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A prophet's explanation of time/prediction

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posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 08:22 PM
Time does not flow in straight lines from the
past to the future. In truth the now moment is vibrating in the centre of all lives
whether in the past (in your perspective) or the future.

You are existing in the centre of the now and all
energies and expressions of your soul flow to you, from both the past and the
future. There are multiple Earth realities manifest in what you consider to be
your future. You have many selves existing in these future realities. The energy
that they create is flowing back to you in this now moment, affecting your life in
the here and now. Just as you bring patterns into your present life from your
past lives, you are also bringing patterns into your present life from your future
selves. Everything that is going on whether it is going on in the past or the
future is affecting you right now.

Many of you have selves who
live in Earth futures where there is suffering and disease, yet you also have
selves that are living in worlds which you would consider to be paradise. All the
information of these selves is coming to you now, in this now moment to be
healed and brought into balance again.

They are incomplete aspects of the Earth, just
as you too have incomplete aspects within your soul, which you have
endeavoured to bring back into your wholeness, the Earth does too. In some
ways your consciousness has been shattered and scattered throughout the
whole of the dimensional universe, and you have to retrieve each and every one
of the missing pieces, bringing them back into the glory of your multidimensional
consciousness. This applies to your future selves too; each and every one of
your selves has to be brought into alignment with the current of energy that is
sweeping through the universe, which is calling all beings back into the energy
of the Oneness.

There are Earth
futures where Earth is struggling to survive; the information that comes from
that reality is now coming into the consciousness of man. The information
rushed down the time lines to arrive here in your time frame and its affect
triggered an encoded event in your history. The annihilation of this Earth
through man’s misuse and abuse is a living reality in the future, the information
of which is being filtered through into your present world. The information
rushed into your world and triggered the Tsunami of December 2004. This
event was a wake up call to all, on your planet. It trigged the discussion of
global climate change and made mankind really question what it was doing to
its planet. Even though it was a destructive event in the minds of man, it was a
gift to the survival of man. Without this wake up call, man would have blindly
and ignorantly carried on walking along its path to the future annihilation of the
planet. When the Tsunami occurred in your time line, the response from
humanity as a whole carried a wave of energy back into the future. This wave of
energy triggered the possibility of change, a change in consciousness that
would not only affect humanity in the here and now, but would directly affect the
future and maybe assure the survival of the Earth, in that particular time line.
Many more events of differing natures will occur on your planet in the next few
years, these events are encoded. That is to say that they are all part of the plan.

This is why when a prediction does not come true it is just that it "could" be a future reality and in one or more dimensions it is taking place, but something has changed the event. So in essence predictions are nothing more than a warning to change the future. That explains why mostly predictions are negative. As possative ones... well they are fun to hear and they give us hope to a bright future

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 08:56 PM
Wow - I found your post to resonate quite a bit with me. I have heard this description from others actually and something about it "feels" right to me though there are other parts of me wanting "evidence" or "proof" of such statements. In the end, this description seems to be one that I believe in even though there is no real basis for me to have such belief. I suppose it is just one of those things and perhaps is part of the encoding that you speak of.

I am curious though. Is this a personal belief written in your own words, something someone else has written and you are posting, or someone else's thoughts that you have put into your own words? Do you have any links as I would love to read more on this topic?

Thanks and whatever the source, I appreciate your decision to share.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 08:59 PM
Interesting concept and one that I would really like.

Yes I believe in alternative realities.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:13 PM
Yes, this information came from.

This person is a prophet, psychic or channeller, whatever you want to call it.

I'm happy to share and I really felt this information to resonate with myself too.

Glad you enjoyed

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:58 PM
That is a very interesting site - much to digest including the book and such but I do find I am drawn to it. For now, I shall see where it leads. Thanks for posting it Dark Cyrus and certainly feel free to share any similar sites you may have come upon. It seems I was "meant" to read what you wrote and check out that site.

Thanks again

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 11:08 PM
You know what resonated with me?

Soul Readings for only $53 dollars. by

My SOUL READINGS are only $6.50. Want one? u2u me! Ill give you a soul reading!

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 12:42 PM
What no takers?

Come on $6.50 is a great price for a "Soul Reading."

For an extra buck I'll manipulate your "aura"

edit: This is a limited time offer that will end next Saturday.
Financing will be available on site.
Don't let this once in a lifetime offer pass you by
We want to be your "soul reading" company

[edit on 10-7-2006 by whaaa]

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 12:45 PM
Just another attempt to justify why a supposed "prophet" predictions didn't not come to pass. Really, who believes this stuff.

Prophet = correct 100% of the time within a certain time period (as we understand time).
Fraud = everyone else.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 03:38 PM
As I know and any real psychic will tell you. No psychic is right 100% of the time.

