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Originally posted by justyc
perhaps they should do something about the people that sold those deadly chemical weapons to the iraqis in the first place. what sort of people are they that they knowingly sold and financially benefited from the selling of such evil weapons to such an evil dictator in the 1st place?
oh yeah - they were uk & us people.
Our organization did a study of Saddam's pre-Gulf War suppliers a few year back. We discovered that Germany garnered fully half the total sales. In fact, just before the Gulf War, Germany was selling complete, ready-to-operate poison gas plants to Iraq and Libya at the same time. The rest of the world divided the remaining half of Iraq's purchases. The Swiss, who have an unreasonably good reputation in the world, placed second in the sweepstakes with about 8% of sales (specialized presses, milling machines, grinding machines and electrical discharge machines found at nuclear weapon sites; procurement of missile parts and supervision of missile plant construction; equipment for processing uranium to nuclear weapon grade). In third place, with 4% each, Italy and France scored a tie.
Will our troops find caches of poison gas, or even be hit by it on the battlefield? If so, German and French companies will be mainly to blame. In the 1980's, the German firm Karl Kolb and the French firm Protec combined to furnish millions of dollars' worth of sensitive equipment to six separate plants for making mustard gas and nerve agents, with a capacity of hundreds of tons of nerve agent per year. These companies had to know what the specialized glass-lined vessels they peddled were to be used for. It is insufferable that, like Pontius Pilate, Germany and France now wash their hands of the whole affair, and even chastise others for cleaning up the mess their companies helped create.
And how would the poison gas be carried? A gas doesn't stream through the ether by itself to reach a target. A specially prepared munition has to deliver it. Iraq admits that in the 1980's it bought more than 3,000 chemical-ready aerial bombs from Spain, more than 8,000 chemical-ready artillery shells from Italy and Spain, and more than 12,000 chemical-ready rocket warheads from Italy and Egypt. Most of these munitions remain unaccounted for. If our troops take casualties from a gas attack, they will have been inflicted by an international consortium of reckless suppliers.
Which countries are owed the most money by Iraq?
Iraq's Gulf state neighbors are owed the most, at $30 billion. Japan is next at $9 billion, Russia at $8 billion, France at $8 billion, and Germany at $4 billion.
And anthrax? Botulinum? Most of the strains to make these deadly agents came from an outfit in Maryland - the American Type Culture Collection. France's Pasteur Institute also sold some.
In 1988, the Unisys Corporation sold Saddam a giant, $8.7 million dollar computer system configured as a "personnel database" - in other words, set up to track Iraqi citizens. Unisys sold it directly to Saddam's Ministry of the Interior, home to his secret police. Unisys also sold high-speed computers to the Ministry of Defense and to the Saddam State Establishment, that cranked out components for missiles and nuclear weapons. Our electronics went to every known nuclear and missile site in Iraq. These included the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission, Iraqi sites that made A-bomb fuel and nuclear weapon detonators, as well as Iraq's main missile research complex. Companies like Tektronix (high-speed diagnostic equipment), Perkin-Elmer (computers and instruments for quality control), Finnigan MAT (computers useful for monitoring uranium enrichment), and the U.S. subsidiary of Siemens (instruments for analyzing powders useful for A-bomb and missile manufacture) had sales recorded in government export logs.
There are also some Scud-type missiles to worry about that were left over from the first Gulf War. Saddam may fire some at Tel Aviv (as in 1991) to goad Israel into the fighting. Our friends the Russians sold Iraq 819 of these missiles, but the Iraqis soon discovered they didn't fly far enough. Their range had to be increased to reach Tel Aviv, where they flattened buildings in the first Gulf War, and to bombard Saudi Arabia, where they killed 28 American soldiers sleeping in their barracks. The Germans were only too happy to provide what was needed to make the missiles more lethal. From the German firm Thyssen came 35 turbopumps to enhance their rocket engines; from the firms BP, Carl Zeiss, Degussa and Tesa came training in wind tunnels and missile electronics; and from the electronics giant Siemens came switching devices and electrical systems to control missile fuel production. Not to be left out, Britain's Matrix Churchill Ltd. (in which the Iraqis had a controlling interest) supplied sensitive machine tools, Britain's TMG Engineering served as a front company for missile procurement, and U.S. defense contractor Litton Industries bankrolled the German firm that built Iraq's main missile production complex.
Originally posted by thematrix
The WMD threat was supposed to be active programs, ready weapons and a clear and present threat to the american people.
Originally posted by thematrix
Remember those satelite images of a bunch of trucks that were supposed to be active and moveable biological and chemical weapons labs?
Originally posted by thematrix
500 canisters of decaying damaged canisters or shells from the pre gulf war era, even if they weren't decaying or damaged and in prestine condition, are not the threat this war was started on.
Originally posted by thematrix
If I'm not mistaking, propaganda used on the US people by its own goverment is something forbidden by law in the US..
Originally posted by jsobecky
I would really be interested in which law(s) you are citing.
Muaddib, thanks for the very interesting and telling background on the supply and sale of WMD's to Iraq.
Originally posted by WestPoint23
Niteboy, its "wishy washy" because the mainstream has this false picture of what WMD’s are, its suppose to be this nuclear warhead with a Made in Iraq tag, and anything less sensational and spectacular wont do.
Originally posted by Jamuhn
There should have been some kind of sensational or spectacular finding of WMDs to justify the war. Look at all the costs of the conflict, and you are saying that finding a pile of decaying weapons was worth it?
Originally posted by semperfortis
Did anyone except you Muaddib read the entire article?
Originally posted by semperfortis
This was obviously a find, and a dangerous one according to the people actually OVER there and not here postulating on something they know nothing about.
If a Military Officer says it's dangerous, it's dangerous. If they say it's WMD's. it's WMD's.
Originally posted by semperfortis
Who am I to question their findings?
And again, this is from the Advisor, a paper about and for the Military, not the NY times.
Originally posted by niteboy82
I can't believe this, I am agreeing with you! *writing this done in diary!*
I don't believe that there is really any law against this being done. Is it unethical? Yes I think so. Should there be a law? Well, I may bring that up as a thread in PTS.
Do you see what I'm getting at? We have a better chance of catching the inconsistencies because we are a team working on this together, and quite a large team at that! The average joe that only catches a few news clips a day and does nothing more can easily be played around with if he is running solo. I just think this is all being used to divide us more.
I'm still amazed that we agreed on something Jsobecky!
“These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention,
and yes ... they do constitute weapons of mass destruction,” U.S. Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee.
Originally posted by df1
What are the requirements for a weapon to qualify as a wmd? Who defined the requirements? Who maintains the list of weapons considered wmds? Where do they keep this list? Is their a website with the wmd list?