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Have you met a God or Goddess?

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posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Enyalius
Already replied to that on the previous page. And I'm not combining Jewish Kabbalism with Paganism.

Yeah I noticed that shortly after I posted

But you don't have to yell at me...

Eight times? sheesh maybe your send button got stuck?

Re Page 2 Maybe the Gods of the Board will wave their Hand and fix that

[edit on 20-7-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by anglosaxon
I honestly believe that no God, Godess, nature spirit exists until proven scientifically, these dieties you debate are shoulder to shoulder with farytales and folklore.

Respectfully can you prove scientifically that none exist? Do you have any evidence at all that can be scrutinized and examined scientifically? At least those that believe in Gods etc over texts dating back several centuries.They offer evidence that can be examined whether or not its true, I can't say, but the evidence is presented for me to decide.

But skeptics can offer not one shred of anything to back their belief in non existance of Gods, spirits, Faeries or even Dragons. So the bottom line is that non-believers simple express a personal BELIEF not PROOF that deities do not exist.

You are certainly entitled to your belief, and I respect your choice. I would be a hypocrit if I did otherwise. But how is your belief any less valid than those who do believe in deities? You ask those people for proof, yet can offer none to back your claim.

No matter how much we debate, neither side will convince the other. It is simply a matter of personal harmony. What ever you belief, as long as it works for YOU [general 'you"] here that is all that matters in the end.

But humans have a need to share, seek out others who believe as they do, and thats why we talk about it and share our ideas, no matter how wacky they seem.
Well at least until they find the truth within them. Then they will no longer need to have others beleve, and can go on and experience life, rather than seek answers in here

And who says Faeries Dragons and Unicorns don't exist? There is a lot more evidence for them than there is for ET's. Just because they do not currently inhabit this plane of existance does not mean they can not be seen. And the Catholics lied about Dragons, they are not evil
. So now prove to me that they don't exist. I suppose you tell your kids that Santa doesn't exist either?

So I guess now you want me to see a pshychiatrist so my thinking can be corrected?

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Legalizer
Everyone so far has a valid message, at least in the posts I've skimmed

A very refreshing statement. If everyone would agree to that one fact the world would be a friendlier place.

So I'll pick on zorgon, just because he has bible references which are the most obviously fallible.

Pick away, but be warned I carry a sharp pointy thing at my side..:p

Yes the bible references are English translations and the book itself has gone through many edits and interpretations. When people "toss" the book at me claiming it to be the absolute truth... I bring out these little things

Personally I have studied religions from around the world for over 30 years. I find a lot of similarities in the underlying basics, the differences being generated by generations of man distorting/adding/ignoring certain portions to suit there individual version. Look at Islam... how many warring sects are there? Some bent on exterminating the other. Same in christianity, albeit they are not as violent as they were in the past. It makes it almost impossible to take religion seriously.

The Kaballah is very interesting, not to far off from my beliefs but the question in here was Have I seen a god/godess... So that was the readers digest condensed version so not to drag this into a religious debarte... BTW I have met a lot of Belly Dancers who all claim to be Goddess's

You are almost correct, the original bible text does not use YHVH or ADONAI for the creator, it uses ELOHIM, the plural and androgynous word for "GODS" or "PANTHEON". Not a single entity, the English translators changed this to fit there monotheistic beliefs.

So basically we agree, its more a matter of detail. But yes the original bible is the only one that really counts in regards to what the actual story is. But I doubt very few really understand that

Mankind was created in the Image of multiple entities that came before, entities that were both male in female (ha freudian slip, I'll leave the typo,its funny).

You say ELOHIM, I say Ancients... is there really a difference? Its funny you made the typo... I hear a lot of people talk about meeting their "soul mate" but most have no idea what that really means. We will never be a complete entity until we meet that soul mate, join and become one so to speak. I won't go into detail in this thread so SteveR won't yell at me:p But we may take many lifetimes to find that other soul, and sometimes our paths cross... You know that Star Trek did a really great representation of that idea... at the end with the male and female merging to become a being of energy and light...

Sad thing is people are still believing the bible story as absolute fact when its almost pure fable.

There are very many top clergy that understand this, I was surprized at how many that I have spoken to, and have had Catholics explain that Adam and Eve story was not literal... that other people existed. Agin I won't elaborate here, but I was surprized that they believed this.

My personal take is that this carnation is basically grade one, maybe even kindergarten in the scheme of the universe. Whats a few thousand years? People like Jesus, Buddha, etc come back to this existance to teach. Maybe only a handfull will learn... maybe the seeds have been planted and more will understand [I go with this one] But the sheeple need a shepherd, otherwise they will run amuck. And when the sheeple start to be unsure they find new smooth talking shepherd and start Jihads...

Beware the sheeple who have no path...