[edit on 13-7-2006 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:43 AM
They aren't psychics' or prophets; they are shysters trying to separate the gullible from their money. If you read the entire article especially the end , you would see their rate schedule.

I didn't make up the soul readings for $59 up.

My 6.50 soul readings was sarcasm. Still I would bet that my soul readings are as accurate

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 06:30 AM
Hi, interesting mumbo-jumbo, but ultimately wrong. Probably enough to impress most of your suck- I mean clients.

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
Time does not flow in straight lines from the
past to the future. In truth the now moment is vibrating in the centre of all lives
whether in the past (in your perspective) or the future.

Time/space is a continuum. It doesn't "move" or "vibrate".

Here is a good thesis on space/time:

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
You are existing in the centre of the now and all
energies and expressions of your soul flow to you, from both the past and the

If memories are an expression of the soul, then you could be on to something. However the future does not yet exist, and since I personally believe in free will, that means no future exists, there is only now and our perception of the future.

There are multiple Earth realities manifest in what you consider to be
your future. You have many selves existing in these future realities. The energy
that they create is flowing back to you in this now moment, affecting your life in
the here and now. Just as you bring patterns into your present life from your
past lives, you are also bringing patterns into your present life from your future
selves. Everything that is going on whether it is going on in the past or the
future is affecting you right now.

Your claim that there are multiple earth realities manifest is not really plausible. I do, however, find it plausible that there are other universes completely separate from our own. I am myself, unique. I do not share my reality with 'people from the future.' I just started smoking recently, not because this was a 'pattern' from a future self, but because I started hanging out with a group of people who i thought were cool and also smoked. Therefore I emulated their behaviour. All human patterns are based on this kind of emulation, not 'spiritual interference' from alternate realites. The only thing 'affecting' me right now is my will and my subconscious.

Many of you have selves who
live in Earth futures where there is suffering and disease, yet you also have
selves that are living in worlds which you would consider to be paradise. All the
information of these selves is coming to you now, in this now moment to be
healed and brought into balance again.

I have a self who lives in the PRESENT where there is suffering and disease. I am living in the PRESENT world that I consider to be paradise. I don't buy it.

They are incomplete aspects of the Earth, just
as you too have incomplete aspects within your soul, which you have
endeavoured to bring back into your wholeness, the Earth does too. In some
ways your consciousness has been shattered and scattered throughout the
whole of the dimensional universe, and you have to retrieve each and every one
of the missing pieces, bringing them back into the glory of your multidimensional

Planets do not have souls, they are big rocks. The only reason Earth has a spiritual emanation is because of the life on its surface. As for the shattering and scattering of consciousness, that rings true although I think that is what happens when you die. Wether or not those pieces get put back together... would you want to be?

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 07:11 AM

There are Earth futures where Earth is struggling to survive; the information that comes from that reality is now coming into the consciousness of man.

Vague enough to sound true, but what do you mean the Earth is struggling to survive? Do you mean the humans? They will always be struggling, thats what they were designed to do. As for their survival being threatened... well that outcome could only come about through manmade crises or some catastrophic event like a meteor impact or alien invasion.

The information rushed down the time lines to arrive here in your time frame and its affect triggered an encoded event in your history. The annihilation of this Earth through man’s misuse and abuse is a living reality in the future, the information of which is being filtered through into your present world.

This information is not being 'filtered through into [the] present world' it is being researched, then propagated through mass media.

The information rushed into your world and triggered the Tsunami of December 2004.

Actually I'm pretty sure it was an earthquake that triggered the tsunami.

This event was a wake up call to all, on your planet. It trigged the discussion of global climate change and made mankind really question what it was doing to its planet.

Global climate change has been discussed for quite some time. So has environmentalism.

Even though it was a destructive event in the minds of man, it was a
gift to the survival of man. Without this wake up call, man would have blindly
and ignorantly carried on walking along its path to the future annihilation of the


When the Tsunami occurred in your time line, the response from
humanity as a whole carried a wave of energy back into the future. This wave of
energy triggered the possibility of change, a change in consciousness that
would not only affect humanity in the here and now, but would directly affect the
future and maybe assure the survival of the Earth, in that particular time line.

You just said the exact same thing in the previous statement, except you're now using vague imagery and time-travel. If we can change the future, how can it already exist?

Many more events of differing natures will occur on your planet in the next few years

LOL that is about the most vague prediction I have ever heard.

these events are encoded. That is to say that they are all part of the plan.

What plan? Whose plan? The Creator?

This is why when a prediction does not come true it is just that it "could" be a future reality and in one or more dimensions it is taking place, but something has changed the event.


