Are they the ones flying the Roswell craft? Are they doing the abductions? Do they have a relationship with out gov and military? How do the classical "greys" fit in with these "locals"? Are they all one in the same, or are the locals planet-bound homebodies, perhaps xenophobic?

4) Our spacecraft- such as Voyager- and other probe type craft- have they made a sort of contact with any of these civilazations? In other words- who knows of these worlds and people? Only the gov and miliatary?

5) Finally, as a follow-up to #4... if we cannot see them or confirm any of these worlds/peoples/structures, then please tell us (or hey, just me!) the story of how this knowledge came to be- who discovered this amazing and overlooked reality of life (complex life!) on our neighboring planets?
How did you find out about it? Sleeper?

Oh, and lastly...

Can you repeat you theory about the SUN? I think you said it was not really all that hot- like, perhaps one could even stand on the surface, as it emanates light, not heat, or some such thing.

THANKS SO MUCH for listening and answering these questions.


posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 01:09 PM
Originally posted by rikriley

John, can you tell us from where your ancestors came from in your family tree lineage? I know you have spoken of your father and his successes maybe I missed you talking about from where your family roots started.

According to the Institute of Family Research, Inc. (Salt Lake City) who researched the history of the William Powell Lear family in a report dated 23 June 1977 my fathers roots go back to Switzerland.

According to this report which contains many statements such as, "due to time limitations only a small percentage of available sources have been consulted", and "some data given as factual may prove to be incorrect upon examination of additional record sources". one of my ancestors was John Lear, Jr. who was a private in the revolutionary army. If that could be substantiated (and I don't know that it could) I would be eligible for membership in NSSAR.

My mothers roots trace back to Scandinavia. Her father, Ole Olsen was half of the vaudeville comedian team of Olsen & Johnson whose comedy hit "Hellzapoppin" was one of the longest running shows on Broadway. Olsen & Johnson subsequently made several movies. Ole Olsen, died in 1963 at the Lovelace Clinic in Albuquerque, NM while under the care of Dr. Randy Lovelace II.

My mother held Lovelace responsible for my grandfathers death although there were complications over which Randy had no control. I was treated at the Lovelace Clinic in 1961 for gangrene in an open wound after an airplane accident in Switzerland.

Lovelace was an Air Force surgeon stationed at Wright Patterson AFB in 1947. After trhe Roswell incident in July of 1947 Lovelace was funded by the Air Force to set up the Lovelace Medical Foundation in Albuquerque. Lovelace became the chief physician to the astronauts and held a position on NASA's Special Advisory Committee. My father was on the Board of Directors of the Lovelace Medical Foundation and Lovelace was on the Board of Lear, Inc.

Lovelace was killed with his wife in an airplane accident in Independence Pass near Aspen, Colorado in December of 1965. Lovelaces's pilot (Lovelace himself did not fly) was trying to sneak through Independence Pass on a flight from Aspen to Albuquerque in a twin engine Beechcraft in marginal weather. One of the interesting aspects of the official investigation of this accident is that when the searchers got to the airplane crash site, there where tracks and indications that somebody had been there prior to the official searchers and had gone through Lovelaces personal effects. There was no indication of how the first party got there or what they might have been doing in that area in the middle of winter. Nothing was noted as missing.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Clandestino

so you flew one of these at mach 1.7!!

No, that is an NF-104 AST (Aero Space Trainer). It was a jet and rocket powered F-104. There were 3 of them built and Chuck Yeager through is incompetence. arrogance and lack of precision flying ability destroyed one and the program was cancelled.

I flew a plain vanilla CF-104D with a J-79.

the F-104 was one of the first aircraft designed with the swept forward

No, the F-104 wings were not swept. They had a 10 degree negative dihedral a thickness to chord ratio of 3.5% and were 7 ft. long from root to tip.

how did it handle?

Much like a Lockheed Starfighter.

was it hard to land?

Only because my touchdown visual frame of reference was usually 50 feet in the air (Lockheed L-1011) and the F-104's is about 8 feet in the air.

I would think so, because those little wings don't produce a lot of lift at slow speeds.

Touchdown speed in 170 knots. I did one SFO (simulated flame out) to Marana and Darryl said I would have lived although I was a tad fast over the fence.

p.s. flight school is getting really expensive, I live in P.R. and I am paying $150 an hour!
do you think that is too much?