Originally posted by zorgon
Again almost correct, look anywhere and no where, there really is no difference between us except that we perceive there is a difference. If we spent most of our time looking for the similiarity and unity of ourselves and our world, things would be wholly different for this race.

Ah yes... a very good point... get off the computer and go out and experience life and nature and become "one with the universe" Now where have I heard that before? Maybe the internet is the modern Tower of Babel. People get lost in here and lose the bond that personal contact creates. Video games chat rooms and Ipods are leaching out peoples souls.... they no longer know where the "OFF" button is. Chat rooms and discussion boards only give you words, but they are empty because there is no way to express the feeling behind the words. And worse, they allow people to pick and chose words that suit there pet theories. Just look at all the blogs out there now where everyone pulls quotes from wherever it suits them to "support" their claims. The last year or so the internet is clogged with these blogs so much so that when you search for real information it takes hours to sift through opinions to get at the source file... like I said Tower of Babel... or maybe Web of Babel

Well I do know one thing, you won't find Gods in here
Though I do like your computer analogy. Maybe that will get through!

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 01:44 AM
This thread of mine has simmered for a long time, and I can confidently say it's reeled in some excellent and outstanding information. Thankyou all for contributing.

I can fundamentally agree with Enyalius in respect to Christian prayer and belief empowering Satan as an energy being. Channeled thought just does not "evaporate", so this may well materialize into an issue.

'Gods' as we know them are dignified beings of great power and wisdom - a requirement of their ascendancy. They have disillusioned ego and rich personality in nonconflicting coexistance - that balance some of us could learn from. The vast majority have not fallen and are pure and holy individuals, and we would all benefit greatly in vibration by inviting a dialog with them. Remember, a true spiritualist is an eclectic. It is therefore extremely important to seek out what appeals to your unique energies. The stigma of polytheism as we know it and many other such stigmas are deeply rooted in the movement of darkness, the obedience and spiritual enslavement of humanity.

Those who know their history shall identify.

Thankyou again,

[edit on 12/2/07 by SteveR]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 09:08 AM

I am familiar with some hindu god/goddesses and other pagan gods. However, which ones in particular do you come in contact with, and how would one do so?

In meditation I have seen either my higher self (which was a green skin tinted sort of gray/human type) or a entity in the 4th/5th dimensions (I hope not the 4th, but he/she seemed very peaceful looking down on me.

I have tried to contact my higher self several times, but I only feel the tingling coolness of the Holy Spirit/Higher Self. I have not had an actual conscious dialogue as far as I know...Other than some moments of clarity where I can tell I'm being channeled, but what I don't know.

Thanks for a response.

with peace and love,

biggie smalls

[edit on 12-2-2007 by biggie smalls]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
BTW I have met a lot of Belly Dancers who all claim to be Goddess's

BUT have you met any goddess's claiming to be belly dancers?

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:16 PM
Yeh I met one and we took each other to heaven a few times

I don't take this individual god/goddess entity too serious.

I think that there is one universal consciousness and we see different aspects of it, that to the human mind are more easily perceived as individual personas, as the thought of a divine being with so much variance in personality could be considered contrary to perfection, that humans would expect from such an existence.

I do not mean that this "god" entity (as some call it) has many contradictory facets. Its just that, at our level of perception / existence where "it" intersects our reality we perceive these traits with our simplistic viewpoint, rather than the abstract that it is. Its a bit like how we need a clock to show the existence of time or symbols to represent numbers.
The cosmos don't need clocks and numbers...we do

I have not explained myself too well. When I can I'll write a book....probably with lots of pictures

edit: oops changed spelling

[edit on 12-2-2007 by T Trubballshoota]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 04:38 PM
Every where eye go

There is U

Under a stone
there is U
under a rock
there is U
in waterfall
there is U


it made

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by queenannie38
Every where eye go

There is U

Under a stone
there is U
under a rock
there is U
in waterfall
there is U


it made

wot and more

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by T Trubballshoota
wot and more

well yes
but not


keep your eyes on the road
and your hands upon the wheel


posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 06:55 PM
Let me take an example from a fictional comic book creature...
Like in the DC comics, Galactus appeared to be in humanoid form to the human, and in amoeba like form to the Amoeba people. But both can't comprehend the exact way he exists in.

Just like to say as an old time comic book reader Galactus is in Marvel comics unless its a being character of the same thing or the name is wrong.
Is this who you mean or another Galactus?

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by SteveR
Have you met a God or Goddess?
Did you acheive this?

Yes, i believe so. I believe this because i truly believe i am far too stupid to know the things i know .... in and of myself.

What pantheon did you use?

Truth. All other pantheons are subject to truth.

What were your impressions?

My first impression was that there was far to much to know or relay within one lifetime. And the frame of mind neccesary to maintain the connection can be trying for many souls.

