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Aliens do not Exist!!!

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posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 06:38 PM
Well I think alot of people will brush me off as sum1 just trying to start trouble. But apart from Hollywood I have NEVER EVER seen an alien. Sure there's lots of fuzzy pictures and less than believable film footage of 'ALIEN SPACESHIPS' but can anybody in this forum prove to me BEYOND DOUBT, that aliens exist.

I dont wanna come across synical but for my own sakes I would love to know if you the 'believers' have any real proof that I could see.

One of the most important things to me at this stage in my life is to learn the truth. I am facinated by it. And now I see there are so many people that believe there are ET's flying around the universe, I would love believe it myself but I cant because I've never seen any proof.

So what better way to find out than to challenge the people here at ATS?? So many believe and have done all the research and have all the best knowledge.. All I am asking is to be enlightened.

Forgive the title I was just trying to get people interested in the post. For all I know aliens could very well exist so please enlighten me.

Links to reliable websites, valid usefull information and pictures/film links would be most appreciated.


Mod Edit: cap title

[edit on 9-7-2006 by kinglizard]

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 06:45 PM
i think that if there is something that most members hear agree on (from the threads i read) is that ET's do exist. there may not be anything that you are looking for to back it up, but a little research and even less common sense would draw most people to the conclusion that ET's do infact exist. I've never seen one and i have never believed an abduction story (never met one) but i still cannot ignore the strong possibility that we are not alone. to what extent... well i hope you've looked at some other threads or maybe you are hopeing someone has saved a special piece of evidence just for you, in any case good luck.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 06:52 PM
Its because i have time to loose that i respond to this post because i know theres som ppl who will never admit it even if i would put an EBE infront of them. They only things that could changes ppl mind is if the mainstream media accept it and since its somthing that is not beneficial for most of the establishment.. well then we need to gather info by our own way. TBH i dont care that u dont believe in them but everytime i see a topic with this kind of ignorance makes me laugh.

Check this link and consider that theres not only one person who saw those thing so it cannot be photoshop unless the nasa did it on the live feed, enjoy your awekening.

[edit on 9-7-2006 by eagle eye]

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 07:08 PM
Ok, first of all, I've never seen an alien before either. Is that solid evidecne they dont exist? No. Second, you said you have no evidence that says Extraterrestrials exist, I dont think anyone has any evidence that Extraterrestrials don't exist.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 07:10 PM
I think aliens definitely exist. The real question is whether they've ever been able to visit our planet.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 07:20 PM
I believe that aliens exist. The universe is a really big place and I cannot believe that we are the only being in it. If there is a God out there, he doesn't have much of an imagination. You mean all he created was this world, and Adam and Eve, and the animals. Ho hum.
What I don't believe is that all these aliens from galaxies who knows how far away are coming here just to study us. (And don't tell me they're from Venus or Mars or somewhere in this solar system).

[edit on 9-7-2006 by Thekherham]

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 07:20 PM
there is life out side our own.
as we know there are bilions of star systems with bilions of stars those stars have planets and if there is no life on the planets the planets will have moons and life on those moons are also a great possiblity.

so concluding that life is possible here and with the right surcomstances somewhere else.
I believe and think that we will have evidence of life or the possibility of it on another planet outside our solsystem.

later on we may find out if there is bacterial life on mars and if there are life forms on the moon Europe and titan and enclaseaus(hope I wrote it the right way.)

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by ka0s69
Well I think alot of people will brush me off as sum1 just trying to start trouble. But apart from Hollywood I have NEVER EVER seen an alien.

Ive never seen Uranus. Does that mean it doesn't exist?

I dont wanna come across synical but for my own sakes I would love to know if you the 'believers' have any real proof that I could see.

You want proof? As in tailpipes and dismembered alien arms+ Sorry, you'll have to go ask the Pentagon black project reps for your proof.

However, those of us who have studied UFOs have alot of Evidence that is very solid.

One of the most important things to me at this stage in my life is to learn the truth. I am facinated by it. And now I see there are so many people that believe there are ET's flying around the universe, I would love believe it myself but I cant because I've never seen any proof.

Thats your perrogative. If you need in your face proof to believe in something, thats your right. However, you are going to have to search for it yourself. Most serious ufologists aren't interested in converting you to "belief", but in sorting out the truth for themselves.

So what better way to find out than to challenge the people here at ATS?? So many believe and have done all the research and have all the best knowledge.. All I am asking is to be enlightened.

There is plenty of Evidence on ATS. However, don't expect anyone to send you alien body parts or post pictures of the flying saucer thats parked on their lawn. If they do, suspect a hoax.

Forgive the title I was just trying to get people interested in the post. For all I know aliens could very well exist so please enlighten me.

See the top of the thread for a listing of loads of threads covering the most convincing and best cases.

Links to reliable websites, valid usefull information and pictures/film links would be most appreciated.

UFO Case Directory

There you go.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 07:29 PM
Given the possibilities, since there are billions and billions of stars out there, and thinking our sun is the only one that has a planet revolving around it that happens to have life as we know it.

