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Area 51 was never secret

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posted on Jul, 8 2006 @ 09:01 AM
I have just been reading an article on another site and it gives detailed information on the history of Area 51, and it shows that it was, infact, never secret. The US military announced that they were building a facility at groom lake and they even sent these announcements to publications and news shows. Groom Lake it seems never was or is a secret, just the work that goes on there is.

posted on Jul, 8 2006 @ 03:04 PM
Exactly! The concept of the Groom Lake base as a facility whose very existence was denied by the governmnet is a myth created by the popular media and perpetuated by Internet bloggers.

The article you mentioned can be found at:

It gives a good, and well-documented, chronology of official recognition and publicity of the not-so-secret test site.

Maybe Defense Department officials should take note of this important article and abandon their more recent policy of not discussing Groom Lake even in regards to historical programs such as Bird of Prey.

posted on Jul, 8 2006 @ 04:58 PM
Every year it is classified as Top Secret by the federal government

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 06:16 AM
The base is not classed as top secret, why would it be top secret when every one knows its there? and if it where top secret the government wouldnt say that they have a operating location near Groom Dry Lake, the work there is classified, not the actual base itself!

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 04:28 PM
But what about that Presidential Declaration 95-45 stating the existence of a testing facitlity on Groom Lake trhat was signed by Bill Clinton after Jonathan Turley, the lawyer of a deceased Groom Lake Employee that died after exposure to toxic chemicals? Before that, they said that the base ever existed and that Frost had never worked there. The government did not acknowlege Area 51 until the early 1990's. People knew that it was there and knew what they did there by spying and research, but the government did not acknowledge the base until well into the Clinton Administration.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 04:46 PM
Either Area 51 is the biggest deception in the way that there is nothing there and the whole hype was created to keep people focussed on it while the real funky stuff is going on elsewhere or its the biggest deception in the way that there must be massive hidden facilities underneath the A51 grounds noone will ever be able to see anyways.

When you look at the super resolution images(2x more zoom then before) Google has on Google Earth for Area51 since a while ago, I'm leaning more towards the first option.

Either there is something there deep underground which you can't see or get any information on because noone ever gets to see it, or A51 is a grand scale decoy to keep us all chasing ghosts while the real # is going on in places like Chiyene mountain, that massive US base in Australia and lord knows where else in the world.

The US has more bases all over the planet then any country has embassy's.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 07:03 PM
From about 1989 until 1993 I recorded communications from Dreamland tower frequency from an antenna on my den in Las Vegas. It was voice activated so that when I would leave town for a week or so it would record until it ran out of tape. Then when I got back I would play the tape and listen to the traffic going in and out of Dreamland. Although it wa about 90 miles the recordings were fairly clear and I still have them. Nothing ever tantilizing... always cut and dry, "Dreamland, Dreamland, 406 inbound from Station 19...stuff like that. On December 23, 1995 I was captain on a DC-8-61 (N24UA) flying on a mail contract from Blytheville, Arkansas to Oakland. It was my last trip of the month and I was jumpseating home from OAK to LAS. I always filed over Wilson Creek VOR, then when I got close, asked direct to Coaldale so as to scoot along the northern border of Groom Lake restricted area (R-4808N) about 20 miles out or so. Sometimes at night the runway lights would be on and the hangars lit up, it was real pretty. Anyway, this night I came chuggin' along about 8pm and just north of Groom I put Dreamland tower freq. on Com 2, picked up the mike and said, "Dreamland, Dreamland, this is John Lear and Bob Lazar wishing you a Merry Christmas." Of course there was no answer but a few days later they changed the tower freq. and everybody changed their call from "Dreamland, Dreamland", to "Control, Control." I'm not saying they heard me or that anything changed because of my call. But thats the way it happened.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 03:40 PM
johnlear - very cool info, would you be able to post the recordings as an ATS podcast? you can record the tapes to your computer by connecting the line out of your casset player to the line in of your computer and using a program such as winamp. Pm me if you need any help. It would be cool to hear the recordings as interesting flights may have mundane call signs.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by kipman725
johnlear - very cool info, would you be able to post the recordings as an ATS podcast? you can record the tapes to your computer by connecting the line out of your casset player to the line in of your computer and using a program such as winamp. Pm me if you need any help. It would be cool to hear the recordings as interesting flights may have mundane call signs.

I can do that. Excellent idea.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 04:58 PM
These recording' while for the most part are probably as interesting as watching paint dry, they would be a valuable addition to ATS and future research in general. I've always had a feeling that 95% of what goes on at groom lake is probably just advanced but mainstream science (all be it directed in a defence orianted way. The other 5% is the intersting stuff.) Do you have any information John on how much of what goes on there is mainstream and not more 'exotic' in nature?

It's nice to see you've been patient enough to answer peoples questions here. Whether people 'believe' or not your information at the very least it encourages us all to think a little outside of the box.


posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 05:20 PM
Originally posted by the secret web

Do you have any information John on how much of what goes on there is mainstream and not more 'exotic' in nature?

I don't know about anything that goes on there anymore. I used to have some real good contacts but in 1990 they dried up. At one point I heard a story that evryone up there was required to take a lie detector test every 90 days. Supposedly the first question was, "Do you know John Lear or have you ever talked with John Lear." It may be apocryphal but that was the story.

I mentioned that there are a number of other secret bases like Area 51 at least 4 of which are in Nevada.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 12:35 AM
An underground river as well. It was suggested at a Sean David Morton lecture that this was a submarine tunnel going from Nevada to the southern Calif coast. Morton said if you hang around Sea world at night, you can see lights in the water where the craft enter the sea.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 08:02 AM
Dreamland resort has a selection of JANET communication recordings. The most interesting one is one referring to the groom lake fire service waiting for a "fastmover" to land.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 08:07 PM
if it was never secret how come you can be shot on sight if you get to close?

posted on Jul, 16 2006 @ 09:00 AM
Buckingham Palace or the White House aren't secret but you can't just walk in there. The same applies to Area 51 or many other military bases for that matter, just for different reasons.

posted on Jul, 16 2006 @ 09:23 AM
In the article it states:

Bissell later described the hard-packed playa as "a perfect natural landing field ... as smooth as a billiard table without anything being done to it."

This is in fact wrong. Project managers elected to pave the runway so that flight testing could take place during rainy weather as runoff from nearby mountains would most likely make the strip unusable.

But other than that, the article appears to be pretty accurate.

LeVier was flying a Beechcraft, if you wanna know

posted on Jul, 16 2006 @ 11:44 PM
There is nothing wrong about Bissell declaring Groom Laketo be "a perfect natural landing field ... as smooth as a billiard table without anything being done to it." It's not only a well documented quote, but technically accurate as well.

In fact, the lakebed surface was marked with a number of runways, just as at Edwards Air Force Base, California. Some are visible on current satellite imagery. The paved ruways were built because you can't use the lakebed when it is wet, and no matter how often you remove rocks from the unpaved strips, there is always debris that can cause foreign objent damage.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 10:30 AM
On earlier aerial photos of Groom, I believe its the one taken in 1968, you can see a strip south east of the dry lake bed. Its an abandoned WWII strip. It is mentioned in "A Mine, The Military, and A Dry Lake; National Security and the Groom District, Lincoln County, Nevada" by Gary Paine.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 11:15 AM
Indeed, the base insn't secret. But some planes like the F-117 were secretly developed there.

I remember when I saw independence day the movie, the president in the movie said "is there an Are-51"

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Figher Master FIN

Indeed, the base insn't secret. But some planes like the F-117 were secretly developed there.

Yes and the F-19 and many others you don't hear about.


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