I am not up on flight school costs.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by John Lear
It was a jet and rocket powered F-104. There were 3 of them built and Chuck Yeager through is incompetence. arrogance and lack of precision flying ability destroyed one and the program was cancelled.

woops! My bad John, I thought they where the same craft, for some reason. The Lockheed Star Fighter is definitely a sexier plane than that Aero Space Trainer.
I think i heard you tell that story about Chuck Yeager in one of your You-Tube interviews, Did anyone smack him over the head after he pulled that one? I would've!!

Touchdown speed in 170 knots.

Damn thats fast! John, I would be scared sh*tless!!
The Cessna I fly tops out at 165 knots!! and dont get me started on slow flight.. I got into my first bad "spin" a couple of days ago, but luckily my instructor was next to me to save the day!!

me + spins = dont mix

oh and heres a picture of a really nice CF-104D, maybe it'll bring back some old memories..


edit - to add:

J-79 = Balls to the Wall!

[edit on 21-7-2007 by Clandestino]

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Clandestino

Did anyone smack him over the head after he pulled that one? I would've!!

Chuck had very powerful friends who fixed things for him. You don't mess with a United Air Force Official Icon.

oh and heres a picture of a really nice CF-104D, maybe it'll bring back some old memories..

Yes, thats one of the 4 CF-104D's currently flying in the U.S. 3 belong to Starfighters and one belongs to Mark Sherman in Phoenix. Mark's airplane is the one that Darryl Greenamyer checked me out in:

Later that day I had to get back to my real job:

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 03:14 PM
Wow! looks like Mark Sherman keeps that plane in mint condition.. I bet he

lives in that real expensive Pilot community that has their own runway.. I used

to live in phoenix, but I for got the name of it. That dude that has the little

homemade jet plane also lives there I believe (the one featured in the bond

movie), they are always showing that plane off in the history channel.

Oh.. and kick ass area-51 shirt! my mom would blow a fuse if she ever saw me

wearing anything UFO related!
she is hella catholic..

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
It was a jet and rocket powered F-104. There were 3 of them built and Chuck Yeager through is incompetence. arrogance and lack of precision flying ability destroyed one and the program was cancelled.

John your jealously and poor taste is showing. You have no right to insult someone with real flying experience. Chuck Yeager was a brave man, you on the other hand…

Originally posted by johnlear
I flew a plain vanilla CF-104D with a J-79.

Got any proof of that?

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Access Denied
John your jealously and poor taste is showing. You have no right to insult someone with real flying experience.

Hey access, why are you flipping out on the guy? All John said was that he

crashed because he was "incompetent and lacked precision flying ability". If any

pilot crashes a plane and its not due to mechanical failure of some sort then,

YES it most have been because he messed up "aka" incompetence, and he

lacked the ability to correct b4 it was too late. John also said he was


What pilot isnt?? damn near all the instructors at my school think they are all

that and a bag of chips on the side. SO i ask you again why are you flipping

out? Is it because you dont like John lear?? A simple I dont like you John

lear post would have been sufficient.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Access Denied

Got any proof of that?

When ATS gets their video program up and running I will post the video that Bob Lazar made of my checkout in the F-104. It includes the preflight planning and briefing, the preflight of the F-104, engine startup, taxi, takeoff in full afterburner, 360 overhead approach, several bounce and blows, final landing, taxi in, shut down and post flight briefing and kidding around with me, check pilot Darryl Greenamyer and Mark Sherman. Of course, I guess we all could have faked it. (You know, like we could have gotten some REAL pilots to fly the F-104 and we all just stood around and pretended like it was us!)

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 03:38 PM

When ATS gets their video program up and running I will post the video that Bob Lazar made of my checkout in the F-104.

Sweet!! I wanna see it!!

You know, like we could have gotten some REAL pilots to fly the F-104 and we all just stood around and pretended like it was us!


John doesn't it piss you off that just because a lot of people dont agree with

your ideas on UFO's, they think they have the right to probe and question

every little detail about your past??

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Clandestino
Hey access, why are you flipping out on the guy? All John said was that he
crashed because he was "incompetent and lacked precision flying ability".

My grandfather was a test pilot at Muroc (now Edwards AFB) and was a close personal friend of General Chuck Yeager... sorry, it's personal.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 03:49 PM
heh.. It's all good man, I knew you guys had some beef from older threads..

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Access Denied

John your jealously and poor taste is showing. You have no right to insult someone with real flying experience. Chuck Yeager was a brave man, you on the other hand…

I knew Chuck and used to visit him whenver I went through Clark Air Force Base (Manila) when he was Commander of the 405th. I was flying for the 4440th ADG at the time.

