posted on Jul, 8 2006 @ 04:06 AM
I am not a blogger, and do not really get too interested in blogs. because they seem to me like listening to any and every persons diary on a day to
day basis. For the most part, the majority are boring, but the government does not think so.
The US gov is financing a research study to develop software and surely protocol for analyzing your every blog to find if you are up to no good. The
key is that the project focuses on analyzing "what" the blogger is interested in the course of time. For example, a suspected terrorist might blog
unsuspectingly about his job and relationships, but may occasionally blog a rant about the government or their opposition. This study seeks to find
the ability to pick out timelines of when people who blog do such things and thus try to connect patterns in a way that they could be people of
interest to the anti-terror Nazis.
This is from an article the US Air Force website:
My Edit: I had to add that the fact that they are developing this means they have already tried to analyze blogs for information and find that it
cannot be done effectively for their needs. The government is already watching everything done on the net.
[edit on 8-7-2006 by ben91069]