It is highly plausible that there are other such planets out there that also have some form of life.

Whether or not they would be bipeds as we are, remains to be seen. Perhaps something we will never see, given the great vastness of space.

Not to mention, the possibilty of more than the three dimensions as we know exist here on Earth. We may not even be able to see other life forms, if they are in other dimensions, outside of our view.

Just my thoughts.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 08:52 PM
Well, too bad for you, i have seen them.

All i know is i believe in God and i've never seem him.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 08:57 PM
I believe in Aliens I also believe in life beyond our planet.

Why do I believe? just a very strong feeling and a lot of weird encounters.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by ka0s69

One of the most important things to me at this stage in my life is to learn the truth. I am facinated by it.

The truth is a fascinating subject. I'd just like to add that you will not find the truth with a closed mind. You declare that aliens don't exist because you have never seen one. I've never seen one either but i'm not going to limit my options by saying they aren't a possibility.

Have you ever seen a Bigfoot? If the answer is no then I guess they don't exist either. I've seen one with my own eyes IRL and I can assure you they do exist.

If you truly want the truth then open your mind to the possibilities. The answers will come my friend.


posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by eagle eye
Its because i have time to loose that i respond to this post because i know theres som ppl who will never admit it even if i would put an EBE infront of them. They only things that could changes ppl mind is if the mainstream media accept it and since its somthing that is not beneficial for most of the establishment.. well then we need to gather info by our own way. TBH i dont care that u dont believe in them but everytime i see a topic with this kind of ignorance makes me laugh.

Check this link and consider that theres not only one person who saw those thing so it cannot be photoshop unless the nasa did it on the live feed, enjoy your awekening.

[edit on 9-7-2006 by eagle eye]

This video is good material, i recommend any non believer to see it for himself.Its not in your face proof but its as close as it can get.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by eagle eye enjoy your awekening.

[edit on 9-7-2006 by eagle eye]

What with this film?
No I think not Check out the links where we are watching the live feed at home.. We found much better stuff

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Thekherham
If there is a God out there, he doesn't have much of an imagination. You mean all he created was this world, and Adam and Eve, and the animals. Ho hum.

I have Issue with this comment(you are not the first to say it).
Not Much of an Imagination?
Have you seen that varying species of animal, insect, flora and anything else deemed living.
The whole range of elements on the periodic table and the many more we will find on other planets.

In space, the many differing worlds, like snow flakes, no two exactly the same.

This isn't a 'God Exists' comment but even without life on other planets, this entire existence is fraught with imagination and if we were created by God, then I think its a wonderful job he has done.
If not, then nature is far from dull thank you.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:27 PM
Sorry bro, you are not going to get the proof that you want. Most of us arent even ready for such contact. Even though most of us think we are ready, its really hard to tell if you are ready. I dont think that even me, Im not ready for a close contact.
The ones I think may have the proof you want will most likely be people in secret goverment, and some in the pentagon. Contactees are one of the privileged people to have some kind of contact with them.
I beleived they exits, I already have expreince some exiting stuff. Still, that is no even close to the proof you want. Sorry bro, but now in these years, this one is about belief, not proof. the choice is yours. In some years we will get the proof you cant. Its time for you to wait bro. First we must destroy the NWO which basicly controls how technology improves and advances, and they let us do whatever they want. They have a lot of control these days. I hope that we someday could end the NWO, and will let us live in a star wars-like world. Soon bros, soon.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Thekherham If there is a God out there, ...

If there is a God out there, and you believe in Him, then you have to believe in Aliens. Its quite simple really... He and his Angels live in the heavens, ergo not of this earth, ergo God, Satin and all the heavenly minions are ALIENS

Can't have it both ways you know

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
Have you ever seen a Bigfoot?

ummm any pictures? No? Oh Darn... [wish people would carry a polaroid with them

I have never seen a Platypus... how can something that weird be real. I bet all those pictures are doctored... now on my wall I have a Jackalope. I know thats real because I can touch it.

There is no such thing as truth... truth is in the mind of the believer... truth is personal to every individual... truth is relative to the current facts at hand. And as soon as something is proven as truth, the next scientist, etc comes along and blows it away... and THAT is the absolute truth. [except... note: there is always an except...taxes]

[edit on 9-7-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by leo_infowarriorMost of us arent even ready for such contact. Even though most of us think we are ready, its really hard to tell if you are ready. I dont think that even me, Im not ready for a close contact.

You make a very good point. It would also depend on WHAT we contact. If they were cute and friendly say like Ewoks, ET etc...sure we could probably handle it, but what if first contact is with some horrible smelly race that does not understand compation and only wants us as a food source, then what? Better not to know just yet

But thats us in here where ummm most are open minded and inquistive. Now imaging that 2nd group landing at Mecca, or in Vatican Square...

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by eagle eye

Do you have a link with better audio quality?

Sounds like listening to Charlie Brown's teacher on my PC. Coudn't hear anything clearly at all.

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