I have no reason to insult Chuck he was my friend. I merely state the truth as I know it. He may have been be brave but he was also foolhardy and lacked good judgement. He lost a perfectly good airplane (NF-104 AST) because he attempted a maneuver for which he was not qualified or briefed. The loss of this airplane unnecessarily caused the cancellation of a program that cost many people their jobs.

Further, Yeager was not the first person to break the sound barrier. Slick Goodlin was. And in that exact same airplane before it was turned over to the Air Force by the contractor. The U.S. wanted an Air Force hero not a government contractor hero to break the sound barrier. The only reason Gen. Boyd picked Chuck was because he was the most expendable.

But thanks for your post and keep them coming!

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
I have no reason to insult Chuck he was my friend. I merely state the truth as I know it. He may have been be brave but he was also foolhardy and lacked good judgement. He lost a perfectly good airplane (NF-104 AST) because he attempted a maneuver for which he was not qualified or briefed. The loss of this airplane unnecessarily caused the cancellation of a program that cost many people their jobs.

BS John, only Chuck knows the truth and the three NF-104As were "custom ordered" as astronaut trainers for the Test Pilot School HE commanded… BFD. No great loss. In fact one of them is still there standing guard. You’re just jealous because he’s crazier then you.

Originally posted by johnlear
Further, Yeager was not the first person to break the sound barrier. Slick Goodlin was. And in that exact same airplane before it was turned over to the Air Force by the contractor. The U.S. wanted an Air Force hero not a government contractor hero to break the sound barrier. The only reason Gen. Boyd picked Chuck was because he was the most expendable.

Your complete lack of any factual historical aviation knowledge is astounding... but not at all surprising.

[edit on 21-7-2007 by Access Denied]

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Access Denied

You're complete lack of any factual historical aviation knowledge is astounding... but not at all surprising.

In that case I will defer to your factual historical aviation knowledge.

And, by the way, the other day you posted this statement:

Originally posted by Access Denied

“FWIW I can tell you that I work at one of the facilities identified in the DP briefing document as being involved in ARVs and although it’s more than likely we would be the ones who would be working on it if in fact an alien spaceship had ever been retrieved,…”

Now, Access Denied, with all due respect, according to your resume which you posted in your current search for a job, you actually work for ERC, Inc. (based in Huntsville, Alabama) which is a small company (450 employees) with a small contract with AFRL (Air Force Research Labs).

And also, according to your resume, you have an Associate of Science in Electronic Engineering Technology. (That’s a 2 year degree.) Now, Access Denied, do you want us here at ATS to believe that AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) would give ERC,Inc. and their engineer (you) with a 2 year degree in electronic engineering an alien spaceship to work on?

Not that I am doubting your word but do you think that Dr. Ernest Wu, the CEO and President of the company you work for will back you up on this alien spaceship thing? What I mean is will Dr. Wu post here on ATS that the company he is CEO and President of, ERC, Inc., and, as you stated, is:

originally posted by Access Denied

“one of the facilities identified in the DP briefing document as being involved in ARVs”

and would Dr. Wu confirm your statement...

originally posted by Access Denied

“we would be the ones who would be working on it if in fact an alien spaceship had ever been retrieved”

as you stated in your post? Just curious.

Then you commented on the Betty and Barney Hill story saying:

Originally posted by Access Denied

Promoting stuff like this guarantees you won’t be taken seriously.

I agree. But I will wait until Dr. Wu posts his affirmation until I make up my mind as to whether or not I consider your post:

originally posted by Access Denied

“FWIW I can tell you that I work at one of the facilities identified in the DP briefing document as being involved in ARVs and although it’s more than likely we would be the ones who would be working on it if in fact an alien spaceship had ever been retrieved.”

in the same context as you put the Betty and Barney Hill story i.e."

originally posted by Access Denied

“a story which could actually (most likely IMO) be just someone’s fantasy… not very scientific.”

Thanks for your post and thanks for straightening me out on aviation historical background.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Now, Access Denied, with all due respect, according to your resume which you posted in your current search for a job, you actually work for ERC, Inc. (based in Huntsville, Alabama) which is a small company (450 employees) with a small contract with AFRL (Air Force Research Labs).

What makes you think I'm looking for a job John? Is it because I have a copy of my resume posted on my web site? As usual logic escapes you.

Originally posted by johnlear
And also, according to your resume, you have an Associate of Science in Electronic Engineering Technology. (That’s a 2 year degree.) Now, Access Denied, do you want us here at ATS to believe that AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) would give ERC,Inc. and their engineer (you) with a 2 year degree in electronic engineering an alien spaceship to work on?