What do you think they 'really' are?

Many names.

Sing you lair E.T. = Singularity.

Singulariti Pluraliti Cogzii Multiply

There is no measurable degree of seperation whatsoever between consciousness. I think they are us, who we really are. I think their gifts and talents, their blessings and curses all differ. We are one, yet we are many.

I'd like to discuss this and share information.. even though I realize it might be rare that someone will know what I am talking about.

Nevertheless, all thoughts welcome


What pantheon did you use?

The Pantheon that communes with and holds dominion over all forms of communication. The Holy Trinity. The Word. "I AM"

911 = Emergency Call
Trinity = 3

"911 Trinity" = "9113"

A = 1 ***
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6
G = 7
H = 8
I = 9 ***
J = 10
K = 11
L = 12
M = 13 ***

911 Trinity = "I AM"

Son of Man = S.O.M.


Now subtract the letters that are in the word SHALOME


Take the letters from "Shalome" from "Alone Som Hate" , and you are left with:


Hopefully this may be enough to prove i've been to some depths .... and some heights as well ...

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by biggie smalls

Namaste my brother,
I am very glad to have you onboard.

I am at a stage in my projects where working with the Hindu pantheon became necessary. Great results come for those who are in the right frame of mind. Omnipotentence, respect, dignity and professionalism all feature highly. Under the moderate surface there is an endless bounty of love and disillusionment. Empowerment and support is available for all true natured light beings who seek it. The Hindu pantheon is endless in potential, for that is what they represent. I explode with energy just meditiating on these lines.

To answer your question the majority of my previous experience is Kemetic -- Egyptian. The ascended master Isis is truly the manifestation of nurturing love and refined wisdom. Her light being has clocked up more past lives than can be imagined. My best dialog brought her extremely close, filling the area with alot of static electricity and subsequent audible noise as energies converted. This lasted overnight.

Entity that you perceived in the mind's eye was just another expression of creation. You seek yourself, you are the higher light, dialog with such comes as your own thoughts that appear seemingly without cognition. This is why the search fails.

In acknowledgement of your soul,

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by queenannie38

Originally posted by T Trubballshoota
wot and more

well yes
but not


keep your eyes on the road
and your hands upon the wheel


Mmmm and if I can't drive?

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 06:25 AM
I meet my god every morning in the mirror, everywhere I go I walk in his shoes, all my actions are guided by him....I, as we all are, are gods, capable of the greatest acts of life-creation and creativity, as well as the most heinous acts of destruction.

peace love and light.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 06:58 AM
You make a good piont. They are entity's from dinentions higher than this one. On a scale, it is easy to go to a lesser dimention but almost impossible to go higher unless you are from there and your vibration is higher than the dimention you currently exist in. This can also be done through remote viewing or astrial projection, but it is only partial in that some of you has to stay behind; however, those in that plane can see you, and some are not so friendly and feel they are being intruded upon. Go figure! I have never seen a goddess in my vacuum though
I'm playin' You will find that my humor is somewhat "different". But I will start to check from now on.

However, I would like to send an invitation to any goddess's that may be a member of this site: feel free to visit me!

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 07:59 AM

Have you met a God or Goddess?

Yes i have 3 infact

Did you acheive this? What pantheon did you use? What were your impressions? What do you think they 'really' are?

I was there in flesh and blood as real as if i where any where else.. Resepect fear and honor ... Gods being made frist by a even mightyer being maybe

I'd like to discuss this and share information.. even though I realize it might be rare that someone will know what I am talking about.


[edit on 13-2-2007 by Vash]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by T Trubballshoota
Mmmm and if I can't drive?

I will drive you if you like - i will be very careful and do what i told you to do ...i will PAY ATTENTION because ACCIDENTS are PREVENTABLE ... and i will not use my cell phone at all.

and you can call me
'Sophie the chauffeur' if you like (or make your own choice in appellation)

Alternatively, i can also teach you to drive if you like. Although i am not sure how good of a teacher i might be - it might be better if you allowed yourself the luxury of not driving - you could answer the phone.

i dunno
i dunno a lot today
but i do know the one thing i knew yesterday and tomorrow

but let me know
i will drive you if you need a driver

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by ForceMaster
I have never seen a goddess in my vacuum though
I'm playin' You will find that my humor is somewhat "different". But I will start to check from now on.

Only because goddesses are unaware of how to enter your vacuum~! If i knew from you then i would be the first one there. But i am not able to see this without help. Your help.

However, I would like to send an invitation to any goddess's that may be a member of this site: feel free to visit me!

give me a when and where!

next door?

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Vash
I was there in flesh and blood as real as if i where any where else.. Resepect fear and honor ... Gods being made frist by a even mightyer being maybe

Excellent Vash. Care to share the story with us?

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