So in essence predictions are nothing more than a warning to change the future. That explains why mostly predictions are negative. As possative ones... well they are fun to hear and they give us hope to a bright future

No, predictions are nothing more than educated guesses. By the way, try predicting how to spell words properly and when to use a comma.

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 07:20 AM
And for anyone who wants their soul read, I will you a soul reading absolutely FREE right now!

First clear your mind of all thoughts and focus.

Once your mind is clear, scroll down for your free soul reading


I sense that you are a very gullable person.

[edit on 23-7-2006 by freakyty]

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 08:04 AM
the thread starters second sentence was something like

You are existing in the centre of the now...

that sounds like way back in the 1950's Beat Generation of beatnicks etc
combined with the new theoretical realities of Quantum Physics

Ginsberg/Kerouak meets Hawking/Chopra is what i think this
ideology-philosophical view was born from.


posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 11:20 AM
Gullable is someone who smokes to be cool!
Um yeah, so there! Atomic clocks have been taking into space and returned to be no longer in sych with clocks on earth.

posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 12:25 PM
Interesting theory. One I have heard many times. For myself, I take prophecy with a grain of salt. In the Book of Thomas (an interesting read) the disciples asked Jesus if they were to go out and preach and prophecy. Jesus' answer was "Did you not know that prophecy died when they took the head of Baptist?" So according to this account, the last "true" prophet was John the Baptist and everyone coming behind is just "guessing".

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 01:30 PM
Your government is starting to understand how time and space work, but they keep you in the dark. I just wish to break you free of your confines and control, if you wish to.

The information that I have shared with you is to be taken any way every single person wants to take it. I will leave that up to each individual to decide for themselves rather than have the agents of the dark continue to sepress and control the information.

I see your futile attempts and we both know that the spread of the truth cannot be stopped.

I also see that there are parts of my explanation that you do not understand, infact many do not. Instead of expanding your knowledge and attempting to learn, you choose to break down what is said and keep yourself in the dark. Even though you think you are helping yourself, you are not.

[edit on 30-7-2006 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
Time does not flow in straight lines from the
past to the future. In truth the now moment is vibrating in the centre of all lives
whether in the past (in your perspective) or the future.

You are existing in the centre of the now and all
energies and expressions of your soul flow to you, from both the past and the
future. There are multiple Earth realities manifest in what you consider to be
your future. You have many selves existing in these future realities. The energy
that they create is flowing back to you in this now moment, affecting your life in
the here and now. Just as you bring patterns into your present life from your
past lives, you are also bringing patterns into your present life from your future
selves. Everything that is going on whether it is going on in the past or the
future is affecting you right now.

Many of you have selves who
live in Earth futures where there is suffering and disease, yet you also have
selves that are living in worlds which you would consider to be paradise. All the
information of these selves is coming to you now, in this now moment to be
healed and brought into balance again.

They are incomplete aspects of the Earth, just
as you too have incomplete aspects within your soul, which you have
endeavoured to bring back into your wholeness, the Earth does too. In some
ways your consciousness has been shattered and scattered throughout the
whole of the dimensional universe, and you have to retrieve each and every one
of the missing pieces, bringing them back into the glory of your multidimensional
consciousness. This applies to your future selves too; each and every one of
your selves has to be brought into alignment with the current of energy that is
sweeping through the universe, which is calling all beings back into the energy
of the Oneness.

There are Earth
futures where Earth is struggling to survive; the information that comes from
that reality is now coming into the consciousness of man. The information
rushed down the time lines to arrive here in your time frame and its affect
triggered an encoded event in your history. The annihilation of this Earth
through man’s misuse and abuse is a living reality in the future, the information
of which is being filtered through into your present world. The information
rushed into your world and triggered the Tsunami of December 2004. This
event was a wake up call to all, on your planet. It trigged the discussion of
global climate change and made mankind really question what it was doing to
its planet. Even though it was a destructive event in the minds of man, it was a
gift to the survival of man. Without this wake up call, man would have blindly
and ignorantly carried on walking along its path to the future annihilation of the
planet. When the Tsunami occurred in your time line, the response from
humanity as a whole carried a wave of energy back into the future. This wave of
energy triggered the possibility of change, a change in consciousness that
would not only affect humanity in the here and now, but would directly affect the
future and maybe assure the survival of the Earth, in that particular time line.
Many more events of differing natures will occur on your planet in the next few
years, these events are encoded. That is to say that they are all part of the plan.

This is why when a prediction does not come true it is just that it "could" be a future reality and in one or more dimensions it is taking place, but something has changed the event. So in essence predictions are nothing more than a warning to change the future. That explains why mostly predictions are negative. As possative ones... well they are fun to hear and they give us hope to a bright future

what a CROCK!!!
you my friend are NOT a prophet of any kind.

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