Why not? I work at the AFRL and the in-house contract I'm working on is called "Research in Propulsion Sciences". Besides, why do I have to be the only one working on it?

Originally posted by johnlear
Not that I am doubting your word but do you think that Dr. Ernest Wu, the CEO and President of the company you work for will back you up on this alien spaceship thing?

I think Dr. Wu would refer you to his list of clients and say yes, we have the experience to administer the talent you would need at a very competitive price...



* Ames Research Center
* George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
* Jet Propulsion Laboratory
* Langley Research Center
* Glenn Research Center


* Air Force Arnold Engineering Development Center
* Air Force Research Laboratory Propulsion Directorate
* Army Aviation and Missile Command
* Army Redstone Technical Test Center
* Office of Naval Research


* DOE Headquarters Offices
* DOE Operations Offices
* Argonne National Laboratory
* DOE Energy Technology Centers


Burns and Roe
Busek Corporation
Computer Sciences Corporation
Cortana Corporation
Executive Training Resources
Gilbert Commonwealth, Inc.
Honeywell (Allied Signal)
Lockheed Martin
McDonnell Douglas
Micro Craft
MSE, Inc.
Orbital Sciences Corp.
Pratt and Whitney
STD Corporation
Sverdrup Technology, Inc.
Teledyne Brown Engineering
Tennessee Technological Foundation
Textron Defense Systems
The University of Tennessee Space Institute
Thiokol Corporation

Recognize any of those names John? Are you saying you think Dr. Wu couldn’t handle the job?

Hell, according to your boy Zorgon, the AFRL and ERC is working on Teleportation and Stargates so why not something as mundane as a UFO?...

Originally posted by zorgon
I was linked to Defense Department documents that include this section by LANL and the AFRL

Teleportation Physics Study
DTIC Copy - AFRL-PR-ED-TR-2003-0034


Two Kinds of vm-Teleportation Identified for the Air Force Study

• Traversable Wormhole engineered as a “STARGATE”
(via Einstein’s General Relativity Theory field equations, 1915)

• Faster-Than-Light (FTL) solutions of the Polarizable-Vacuum Representation of General Relativity (Davis,Puthoff, Maccone, 2003; , Puthoff, 1999, 2000) induce a flat-spacetime version of the Stargate via engineering the vacuum EM parameters.

Please read the “Acknowledgments” page of this report before you make a fool out of yourself again dissing me and my employer.

John, I really think you owe my boss an apology.

[edit on 21-7-2007 by Access Denied]

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 07:57 PM
Originally posted by Access Denied

John, I really think you owe my boss an apology.

Sure, coming right up. Happy to oblige.

Dear Dr. Wu,

Please accept my humblest and sincerest apologies for not thinking that Air Force Research Labs would give you and Access Denied a flying saucer.

I honestly don't know what I could have been thinking about. Maybe I was just thinking that Access Denied was just a wiring technician (because he always seemed to list the accomplishments of the companies he worked for but never his own) and not a full fledged alien technology inspector.

But one thing for sure is he knows a lot about aviation historical stuff like all about Chuck Yeager and the X-1. Not to mention all the stuff he knows about the NF-104 AST. (But I think he checked on the web for that !!!)

And he knows a lot about flying saucer incidents like Roswell and Betty and Barney Hill (especially for being a biker and all.)

So, Dr. Wu, again, please accept my apologies. I would certainly like to see inside a flying saucer myself and although I don't have an A.S. in Electronical Engineering my Dad knew a lot about electronics and that should count for something. Also, I had a friend named Bob Lazar (you may have heard of him) and he got to see the inside of a flying saucer also. He said it was really cool. Please U2 me or let AD know if you ever get a flying saucer. I would prefer to see inside a round one if thats possible . The cigar shapes ones are SCAAARRRY if you know what I mean!!??.


John Lear

P.S. Please give my apologies to Mrs. Wu also. I think she works in management with you.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 10:44 PM
Thanks John for sharing with ATS about your family. You have just won the Lear award for your outstanding apology letter to Dr. Wu. Keep the information coming John most of us on this thread appreciate your knowledge of the history of aviation and our Solar System. Rik Riley

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by Access Denied
Originally posted by johnlear

John, I really think you owe my boss an apology.

Sure, coming right up. Happy to oblige.

Dear Dr. Wu, . . .


posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 09:03 AM

Hell, according to your boy Zorgon, the AFRL and ERC is working on Teleportation and Stargates so why not something as mundane as a UFO?...

Just for the record, this is not according to Zorgon.
It's according to AFRL.
If you had read the documents, you wouldn't be here talking trash about it.

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